Hogwarts: Past Life Exposed, I Am The Supreme Wizard

Chapter 89: Pure Love God Of War Anton! Snape Likes Like Crazy!

Then, Luna's face turned from red to white, then from white to red, until the white and red on her face mixed together and turned completely pink.

"That's a love potion?!!!!"

Realizing that her voice was too high, Luna immediately lowered her voice.

"Sorry for being too loud.

"It's my senior sister. She said that is a medicine for making friends!"

"You're right, that's the medicine for making a boyfriend.

Recalling that she wanted to give the medicine to her senior sister, the color on Luna's face became even richer.

She took the herbal tea back and said with great shame:

"Sorry, sorry."

"Mr. Anton, I can help you with your homework, or give you a thousand-year copy of the Quibbler."

"I really didn't know that was a love potion."

"It's okay, that thing doesn't work on me."

Luna let out a long sigh of relief.

There was some disappointment in his tone.

"All right."

As if she suddenly remembered something, Tian Zhou asked:

"Mr. Anton, have you written your answer?"

"I wrote it."

"So, did we finally prevent the crisis? Have those timelines and those people been saved?"

"Let's talk about this after seeing it."

The two of them leaned against the door of the common room, and Luna naturally rested her head on Anton's shoulder.

Deep in the castle, Tom Riddle was staring angrily at himself on the screen. This abominable screen gave him a huge nose, ruining his carefully crafted basilisk image.

But what's even more annoying is that this big nose is like a stubborn curse. No matter what magic he uses, even the powerful disintegration spell, he can't eliminate it.

What made him even more desperate was that the nose seemed to be growing in size, making his leadership qualities disappear.

If it weren't for his loyal Death Eaters standing around him, he might not be able to help but roar at the empty hall.

However, in "Zero Six Seven", anger cannot solve the problem.

Voldemort knew very well that the current situation needed to be handled calmly.

He touched his chin gently, with a hint of suspicion in his eyes as he glanced at the Death Eaters around him.

These usually arrogant Death Eaters did not dare to express their anger at this moment, for fear that their words would trigger the anger of the Dark Lord.

The entire hall fell into unprecedented silence, with only Voldemort's deep and majestic voice echoing in the air.

"Tell me the answer and you will be rewarded heavily."

"No matter what your answer is, as long as you tell it, I will reward you."

Although Voldemort's voice was calm, it revealed unquestionable majesty.

Lucius looked at Bella, Bella looked at Fenrir, and the Carrow siblings looked at each other, as if looking for clues to the answer. However, the answer to this question obviously cannot be given easily.

After all, so many previous experiences are here. If you say something wrong, you will be punished.

Finally, the loyal Bella mustered up the courage and coughed twice to break the silence.

"Master, my respected master."

Bella lowered her head respectfully, her voice trembling and firm, "The answer to this question is obvious, Mr. Anton will definitely succeed."

Surprisingly, Voldemort actually agreed with Bella's answer.

"I think so too." He nodded, an imperceptible cunning flashing in his eyes.

Now it was Bella's turn to be shocked.

She was surprised and said:

"Master, you can't, you can't?"

"Did you admit defeat to that brat?"

You must know that Voldemort is the only one who respects me, and he does not take his senior Grindelwald seriously, and only wants to dominate the wizarding world.

But now he actually admitted that Anton was right.

Voldemort said:

"Bella, I'm not a fool. If I can't see that that kid has some talent, I will be a blind man!"

"Even blinder than a basilisk!"

"Although this timeline has been shattered, his power is still there."

"As long as he can keep going back in time, there will be no end to the timeline.

As he spoke, he proudly wrote his understanding on the screen.

"Anton never fails, but he also never wins, he just repeats it over and over again."

Pictures were displayed on a screen outside.

Anton turned around, his eyes became extremely firm, and he took a deep breath.

In the blink of an eye, I was already in a gloomy old castle.

And where he looked was Sylvie, who was holding a short knife and extremely angry.

Behind them, the remaining person, that mysterious existence, was looking at them with a playful look.

Anton immediately stood in front of the remaining person.

At this time, Sylvie's eyes were burning with raging fire of hatred, and she couldn't believe that Anton would stand in front of her at this critical moment.

Her voice trembled with anger:

"You?! What are you going to do?!"

