Hogwarts: Past Life Exposed, I Am The Supreme Wizard

Chapter 99: Fleur Is Actually Dawson! The Witch From China Who Overtakes In Corners!

In the dim corridor, the two of them walked quickly towards the only exit.

When the two arrived at the end of the corridor, they found that the person who came had disappeared without a trace, leaving only the faint light flickering in the darkness.

The light came from a table filled with exorcism equipment, like the sun in the dark night. .

Dawson walked to the bright light and found that it turned out to be a silver coin.

He looked at the silver coin with doubts. It was engraved with ancient Roman characters and seemed to hide some kind of secret.

Constantine quickly grabbed the silver coin and looked at it carefully under the light.

Dawson asked:


"They are the silver coins of Judah."

Constantine finally spoke.

"The thirteen pieces of silver that Judas received when he betrayed Jesus."

"Each one has the power to summon hellish creatures."

At this point, Dawson's face turned pale, and she deliberately kept a certain distance from the silver coins.

She was afraid that the mysterious power attached to it would infect her.


Constantine gently dropped the silver coin into his pocket.

Then he walked to the table and looked at the buttons on the table, as if he was looking for something.

Finally, he stopped and reached out to press a knob.

As the knob turned, a mechanical roar suddenly sounded from the demon table.

Immediately afterwards, pieces of magical instruments popped out of the table. They were either sharp or heavy, mysterious or dazzling. Each of them seemed to have been carefully maintained, and they exuded a mysterious brilliance, as if they contained infinite power.

Dawson's eyes widened. Although she couldn't understand the function of these things, judging from this posture, these things were undoubtedly weapons to kill demons.

The wizards in the live broadcast room have already opened their eyes.

The wizards finally understood why Constantine lived in a small apartment. He apparently spent all his money on these things. "613"

Just the magic weapons in this stand were something they had never seen before in Bojin Bock.

All kinds of legendary sacred objects are lined up.

[Snape: The Pope’s blood? The Holy Shroud? These things are sacred artifacts! 】

[McGonagall: There are so many Philosopher's Stones. Are there so many Nicolémes in their world? 】

[Flitwick: Wait! Wait! If I read correctly, is that John’s holy water? 】

[ Flitwick: It seems that there are a few things made by fairies. Although they are not the same as the fairy products here, the inner things are the same. 】

[ Flitwick: This thing is very, very expensive. Just that beautiful bottle of holy water costs a million galleons. 】

[Flitwick: Oh my God! Oh my God! There are also holy silver crossbows, and even the bullets are made by goblins! I have seen the Gringotts treasure house, and now I have seen the real treasure house! 】

[Furong: This! Is this Gringotts? Is that girl my previous life? Who is that stylish uncle? 】

[Flitwick: Miss Delacour, to be precise, that girl is your previous life, and the uncle you are talking about is a wizard in our school. 】

[ Flitwick:@安东[This is Mr. Anton. 】

[Furong: Bonjour (Hello in French), nice to meet you. Recently, our schools are on a study tour with each other, and I happen to be here. Since we have known each other in a previous life, it is better to skip the boring process of getting to know each other. 】

[Furong: We are friends now. 】



[Cassandra: People from the country! Damn the people from the country! 】

[Hermione: Senior sister, don’t talk like that, the medical community is also a student of our school. 】

[Snape: Kassandra, for misconduct, ten points from Slytherin. 】

【Ronald: Hahahahaha, there is hope! There is hope!】

[Snape: Weasley, misbehavior, gloating, dunking two track and field at Hogwarts. 】


[Furong: It's okay, I understand that Cassandra, as a Socratic wizard, hates the people of the country. 】

[Furong: But I believe Mr. Anton is not such a person. 】

[Furong: Look, we were able to practice magic together in our previous life. It seems like we have a good relationship. 】

[Furong: You must be a very considerate wizard. 】

[Hermione: Damn the Frenchman!]

【McGonagall: Miss Granger! Why are you talking like this!】

[Hermione: Sorry, Professor, I just felt this. 】

Looking at the conversation on the screen, Hermione and Cassandra almost broke their teeth.

The damned witch from Faguo!

The methods are really one after another!

Now, let’s use the past life to get close to Anton!

Others say that romance is the birthplace of the country! I didn’t see the romance, but this wave is really a waste.

Compared to these little witches, the one named Fleur is simply the reincarnation of a Veela, and her methods are not on the same level!

The two looked at each other and quickly walked into the bathroom.

This confused Luna.

"Wait a minute, do they have to go to the bathroom together?"

