Hogwarts: Past Life Exposed, I Am The Supreme Wizard

Chapter 97: The Son Of Hell Is Coming To Power? Ask Me If Constantine Will Answer!

[In the chat group]

[Ronald: Son of the devil? Devils have children?! Aren’t they inanimate?!]

[ Flitwick: Don’t make a fuss, Weasley, Anton’s world is different from ours. 】

[Flitwick: The magic of these demons is also different. 】

[Flitwick: More brutal, more chaotic, and even more disobedient to the basic laws of magic. 】

[Ronald: Why are everyone so calm? Think of a devil who can give birth to children. If he keeps giving birth to children, our world will never be peaceful again. 】

[ Harry: This is the truth, but Anton is not here. 】

[Ronald: That's Anton too. I don't dare call him the devil's son, silly boy. 】

[Dumbledore: Fear of a name is unnecessary. 】

[Dumbledore: Ronald, Anton called him this, which represents his courage, which is a very precious quality. 】

[Dumbledore: Dare to show your feelings and show your contempt for evil things and evil people. 】

[Ronald: Me too! Tom! You are so stupid!]

[Grindelwald: Full of courage! Twenty points for Gryffindor! 】

【Dumbledore: Gellert!】

[Grindelwald: You name it, this red-haired boy does have courage. 】

[Voldemort: Kid, I'm warning you, if you call me that name again, I will kill your school right now!]

In the chat group, Voldemort and Ronald were arguing.

In the small room, Constantine's old friend Biman was constantly flipping through the Bible from hell.

The more he turned, the more frightened he became.

In that book, it was recorded in detail that Manmeng was becoming increasingly impatient with his father's rules.

Desire to build a kingdom of blood and fire that belongs only to him.

It also says that if Manmeng wants to cross the barrier, he must be possessed by a powerful psychic and must get help from God.

The moment Biman turned around, a biting cold wind hit from behind like a beast, accompanied by countless shrill wails and wild laughter, raging outside Biman's door. The sound was deafening, as if coming from the abyss of hell, and it was terrifying.

Biman's heart tightened and he immediately realized the seriousness of the situation.

He quickly took out his cell phone and wanted to make one last call to Constantine.

However, the wind was raging, and even the air seemed to be shaking. As soon as Biman's mobile phone screen lit up, and before the call was made, the phone line was cut off.

On the other side, Constantine's face was tense, and he felt a bad premonition.

And whenever he has a bad premonition, something often happens.

He said to Dawson:

"Drive faster, my friend may be in trouble."

In the driver's seat, Dawson stepped on the accelerator and the car was like an arrow flying off the string, running at 620 rpm.

Constantine, who was sitting in the passenger seat, had anxiety and expectation in his eyes. He almost ran out of the car. Dawson had never seen such an eager look.

She hurriedly followed Constantine, and the two of them ran into the towering building.

The exterior of the building is majestic, but inside it is empty, with no one around.

Constantine walked through the empty lobby with ease and skillfully opened the curtain of a large door.

The world behind the curtain is eye-catching, with two rows of shelves filled with magic props. From ancient scrolls to mysterious crystal balls, from strange magic herbs to exquisite magic weapons, each piece exudes a mysterious atmosphere, as if telling their own legendary story.

Dawson had never seen anything here before, and she couldn't help but be cautious.

But Constantine moved very quickly. He said to Dawson:

"Get your gun out."

Dawson drew his pistol without hesitation, and his body instantly entered a standard tactical preparation state.

The air was filled with the smell of sulfur, a smell she had smelled before when the little devil appeared.

This smell made Dawson feel a little uncomfortable. She frowned and looked at Constantine uneasily.

"Those things?"

Dawson's voice was low and nervous, and her eyes were full of doubts and fear.

Constantine did not answer immediately. He stretched out a finger and gently put it to his mouth, making a shushing gesture.

There was a seriousness and vigilance in his eyes, as if telling Dawson that now was not the time to talk.

Dawson immediately understood what Constantine meant. She closed her mouth tightly and followed Constantine cautiously toward the end of the long road.

The surrounding shelves were shaking and making creaking sounds, as if something was secretly pushing them. Dawson felt a strong sense of uneasiness and fear, as if something was quietly approaching them.

The smell of sulfur in the air became stronger and stronger, and Dawson couldn't help but think of the children of hell that Constantine had said before.

