Hogwarts: Past Life Exposed, I Am The Supreme Wizard

Chapter 98: Squib Knows Magic! An Invention That Shocked The History Of Magic!

Not only Ronald, but also the wizards in the live broadcast room had some questions in their minds.

This is so wrong. Except for the tricks used by charlatans to deceive ignorant girls, there is no magic that requires taking off your clothes.

What's more, helping Squib regain his magic power. Such complex and exquisite magic is even more impossible to play.

For a time, there was a lot of excitement in the chat group, and an extremely heated discussion began.

[Ronald: Anton, I can’t think of you. You. 】

[ Harry: This, this change is a bit too fast. 】

[Flitwick: Underage wizards are not allowed to watch the screen, and any offenders will be handed over to Professor Filch. 】

[Luna: This must be a very mysterious magic, but I can’t see it clearly? 】

[Hermione: I believe Anton, there may be some magic that is driven by this method. After all, we don’t understand magic. 】

[Cassandra: Hey, this is a bit outrageous. How can there be magic to make women take off their clothes? 】

[Flitwick: I believe in Anton’s character and his magic is quite mysterious. Let’s not lie. 】

[ McGonagall: Forget it, just close your eyes, everyone. Close your eyes. 】

The wizards consciously closed their eyes and only listened to the voice of the hand on the screen.

Dawson asked again nervously.

"John, am I dressed or undressed?"

Just after asking, Dawson suddenly realized that Constantine in front of him had long disappeared.

She got out of the bathtub and found Constantine smoking on the balcony.

Dawson was confused for a moment.


Constantine finished his cigarette carelessly, then grabbed the coat on one side and put it on Dawson.

This time it was Dawson who was confused.

Constantine put Dawson's coat roughly on, and then said:

"Wear well. In some worlds, this dress is your armor."

This sentence made all the wizards in the live broadcast room breathe a sigh of relief.

Everyone opened their eyes one after another, and as soon as they opened their eyes, they saw Dawson, wrapped like a penguin, sitting in the bathtub, with Constantine holding a candle and drawing circles around her.

At some point, the bathtub was filled with water.

The wizards looked fascinated. Water is a good magic weapon at any time.

It's easy to find, and it can also be powerful at certain times.

For example, the water prison spell makes the water as clear as a spring.

[Ronald: Thank God, Anton's image has not changed. 】

[Hermione: Ronald, that's Anton. He will never let a female netizen take off her clothes for some boring reason. 】

[Flitwick: I roughly understand what kind of spell this is. Do you still remember that Anton once used a basin of water to travel through hell? 】

[Flitwick: I guess he wanted Dawson to try again. 】

[Ronald: Wait, isn’t this a little too dangerous? 】

[Flitwick: That’s why he let Dawson wear that thick down jacket. In the world of hell, things in the material world have greater thickness. 】

[ Flitwick: Stop talking, we should record this spell. If it succeeds, it will be a feat that can be recorded in the history of magic. 】

The wizards immediately gave up chatting, holding their wands and handwriting in their hands, standing attentively next to the screen, waiting for recording.

On the screen, Dawson, half submerged in the water, was quite curious.

"Why water."

"Water is a universal channel that can help souls cross the barrier."

"What about hell? Why don't those demons come up? Isn't there water in hell?"

Dawson was even more curious.


Constantine said categorically:

"In hell, there is no water, no water vapor, the air there is boiling smoke, and the only liquid there is hot magma.

Hearing the word magma, Dawson's body trembled slightly, but soon returned to calm.

"sit down."

Dawson slowly sat down in the middle of the bathtub. The water level in the bathtub slowly rose, even gradually approaching the edge of the bathtub.

Dawson shuddered unconsciously.

Constantine put his hand on Dawson's shoulder.

"It's okay, take your time."

"As long as the body is fully immersed in the water, the magic will take effect.

Dawson took a deep breath and submerged her whole body into the water. Fortunately, with the support of her down jacket, she did not sink into the bathtub, but exposed her mouth and nose to ensure her basic breathing ability.

Dawson asked:

"How long does it take for the magic to take effect?

"The water is so cold."

Constantine recited the spell silently, and bubbles continued to rise in the bathtub, like steam in hell.

The wizards were so focused on watching that they forgot to record the time.

As the bubbles continued to rise, Dawson tried hard to open his eyes, and the Constantine in front of him was still Constantine.

But her breathing was already quickening.

Although the down jacket can act as a lifebuoy, the water still overflowed through the down jacket and entered her mouth and nose.