Anton took a deep breath, his eyes were firm and painful, as if he was carrying a heavy responsibility:

"I'm for the multiverse."

Sylvie's expression was one of disbelief.

Anton continued to explain:

"Everything he just said is right. We cannot kill him. If we kill him, the universe will fall into chaos and countless innocent lives will be lost."

Sylvie's anger exploded like a violent storm:

"This is the nonsense he just said, he is a big liar!"

"None of his words are true!"

With that said, Sylvie was about to bypass Anton and assassinate the remaining people.

However, Anton was not shaken.

He grabbed Sylvie's dagger again.

Seeing that the two people who originally came to assassinate him suddenly changed, the person left behind laughed wildly at this moment, and his reaction seemed to confirm Anton's premonition.

Anger and disappointment intertwined in Sylvie's heart.

She instantly bypassed Anton, the short knife in her hand flashed with cold light, and she stabbed the remaining man's chest fiercely.

When he was about to die, the person left behind just said lightly: "See you later."

There was a mysterious tone in his voice.

The wizards were shocked.

[ Harry: Wait, that guy also said see you later! I understand! That guy already knew! He knows everything! 】

[Ronald: Damn it, it turns out everything is still in the hands of the Time Administration! Nothing has changed!]

[Flitwick: No, something is already changing. You see, Anton already has the power of time. He can change time. This is a good start. 】

[ Flitwick: I guess, his strength will become stronger and stronger until he can compete with the remaining person. 】

[Flitwick: At that time, it will be difficult to say. 】

Anton closed his eyes again, and his consciousness shuttled back and forth in the torrent of time.

When he opened his eyes again, he found himself standing in the elevator, facing Sylvie and the remaining person.

Sylvie's blade cut through the air like lightning, but the people left behind were as unresponsive as puppets.

Anton instantly understood that the people left behind had known about it for a long time.

However, for the sake of time, he must change everything again.

He took a deep breath and unleashed his magical power.

This time, he did not stand in front of the remaining people, but used magic to push Sylvie away.

However, the short knife thrown by Sylvie in mid-air penetrated the chest of the remaining person again.

Those who remained left only one sentence.

"see you later".

A trace of helplessness flashed in Anton's eyes. He knew that he had to go back to the past again and try to change everything again.

However, tens of thousands of repetitions have made it all meaningless.

Even the wizards in the live broadcast room were exhausted by this endless repetition.

The people left behind died again and again, and that passage appeared again and again.

As Anton traveled through time again, the remaining people were still sitting in their original positions with expressionless faces.

Anton looked at him and suddenly asked: "Hey, can't you move?"

Sylvie was confused by the conversation between the two. She looked at the two in confusion, not understanding the relationship between them and the meaning of the conversation.

However, the person left behind suddenly smiled, as if he had been waiting for a long time.

He pressed a button on the table, and Sylvie's body instantly froze.

Anton looked at him in surprise.

The remaining people were even more surprised: "What? You can't do it? After repeating it so many times, I thought you had mastered the time pause.

Anton took a breath, looked at the people left behind and said:

"You know what? Even though I don't want to, I've been saving you."

The remaining people laughed wildly.

"I know. I can feel your effort.

"But, as I said at the beginning, time, no one can avoid time and fate."

"They come back here eventually."

He put his hands on the table and spoke as if chatting with an old friend.

"So, is Dr. Thames okay? How many times has he died?"

"A hundred thousand times."

The man left behind made an exaggerated expression.

"Wow, he must be in a lot of pain after dying more than a hundred thousand times."

The remaining man stood up and said to Anton:

"Let's put it this way, every time, every peaceful moment."

"It's all the result of me guarding here."

"I hate to brag, but it's true."

A faint aroma of tea came out of Anton's tea cup, and Anton drank the tea in one gulp.

The aroma of tea did not dilute it, but there was a tense atmosphere in the air.

The remaining man smiled and suggested to Anton:

"Now, I still retain the previous conditions, you take your little girlfriend and leave. I will give you infinite gems, or something else. You can go to any time and space at will and be the God King of Asgard. "

"Even better, you now have the power to control time and rewrite reality. You can become the true god who controls time. How about it?"

However, Anton still shook his head and rejected this seemingly supreme power and glory.

When the remaining people saw this, they showed surprised expressions.

This was the first time he showed such obvious emotions in front of Anton.