Before Luna finished speaking, the two came out of the bathroom separately, but they could be said to be worlds apart from each other.

Hermione was sprayed with perfume, her chestnut hair was brighter, and even her school robe was replaced with carefully arranged jewelry, and some changes were made in the details to show her freshness and cuteness.

Cassandra, on the other hand, is even more bold. Not only does she have exquisite makeup on her face, but she even wears a pendant that is only worn by adult witches, which makes her even more glamorous.

Luna looked at the two women who had transformed into living beings, then looked at herself, and couldn't help but want to straighten her hair.

The two women sat directly next to Anton.

One left and one right, very close.

At this time Anton was chatting with several people on the screen.

[ Flitwick: I didn’t see it clearly just now, but now it seems that there are even some sacred weapons among those magic weapons, such as that bullet. 】

[Flitwick: The deterrent effect on those creatures can be said to be devastating. 】

[Flitwick: Wait? Why does Anton want such a thing? Is he going to start a war? 】

[Dumbledore: The war had already started when those demons attacked Anton. 】

[Furong: It's a pity. I really wish I could be by Anton's side. In our country, when men are fighting, women have to shout "come on." 】

[Fleur: But that's not me. I'm as brave as the wizard. I'll probably stand by his side and fight with him. 】

[Ronald: Mr. Dumbledore, can I also go to Faguo for exchange? I want to experience the customs and customs of Faguo School. 】

[Dumbledore: That's fine, Mr. Weasley. Traveling when you are young helps broaden your horizons, but I have to say it first. 】

[Dumbledore: Beauxbatons does not implement a sorting system. Students who bring shame to the college will be whipped. The whip is made from the tail of the Norwegian Ridgeback "with barbs and reverse scales on it."

[ Harry: Ronald, don't go, you will be beaten to death on the first day. 】


【Ronald: Isn’t it too scary?】

[Furong: This is true, but I always give points to the college. Mr. Weasley, do you often deduct points for the college? 】

[Snape: There are many, many times when I think the Sorting Hat made the wrong sorting. 】

[ Snape: But I guess it's because Mr. Weasley's courage was spent on deducting points. 】


[Ronald: Let’s look at Anton. 】

Constantine's eyes swept across the table and finally stopped on a silver repeating crossbow.

This repeating crossbow is unique. Its lines are smooth, the carvings are complex and exquisite, and the beautiful patterns are looming in the faint magical silver light, exuding a mysterious and majestic atmosphere.

The wizards could tell at a glance that this repeating crossbow was made by an elf and contained powerful magical power.

On this entire stage, Lian Nu is undoubtedly the most amazing killer.

Constantine listened and then picked it up without hesitation.

He gently stroked the cold surface of the Liannu, feeling the magical power contained in it.

Then, he picked up a silver bullet from the side and stuffed it into the repeating crossbow carefully.

The silver bullet shines brightly in the sun, as if it contains divine power.

As the silver bullets were loaded, Lian Nu seemed to have unlocked the seal. The originally dark crossbow body suddenly began to glow, and streams of light flowed through Lian Nu's body, and even began to whistle like a violent wind.

Dawson behind her was extremely surprised. She had never seen a gun that made a sound.

And just from the sound, she could tell that this thing was extremely dangerous.

"John? Are you going to kill them?"

"But, wouldn't this destroy the balance?"

Dawson's words came out, and the wizards also started discussing.

Undoubtedly, no one can say anything about balance. The magical world is where the balance between wizards and Muggles is maintained.

The price of breaking the balance is magic war.

Recalling the results of the last magic war, the wizards all had palpitations.

[ Harry: What kind of balance is broken, Miss Fleur, with all due respect, this does not make sense. 】

[ Harry: If a devil harms people, then the devil should die. 】

[ McGonagall: Harry, you have just arrived in the magical world and you don’t understand our affairs. Magic values ​​​​balance very much. 】

[McGonagall: There were many dark magicians who wanted to enslave or control Muggles, but they were all defeated. 】

[McGonagall: The Ministry of Magic's protection laws are to maintain this balance. 】

[Flitwick: McGonagall is right, balance is important, even as important as our heritage. 】

[Flitwick: This represents whether young magicians can survive in a normal environment. It also represents whether Muggles can hunt witches. 】

[ Harry: Yes. 】

[Flitwick: I guess Anton is a mature magician. He should be able to reason with them, talk with a few people, and reach an agreement. 】

[ Voldemort: You are saying that he has no courage, but indeed, although he does not have the courage, it is still necessary. 】

[Flitwick: This is a wise decision! Only a mature wizard would do this!]

