Hogwarts: Past Life Exposed, I Am The Supreme Wizard

Chapter 96: The Holy Body Of A Natural Mage! Born To See Through Hell!

Dawson was slightly surprised. Although she didn't know much about this man, his temperament was extremely complex.

The detective's nature told her that only men who have experienced a very, very complicated life can have such a profound temperament.

But she didn't expect that Constantine actually started from birth.

Constantine lit a cigarette and said to himself:

"When I was little, I could see many different things."

"When I was twelve years old, I tried to use the magic in an old book to clean up some bastards from hell.

"As long as those things dare to appear in front of me, I will beat them back to hell."

"Later on, I kept cleaning them up, hoping to retire early."

Dawson was even more shocked. She looked carefully at Constantine in front of her.

Thin, handsome, sharp-edged.

It is hard to imagine that such a person would be with those demons when he was born.

Dawson's tone became gentler, and the look he looked at Constantine became a little more gentle.

"That's going to be difficult, dealing with those demons."

"Some are difficult, some are not."

Although the amount of information in this conversation was not large, the wizards outside the screen were greatly surprised. You must know that in terms of talent, many magicians were even suspected of being squibs when they were young, even from pure-blood wizard families. A similar situation occurs.

But this man named Constantine was obviously gifted and had a strong ability to perceive the spiritual world since he was born.

This ability is highly unusual.

Moreover, without a magic wand and systematic magic education, his magic was fully unleashed. Even without a teacher, he had successfully cast magic with a magic book.

And drove away the devil!

If this kind of thing happened in the magical world, it would be on the front page of the Daily Prophet for three days.

The wizards knew that Constantine had extraordinary qualifications, but they did not expect that this extraordinary qualification had reached a terrifying level.

[Trelawney: The perception ability is comparable to that of a prophet! What a pity. If he was not born in this dangerous world, he would definitely become an outstanding prophet! 】

[Flitwick: No, even if he is not engaged in prophecy, he is already powerful enough. Think about it, he is only twelve years old, and he has already fought those terrifying creatures without getting hurt, and the magic book he used is not known to be true or false. 】

[Flitwick: His Defense Against the Dark Arts skills have reached the top level, better than every Auror I know. 】

[ Snape: He does have talent. This has been destined since he didn't become Obscurus. 】

[Flitwick: Even a little stronger than Wizard Strange, sorry Anton, but it is true. 】

[Flitwick: Master Strange is a Muggle who became a great mage through hard work, but this mage is self-taught. 】

[Flitwick: He has embraced magic since birth, which is very interesting considering he is a Muggle. 】

[Flitwick: It’s hard to imagine what it would be like if he came to Hogwarts and received a systematic magical education. 】

[Flitwick: What a pity. What a pity. 】

[Flitwick: A genius, in that barbaric world, surrounded by such things. 】

[Flitwick: We still have to fight the devil every day, and this is our relief. 】

[Dumbledore: This is why Hogwarts was created. 】

[ Flitwick: Mr. Anton, if you have any magic needs in the future, please feel free to ask. 】

[Flitwick: We old guys are going to help you make up for all the missing magic lessons. 】

[Flitwick: In just a few days, I plan to hold a magic elite class for truly talented students!]

In the corridor, Anton replied with a nice word, and when he turned around, he found that Hermione's eyes were shining.


Hermione rushed forward instantly and delicately grabbed Anton's collar.

"Great! We can take magic classes together!"

Hermione hugged Anton and shook him repeatedly. The level of excitement was obviously beyond normal.

Anton asked:

"Don't we always have classes together?"

Hermione said:

"No, no, no, this magic elite class is a specialized course, not just for newts.

"Many of the world's best mages will take this course, including Beauxbatons and Durmstrang."

"Three schools jointly run the school, but among us Gryffindors, I am the only one who goes to class."

Hermione said triumphantly:

"Now, I have a companion."

"I don't know who the students from the other college are.

Kassandra raised her hand lazily.

"I am Slytherin, but the professor secured two extra places for us, and one of them is also a girl."

"My name is Astoria, a little girl from the lower grade."

"Timid and not very talkative."

"I haven't been to the class, so I don't know who Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff are.

Hermione suddenly seemed to notice something, and she quickly turned her head to look at Luna.

"Luna, it can't be you, right?"