Those demonic existences filled her heart with fear and uneasiness.

She unconsciously moved closer to Constantine, hoping to find some comfort and courage from him.

The two moved carefully step by step, their heartbeats echoing in the quiet air.

Dawson could hear her breathing clearly, and every breath made her feel an inexplicable tension and pressure.

She held the pistol tightly, her fingers trembling slightly, as if telling herself that she could shoot at any time if necessary.

After walking a few more steps, the two of them had reached the end of the long road.

Suddenly, a buzzing sound broke the surrounding tranquility. The sound was sharp and harsh, as if there were thousands of insect armies lurking around.

Constantine immediately became alert, his eyes widened, and he looked around. At this time, he noticed a black thing wriggling not far ahead. As his vision gradually became clearer, he was surprised to find that it turned out to be a huge sphere composed of millions of locusts.

"Close your eyes and wait for me here."

Constantine suddenly ordered.

Although Dawson was just about to look towards the place where the locust made the noise, she still closed her eyes obediently when she heard Constantine's call.

After settling Dawson, Constantine walked towards the locust swarm.

When he got closer, he realized how terrifying the number of locusts was. There were hundreds of thousands of locusts, piled one on top of the other and huddled together in a dense mass.

They were flying in the air, constantly hitting each other's bodies, making sharp friction sounds.

And the sphere composed of them is constantly squirming, as if something is struggling inside.

This paradoxical situation made the wizards' hearts rise to the top of their throats.

Everything they had seen before was not as scary as this locust ball. They couldn't imagine what was struggling inside the locust ball.

[Ronald: I would rather have my heart cut out than to see it anymore. How on earth can Anton still hold on? The locust swarm is too scary. 】

[ Harry: It’s not only scary, but also disgusting. Some of the bugs even turned green. 】

[ Harry: Even if I live in a cupboard, I have never seen so many bugs in it. 】

[Ronald: It’s hard to imagine how people who are entangled in these things feel. 】

[Hermione: Horrible, the magic of these villains is quite evil and has no bottom line. 】

[Flitwick: Demons are such creatures. Comparatively speaking, every demon is the most terrifying dark wizard. 】

[Ronald: It’s unbelievable that Anton actually competes with something like this every day. 】

[Ronald: Wait, I can’t watch. Anton is about to open the locust ball. 】

As soon as Ronald finished speaking, Constantine took out Dragon Breath.

Aim at the ball and swing it fiercely. Suddenly, a powerful flame spurted out from the end of the dragon's breath and rushed straight into the sphere.

As the flames burned, the sphere began to tremble violently, and many locusts became charred and fell, while the smarter locusts also fled in all directions.

The ball made up of countless locusts burned tightly for half a quarter of an hour, and finally the figure hidden underneath was revealed.

It was a bound human being. His face was as pale as snow and his body was exhausted. He had obviously been struggling for a long time under the siege of this group of locusts.

Constantine's eyes showed deep shock, because he immediately recognized the dying man.

That was Beaman, his business partner.

But at this moment, Biman was tortured into a trance and exhausted.

“John… they… they’re coming.

Biman used a weak voice to convey a message of fear to Constantine, and his eyes were full of despair.

Constantine quickly took out a bottle of holy water from his pocket and carefully sprinkled it on Biman's face.

With the moistening of the holy water, the painful expression on Biman's face gradually eased, replaced by a trace of calm.

"Don't worry, Biman, I will settle the score with them."

Constantine's tone was firm and forceful (bfec).

Then, he turned to Dawson aside and ordered: "Dawson, call an ambulance for him immediately."

There was unquestionable determination in his voice.

Seeing the tortured, inhuman form of Beaman, although Dawson was filled with fear, she still remained quite calm.

She quickly dialed the ambulance number first.

And he said to Constantine:

"John, I'm sorry, I have something important to say."

"There is no time now, you'd better go to a safe place, a bigger church or somewhere else.

Constantine's tone was calm, but his words naturally revealed a trace of majesty that he could not refuse.

Seeing that Constantine was about to drive him away, Dawson gritted his teeth and said firmly:

"I, I saw those things too."

"I'm just like my sister, but I've never told anyone."

Seeing this outrageous news, the hard masters were quite calm.