She could only breathe in small breaths.

As time went on, her breathing began to become more and more rapid.

Finally, she even began to struggle, thrashing her hands and feet in the bathtub, hoping that Constantine could pull her up.

But Constantine always controlled her shoulders and recited the spell silently.

Finally, Dawson struggled with all her strength, turned over from the bathtub, and then took a big breath.

"I saw it! I saw them all!"

"Isabella! There are also those who were sentenced to death, and those who were captured by me."

"I saw it all!"

The little wizards were dumbfounded. In less than two minutes, this Squib had already turned into a witch?

Anton's magic didn't even use any special potion, just a bathtub and water.

Plus a down jacket.

Is this done?

This spell is cast too fast.

On the other hand, a few teachers looked dark and solemn.

[Ronald: I, I don’t understand how this woman turned from a Muggle to a wizard so quickly. 】

[ Harry: I don't understand. 】

[Hermione: I seem to hear something. There is a lot of fairy language in those spells. 】

[Ronald: It seems like there is no need to cast a spell at all. 】

[ Flitwick: I can only understand a little bit. The saying that water is the best channel is most likely false. 】

[Ronald: False? Didn’t Dawson drown in vain? Is Anton a big liar? 】

[Flitwick: No, it’s absolutely true that this girl can see everything. Remember how much she distrusted magic in the beginning? 】

[Flitwick: A wizard who has had magic will naturally remember the feeling of casting spells. 】

[Flitwick: So she must be real, but she needs a little medium. Anton's spell is secondary, but I can't see the most important step. 】

[ Flitwick: It’s such a pity that this thing is so close at hand, so it’s so embarrassing to be able to touch such a great magic. 】

[Flitwick: Principal, Professor Severus, what do you two have to say?]

[Severus: The ritual is very clean and very purposeful. I agree with you about the water part. As for the spell, I guess it was made by Anton himself. 】

[Flitwick: Did you do it yourself? Then Anton’s magical talent in this life is no different from Merlin’s! 】

[ Flitwick: Where is Mr. Dumbledore? I await your advice. 】

[Grindelwald: Can I say a few words? 】

[Flitwick: Of course, Mr. Grindelwald, your magic is world-famous. On this issue, we are not divided into factions because we don’t talk about history. 】

Flitwick said this, but no wizard came out to object.

Obviously, on this issue, the magic world has reached a rare consensus.

Compared with other insights, it is more important to understand the secret technique of curing a squib.

[Grindelwald: If magic is rootless water, this ritual is obviously more clever. It awakens magic. 】

[Grindelwald: He does not rely on the power of anything, but relies on spells and rituals to create magic on people. 】

[Grindelwald: In other words, it is the boy named Anton who relies on his own power to help others awaken magic. 】

[Grindelwald: This is my opinion. I want to hear Albus’s. 】

After Grindelwald finished speaking, all the wizards fell silent.

Regardless of anything else, this one of using your own magic power to help people awaken magic is definitely the most outrageous, but also the most reliable answer.

Because on the screen, Constantine's magic equipment is very simple, the water is ordinary water, and the bathtub is an ordinary bathtub.

The only difference is that he is a magician.

But if this is the case, it will be difficult for us to reproduce it.

Currently, the only people in the magic world who have this qualification are those ancient wizards who exist in legends.

And Dumbledore with the wand of invincibility.

Faced with Grindelwald's problem [Dumbledore seems to be more reasonable.

[Dumbledore: You have overlooked one point, a very important point. 】

[Grindelwald: Oh? Albus, you always bring me surprises. Tell me, what is the surprise this time? 】

[Dumbledore: Why does Anton keep pressing that girl? 】

After Dumbledore finished speaking, a large number of wizards began to think.

[Ronald: Because Anton is afraid that the girl will hurt him by moving around? 】

[Harry: Because Anton’s ritual requires the girl to be in the water? 】

[Dumbledore: My guess is that Anton needs the girl to experience a near-death experience. 】

[Dumbledore: He wants to awaken the magical power in the girl by dying. 】

[Dumbledore: Although many wizards will not admit it, it is true that love and death have equally powerful calendars. 】

[Voldemort: Albus, even though I hate to admit it, you old man does have some abilities]

[Dumbledore: Harry, think about yourself. 】

[Dumbledore: You should know more about these two powers than we do. 】

[Newt: Wait, this means that as long as those squibs who are sure to have magical blood experience a near-death experience, they can automatically awaken their magic?]