A smile appeared on Luna's face.

"That's right."

"I am a student of Ravenclaw. In fact, I have been taking classes for a while, which is quite boring.

"It's not as interesting as watching the video. Look at those demons. Their horns are so pointy, they look like horned snores."

Hermione froze.

Anton patted Hermione's head gently, just like he did when they were at home.

"So, you are not alone."

Hermione blushed and said nothing.

But Dawson on the screen was chattering endlessly.

After Constantine told his life experience, Dawson suddenly started talking.

"It seems that God has already arranged our destiny for us.

She drank the wine in one gulp.

"Actually, when my sister Elizabeth was little, she could also see those strange things.

"Everyone thought she was crazy, including me."

"We took her to see psychology professors countless times. From London to Ireland, we visited all the big names in psychology and psychiatry in Ouzhou."

"But still found nothing."

When it comes to sad times, Dawson is very angry.

"Damn it."

"We ended up locking her in a mental hospital and eventually killed her."

Dawson's words undoubtedly touched some nerve among the wizards.

After all, this phenomenon is not uncommon in the wizarding world. Young wizards show magical talents, and then are discovered by their parents or Muggle neighbors and are persecuted.

Better to lock him up and suppress his magical talent.

The worse ones abound.

Let's just talk about Harry. His aunt and uncle hate magic.

[ Flitwick: What a pity that a talented witch ended up like this. 】

[ McGonagall: Poor girl. 】

[ McGonagall: We are working with the Ministry of Magic so that this kind of thing will never happen again. 】

[Dumbledore: This is the purpose of Hogwarts, we want to protect those children. 】

[Grindelwald: But not every wizard needs to be protected. After all, there is no need for a child who comes out of an orphanage. 】

After Grindelwald finished speaking, Dawson's cell phone suddenly rang on the screen.

Dawson answered the phone, her face darkened, and she slowly said to Constantine:

"Another murder occurred at the convenience store two streets away.

Inside the convenience store, the police had already pulled out strips.

Dawson strolled in with Constantine.

The guard at the door was about to stop him, but when he saw Dawson's cold expression, he stepped back.

Blood stains spread from the door to the shelves.

Inside the house, the forensic doctor reported the situation in a low voice.

"Ten minutes ago, he burst in, frantically trying to drink, knocking down a lot of whiskey and finally stabbing himself with scissors.

"He stabbed himself many times, many times, until twelve minutes later, when he died."

"I really don't know why he drinks so much."

Constantine ignored the horrific bloody corpse on the ground and looked around.

The corpse was undoubtedly his acquaintance, the old priest.

Although the old priest likes to drink a few drinks, he is still a nice person. He doesn't drink a lot, and he doesn't have any bad intentions towards the little boy.

His right hand was covered with blood, and in the palm of his hand, a symbol was faintly visible.

Perhaps this symbol was the message the old priest wanted to leave him before he died.

Constantine rubbed the symbol, which was a cross with a circle in the middle.

Constantine looked a little heavy.

He took out his cell phone and made a call to his friend. Then he said categorically to Dawson:

"I need to see Isabella's suicide scene, now."

In the chat group, Lius started a heated discussion about this symbol.

[Ronald: This, isn't it just an ordinary cross? It's a bit like the bishop on wizard chess. 】

[Flitwick: That's right, Gryffindor plus five points, this is the symbol of the bishop, representing the eldest disciple John. 】

[Ronald: Thanks to the wizard chess, you can still score points for me. 】

[ Snape: Don't be too happy. Gryffindor is still 20 points behind Slytherin, who is third from the bottom. 】

[ Snape: If you had said more words, I'm afraid it would be a hundred points worse. 】


[ McGonagall: Although I disagree with Professor Snape's point of view, Ronald, I also advise you to be cautious in your words and actions. 】

[McGonagall: That symbol not only represents John, but also represents the Holy Cross, which is also a symbol of angels. 】

[Ronald: Wait, if that’s the case, the one who did it shouldn’t be the devil, could it be an angel? 】

[Ronald: If you think about it carefully, it's not impossible. 】

[ Harry: Come on, Ronald, that's an angel. Angels can do no wrong. 】

Several people then looked at the screen. The screen turned and they had arrived at the mental hospital where Elizabeth died.

Dawson murmured:

"Please ask gods, divination, and ask questions. My sister has been fond of these things since she was a child. She has always been a restless girl."