He spread his hands back, his tone revealing his disbelief:

"All right?!"

"Okay, you want to take the hardest road, don't you?"

"Then I'll give you the hardest road."

With that said, he sent Sylvie in...

Said to Anton:

"You have two choices now, great sir. One, kill me, destroy the hidden power of time, and then go through your previous path again.

"Two, kill your little girlfriend. It's your choice."

"Although I hate to admit it, this is the fact before you."

In the live broadcast room, the newcomers were extremely nervous.

They finally understood the reason why Anton had not dared to teleport here.

As smart as Anton, he actually saw the key to this problem early on.

But he still held on and tried more than 200,000 times.

Didn't get here.

But now, the dilemma is still before him.

Either sacrifice Sylvie, or get lost in the reincarnation of time over and over again.

[Ronald: Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Why is time or other things always so disgusting! Forcing people to do such disgusting things! 】

[ Harry: No matter what Anton does, he has already lost. 】

[Hermione: Anton! Never! Luna, she really, really cares about you. 】

[Luna: It’s okay, I’m very happy. Anton can try so many times for me, he has done a good job. 】

[Snape: This is the true warrior, risking everything for what he loves, regardless of the consequences. 】

【Snape: Wizard Anton, I pay you my highest respect!】

[Flitwick: But, what to do with time? What to do with so many lives? Just let them die?!]

[ Snape: Trust him, he will definitely find a better way. 】

On the screen, there are two options for facing the person left behind.

Anton smiled, quite purely.

This made the people left behind a bit puzzled.


"You are really a person that I can't guess. Anyone who encounters these two options will be idle.

"You're actually smiling."

"It would make it easier for me if you could tell me what is so funny."

Anton did not speak, but held his breath and jumped again.

The next second, he appeared in the Time Management Bureau, but the person sitting in front of him was not Obi or Dr. Thames.

He did not go back to the time when time collapsed and try again and again, but returned to the very beginning.

In front of him sat Mobius.

At this time, he had just been discovered by soldiers from the Time Variation Administration and was taken into the administration.

Being asked about his life ideals by Mobius.

Mobius on the other side said softly:

"Do you want to be a king? Okay, let's see, what does a person who can be a king need to do?"

Anton smiled.

"Sorry, I don't want to be the king."

"But thank you anyway, Mobius."

Mobius's expression was a little abnormal. He looked at Anton blankly, wondering what happened to this time offender?

Anton stood up and unusually extended his hand to Mobius.

The two friends shook hands again and again.

Subsequently, Mobius was swallowed by the violent flow of time and disappeared into thousands of strips of flesh.

Anton jumped again, and he came to Sylvie.

That was when they gathered together and planned to enter the Time Administration and save time.

With the appearance of Anton.

1.1 The soldier captain suddenly opened his eyes wide, and then disappeared as well.

Opposite Anton, Sylvie looked at Anton in great surprise.


Anton snapped his fingers.

Time freezes and everything is suspended.

Sylvie was stunned.

"You? Where did you learn this kind of power?"

Anton's tone was gentle, without any fluctuation.

"Sylvie, listen to me."

"I've traveled many times to the past, the future, and even the present.

"I once thought that even if the people left behind die, the gravity of time will not take effect."

"But I was wrong."

Sylvie's eyes widened, and she suddenly understood something.

"I understand, I understand."

"So as long as I don't kill the remaining people, everything can be solved.

"So, do you want to kill?"

Anton shook his head.

"No, I came to say goodbye to you.

Sylvie was stunned.

But the Loki in front of him disappeared instantly, and his eyes lost that confusion and helplessness.

Instead, there is determination.

Unparalleled determination.

He traveled through time again and returned to the end of time.

Where, all the people, all his friends were.

Temus and Obi were having a heated discussion about how to improve the timeline.

Mobius and Sylvie are outside providing support.

And Anton appeared out of thin air.

They were extremely surprised.

Sylvie said in a surprised tone:


Anton's tone was calm, as if he was saying goodbye to an old friend:

"For you, I know what kind of god I want to be."

"Not the god of deceit, not the god of mischief, no, none of that."

Anton walked resolutely towards the anti-pressure door, as if heading towards the end.

His expression was unwavering.

Outside the screen, countless wizards were silent, they were confused.

What on earth is Anton going to do?!

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