This is the case for many Muggle-born wizards, especially twins. If the younger sister has magical talent, the older sister will most likely also have it.

But there is also a very small probability that the younger sister has the talent, but the elder sister does not.

But there are not many witches like Dawson who are eager to deny their talents and even put their talents on the shelf.

Dawson was a little surprised.

She thought Constantine would be extremely surprised or angry, but she was wrong. Constantine seemed to have known it for a long time.

His expression was still so calm.

He said calmly:

"I suggest you find a church to hide in.

"I, I really see those things."

"I knew, I knew from the beginning, that the twins had a common talent.

"Your sister accepted it and you rejected it."

"Since you rejected it from the beginning, it's better to reject it. That's why you can't live until now."

"But if you continue to follow me, it's just a matter of time."

"I don't want another ghost following me."

With that said, Constantine walked outside.

Dawson quickly chased after him.

John, they killed Elizabeth! Killed my sister.

"I really wish it was me who died."

As he spoke, Dawson paused.

“When I was ten years old, my parents kept giving us diazepam and sending us to the hospital for treatment.

"They said everything we told was lies, but Elizabeth always believed it."

"Later on, I slowly lied and said I couldn't see those things, and finally I really couldn't.

"I can't see Elizabeth either."

Dawson's tone was extremely regretful, and she walked up to Constantine.

"I'm sorry my sister, please help me.

"I wanted to see what she saw."

Constantine said:

"If you do this, you can't go back."

Dawson stared into Constantine's eyes, and then she nodded firmly.

[In the chat group]

[Ronald: I can’t believe that a Muggle Auror can make mistakes, but she is quite brave. 】

[Dumbledore: Many people make mistakes in their families, both Muggles and teachers. 】

[Dumbledore: Mr. Weasley, you are lucky. You have a good family. Your parents love you very much. Please cherish it. 】

[Ronald: If you put aside Fred and George, there is nothing wrong. Thank you, Mr. Dumbledore. 】

[ Harry: Cherish them, Ronald. Compared with cousin Dudley, the two of them are simply angels. 】

[Voldemort: Family, hehehe. 】

[McGonagall: If you do something wrong, you have the courage to turn back. This witch is also a warrior. 】

[Flitwick: He is indeed a warrior, but I am more curious, what kind of magic can make the squib gain magic after losing its magic midway? 】

Flitwick's words reminded these wizards that in the wizarding world, it is quite shameful for a wizard family to have a squib.

This is also one of the very few incurable diseases other than black magic and the obscurant.

If there is a way for a wizard to gain magic from the Squib, the magic gained would be enough to build another Gringotts.

It's a pity that most wizards do not have this power, and their attempts at magic are only on paper.

For a time, the big wizard, the little wizard, and a group of wizards looked at the screen attentively, not missing every step of Constantine's spell casting.

However, the place where Constantine chose to cast the spell disappointed these teachers.

Not a college, not a temple, but an ordinary bathtub, without even glyphs or magical aura.

It's just a bathtub that's usually found in any hotel.

The wizards were confused.

[Ronald: Although I’m used to Constantine’s magic, but a bathtub? Seriously? Are the spellcasting props in this world so crude? 】

[Harry: It's a pity that I haven't read all the standard spells, but are there really spells that don't require a crucible or anything else? 】

[Snape: You two boys, shut your mouths and watch carefully. If Anton gives that girl her powers again, it will be a miracle in the history of magic! 】

[Flitwick: Some excellent wizards can cast magic without the use of props, or even without the use of wands. 】

[Flitwick: But those are only a very small number of elites. Complex magic like this requires at least dragon blood, right? 】

[Ronald: Wow, is that bathtub used for dragon blood baths? 】

[Dumbledore: I have discovered many ways to use dragon's blood, but I have never heard that it can help people bathe. 】

[Dumbledore: I guess it's just an ordinary bathtub. 】

In the bathtub, Dawson and Constantine stood face to face.

The wizards are looking forward to the next move of the two.

Dawson suddenly took off his outer coat, revealing the shirt underneath.

Although the shirt is quite thick and the wizards can't see anything, the action of taking off clothes is somewhat alarming.

She asked in a low voice:

"John, do I have to take off all my clothes? Or just my underwear?"

As soon as these words came out, the wizards in the live broadcast room were all shocked!

[Ronald: Wait! Wait! This is not right!].

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