"My father thought she was just trying to attract attention, but that was not the case at all."

"She can really see these things."

Constantine nodded, his eyes wandering on the walls of the mental hospital, looking for interesting things.

Unexpectedly, the facilities of this mental hospital are quite perfect, even luxurious.

The walls of the entire mental hospital are clean, the tiles are all pure white, and even the swimming pool where Elizabeth died is clean.

The pool water is scattered with blue that has a disinfectant smell.

This allowed Constantine to first rule out the factor of demonic invasion. After all, the demons in hell like to invade with great fanfare.

Then enjoy the expressions of mortals being frightened and frightened. No one likes to keep a low profile.

Constantine looked at him

Elizabeth jumped into the swimming pool, thinking deeply in her mind.

"How long has she been ill?"

"For two weeks, her condition went up and down, until recently it got worse again."

Dawson asked rhetorically:

"Could the symbol on the deceased's hand be related to my sister?"

Constantine did not answer her questions, but rummaged around Elizabeth's room.

This girl's room is also quite clean, with almost no objects, which is consistent with the temperament of a mental hospital.

Constantine asked casually:

"You're a police detective. You know, a person can't commit suicide without leaving anything behind.

Dawson spread his hands.

"I have already shown you all her relics, but you can still look for them."

Constantine cast his gaze on the closet to one side.

"Maybe she left something behind that the police can't find, something that only you can find.

Dawson smiled and said:

"I'm sorry, sir, I'm not as spiritual as you, nor am I like my sister.

"There is nothing here, let you down."

Constantine suddenly came behind him and pulled up Dawson who was sitting by the window. He pulled Dawson to the position where Elizabeth was dying.

"Think carefully, she died in this room, she knew you would come, she knew you would investigate the cause of her death."

"She wanted you to see what she saw."

"And what exactly is that thing?"

For a moment, Constantine's figure suddenly swelled, his shadow began to lengthen, and his originally tall body became even larger.

It gave rise to numerous incomparably breathtaking feelings of majesty, which even made Dawson breathless.

She allowed Constantine to seize her and question her over and over again.

"Angela, what did she do?"

"Elizabeth Dawson would never commit suicide for no reason. What did she do?"

As Constantine asked again and again, Dawson's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Wait, it's impossible, absolutely impossible."

Her eyes suddenly filled with tears, and she ran quickly to the window.

He said to his own shadow in the window:

"When we were little girls, we used to play a game."

“We would leave each other secret messages.”

"Use a light, or a window."

Dawson shouted (Nono's) breath, and lines of text suddenly appeared on the window.

Her expression was one of surprise and surprise.

"Yes! John, come and take a look!"

As she said that, she used the strength she had trained as a female police officer to pull Constantine to the window sill.

The numbers on the edge of the window sill are quite obvious.

That's the page number of a book.

"Corinthians, Chapter 17."

Dawson said doubtfully:

"But, John, there is no chapter 17 in Corinthians.

Constantine said calmly

"In hell, there are twenty chapters in Corinthians

Dawson was confused.

"Is there a Bible in hell?"

Constantine said slowly:

"That is a completely different version. It tells the story that the world will not be destroyed in the Doomsday Judgment, but will be reborn in darkness."

"At that point, it will be a complete hell on earth."

With that said, he made a phone call to his old friend.

On the other end of the phone, my old friend said tremblingly:

"John, something very, very bad is happening. I've found Hell Corinthians 17.

“The sins of the Son must exceed the sins of the Father.”

"This matter is too big."

"Constantine, this matter is so big and scary that I have to hide, and I advise you to hide too.

"We can't go on like this."

Listening to the tone of Constantine's old friend on the other end of the phone, Dawson was a little confused:

"Who? Whose son, whose sin."

Constantine hung up the phone calmly and said:

"Impossible, that kid won't be able to get through at all."

"What boy? Son of God?"

"No, it's the son of the devil."

Dawson asked rhetorically:

"The devil also has a son?"

Constantine put the cigarette to his mouth and took a long drag.

"That silly boy named Manmeng wants to prove himself.

"Have enough ability to be the same age as hell."

"But seriously."

"That silly boy is 100% wrong."

He said coldly:

"But if this silly boy breaks through the barrier, everything will be bad.

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