[Voldemort: That's really boring...1

Dawson's tone was somewhat serious.

"John, remember the agreement? Heaven and hell, demons and angels.

"That agreement."

Constantine didn't answer, but kept loading bullets into the gun chamber until all the bullets were full.

Constantine clicked and put the fully loaded crossbow on his back.

"Those bastards killed people and wounded my friends."

"You still harass me."

"When they do this, they already have no balance."

As he spoke, Constantine fired a shot into the distance.

The silver bullet exploded in the air with countless brilliance, and a silver fireball exploded in the air, as bright as the sun.

In the air, a large piece of silver washed away, illuminating the entire space.

Dawson was stunned. She had never seen such a weapon, let alone such a weapon.


All she knew was that Constantine was angry now.

And the wizards were also deceived.

This, the fierce temperament that takes action without hesitation, and the free and easy energy of Yinzi who doesn't care about anyone.

It makes the wizards a little confused. They must know that every world has its own laws.

In other words, Constantine is going against the Ministry of Magic of his world!

[ Harry: Anton! This is our Anton! A truly great wizard will never let a demon kill someone. 】

[Sirius: Excellent man, this is hundreds of times better than those old guys from the Ministry of Magic! 】

[Sirius: If you don’t avenge your friends, what do you call a wizard? 】

[Flitwick: But, what about the balance? This is a balance maintained by the two major forces. Constantine is not Strange, and he cannot turn back time. 】

[Flitwick: He is not Loki, who can challenge two forces. He, he is just a magician and a human being. 】

[ Flitwick: This is too dangerous, too dangerous, and the opponent is the son of the devil. 】

[Dumbledore: Mr. Flitwick, I know that caution is an excellent quality in Ravenclaw, but at this time, caution is undoubtedly indulging those demons who are harming innocent people.


[Dumbledore: If we had more Aurors like Constantine or Mr. Moody, maybe the dark wizards would still be afraid to show their faces. 】

[Voldemort: Hey, if my men were half as courageous as Constantine, those Muggles would only be worthy of being on the same level as house elves! 】

[Grindelwald: If my men had half the courage of Constantine, then not only Ouzhou, but the whole world would be mine. 】

[Grindelwald: Hogwarts is mine too. 】

[Furong: I'm still a little curious as to why I in my previous life stopped this plan. This is obviously a good thing for mankind. 】

[Furong: From the perspective of a woman like me, this Mr. Anton is undoubtedly a hero like Siegfried. 】

[Furong: Fight against the devil and avenge your friends. 】

[Cassandra: The Witch of the Founding Kingdom!]

[Snape: Five points deducted from Slytherin for speaking rudely to foreign students. 】

[Cassandra: Professor, I just said the words "witch of the country!"

[ Snape: What you mean is obvious. 】

The car drove to the underground parking lot 2.2, and Dawson was sitting in the passenger seat. Her face was a little scared, but more of an expression of determination.

The speed of the car was very fast, and neither of them said anything. Constantine kept sorting out the crossbow arrows in his hands, and the destination was the devil's mansion in hell.

The car quickly arrived, and the security guard at the door was just about to stop him when he saw the crossbow in Constantine's hand and was startled.

The car drove straight in until it reached the entrance of the underground elevator.

Constantine got out of the car without hesitation, but was grabbed by Dawson.

"I, I want to go too."

Constantine ordered coldly:

"Stay in the car."

There was a bit of reluctance in Dawson's eyes. After a long pause, she said:

"I'm worried about you, John."

"After I regained my strength, this place was like a hell cave to me."

"How could you go alone?"

"I can handle it."

Dawson suddenly stretched out his hand, pulled Constantine to him, and then pressed a kiss on his mouth.

The passion of the kiss shocked the wizards who were originally suffocated by the suffocating atmosphere before the fierce battle.

[Hermione: The witch of the country! I, I want to be your subject too. 】

[Cassandra: The evil witch of the country!]

[Luna: The evil and evil witch of the country!]

[Furong: I'm really sorry, it's just a past life, but it seems that the girl named Dawson has good taste. I do like this kind of courageous and responsible witch.

[Furong: Mr. Anton, would you like to chat when you have time? 】

After a long passionate kiss, Dawson reluctantly pulled Constantine away.

"If you don't come back for more than fifty minutes, I'll call the police."

Constantine thought for a moment and nodded.

Then, he grabbed the crossbow loaded with bullets in his hand and disappeared at the door of the elevator. .

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