[Dumbledore: It looks like this on the screen, but the actual situation is still under investigation. 】

[Newt: Thank you Anton! Thank you Merlin! Thank you! Professor Dumbledore! I want to send owls to St. Mungo's Hospital! I want the Daily Prophet to come tomorrow! I want the entire wizarding world to know! A man named Anton The wizard defeated the incurable disease in the magical world!]


[Newt: You'll learn the Chocolate Frog card, Anton, but that's about it for now. 】

[Newt: Young, talented, promising, and accomplished. 】

[Dumbledore: You need to seek Anton's opinion on this. 】

[Anton: Yes. 】

[Newt: Then I will send an owl now and apply for a patent in the name of Mr. Anton. As long as the treatment takes effect, you will become the biggest millionaire in the wizarding world, hundreds of times richer than Nicolas Flamel. 】

In the corridor, Cassandra and

Luna was almost at the same frequency, shaking her head and tutting at Anton.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk."

Only Hermione was a bit strange.

"Hey, why are you two like this? Anton has done a great thing.

They both shook their heads at the same time.

"Not because of that, Hermione, but because Anton is going to be on the Chocolate Frog card."

"Think about how old he is this year, a freshman!"

"When I was ten years old, I got the Chocolate Frog card!"

"Even the Savior Star can't do it!"

Hermione was even more confused.

"So, it's just a small snack card. Is the endorsement fee high?"

Cassandra shook her head.

"Endorsement fees? That is an honor that no wizard can even imagine. It is a truly great dream!"

"Think of all the wizards up there, Albus Dumbledore, our Lord Headmaster, the Dark Lord's Terminator.

"Morgana, the most powerful dark wizard, Merlin's opponent, a wizard who only exists in history!"

"Cornelly Agrippa!"

"Kong Bo, the wizard who discovered the use of Fireball Dragon Egg Powder in the Dragon Kingdom."

"Adding Anton, there are two Dragon Masters.

“And Kong Bo is an old wizard of 1443 years old.

And Luna added:

"Even the Minister of Magic has to bow before these living legends.

"So, do you understand?"

Hermione's eyes lit up.

"In other words, these cards are equivalent to the Nobel Prize in our Muggle world.

The two of them nodded.

"Yes, that's what it means."

Hermione's eyes suddenly widened and she looked at Anton, shaking her head and making a tut-tut expression.

It's not because of anything else. Looking at the entire Hogwarts, it's rare to find such a young Nobel Prize winner.

Facing the envious looks of the three people, Anton looked particularly calm.

He just looked at the screen, as if waiting for something.

Hermione and the others had already excitedly started discussing what clothes Anton should wear and what pose he should pose for the chocolate frog card.

What color should the school emblem on the school robe be.

Just as a few people were discussing excitedly, the picture on the screen suddenly changed.

[The system playback time has reached the standard, and other guests have been added]

[Fleur Delacour has joined the live broadcast room]

As soon as they saw this name, the three-girl group became nervous.


Isn't this the top student from Beauxbatons next door?

As new people entered, the chat group also began to change.

【Furong: Are you okay?】

[Ronald: Furong? What a weird name. I don’t recognize it. Which college is it from? 】

[ Harry: This name is not on the Gryffindor list. 】

【Fleur: Harry? Are you Harry·Potter?】

[ Harry: Yes. 】

[Furong: The savior star? Merlin! I actually saw the savior star! 】

[ Harry: Not anymore. We have a wizard in our group who has actually saved the world twice and the infinite multiverse once. 】

[Furong: Wait? What is that so-and-so universe? Forget it, it doesn’t matter. What is his name? 】

[ Harry: His name is Anton, you will see about him next. 】

[ Harry: But I’m still curious, why are people from segregated schools involved? 】

[Ronald: Wait, Harry, I think I understand why. Look at the name of the girl named Dawson under her feet. 】

The two clicked on the screen and saw that the words "mysterious guest" under Dawson had gradually receded on the screen.

Instead, a new line of words was added.

【Angela Dawson(Fleur Delacour)】



[Cassandra: Merlin! Why is it such a coincidence!!?]

Seeing his name on the screen, the medical community suddenly became interested.

[Fleur: Wait, is this machine used for divination at Hogwarts? Cool! Our wizards in China still use crystal balls. 】

[Furong: I really want to see what happened between me and the gentleman named Anton. 】

On the screen, Dawson stared blankly at the door, as if there was something outside the door.

Suddenly, she stood up and ran outside.

"John, come on! Someone is coming outside!".

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