Hogwarts: Starting from Creating the Lord of the Rings

Chapter 12

Chapter 012 The Birth Of A Scholar

‘same as me.”

Artel nodded, a smile on Jimmy’s face, and he took a business card from his pocket and handed it to Mr. Granger.

“Hello Mr. Granger, I’m Artel’s uncle, here’s my business card, we’re in Birmingham…”

Artel coughed softly.

Jimmy paused, smiled, and continued:

“Our family is doing some small business in Birmingham… If you don’t mind, you can come to our house at any time. In fact, we have a small estate on the outskirts of Birmingham.”

Mr. Granger accepted the card and said he would definitely visit if he had the chance.

After all, Hermione and Artel are both little wizards from Muggle families, which is a wonderful fate.

Artel chuckled lightly from the side, and he also wanted to know how Hermione and the others would react when they came to his house. After all, Shelby Manor was not that big, maybe it was about the same size as Hogwarts.

Of course, this is just a little bit of fun.

In fact, Artel didn’t feel that being a Shelby family would help him in the wizarding world. After all, for wizards, the power and money in the Muggle world were nothing special, they were easy to obtain.

With a single Confusion Charm, the wealthy in the Muggle world can surrender their lifetime assets and wealth.

“Then, Mr. Granger, Mrs. Granger, and Hermione, see you later.”

Artel said goodbye to the three and led Jimmy to the corner.

Mr. Granger looked at this scene and said:

“I think, Artel should come from a noble family.”

“Yes, his uncle Jimmy is obviously a big guy too, I can tell from the look in his eyes, but…”

Mrs Granger glanced at Hermione and laughed:

“He seemed a little scared of Hermione.”

“Who is not afraid of a witch?”

Mr. Granger laughed too, they didn’t know, Jimmy was scared because Artel said Hermione was just like him, and Jimmy thought Hermione could summon that terrifying skeleton too.

“The Shelby family in Birmingham, I seem to have heard of it somewhere, it should be an ancient noble…”

Mr. Granger muttered and left with Mrs. Granger and Hermione.

Hermione didn’t feel much about Artel’s identity, she just thought that this boy her age was very elegant and calm, much better than the boys in school who would only be jealous of her good studies.

She did care about Artel’s wizarding talent, though.

Although in the wand shop, Hermione didn’t quite understand what was going on, but she knew that Artel was a very talented little wizard, at least judging from the performance when buying the wand, much better than her talent.

And she learned from Professor McGonagall that in addition to the little Muggle wizards, there are many little wizards from wizard families who have been exposed to magic since childhood and are extremely talented. Compared with the little Muggle wizards, they are born with an advantage

“But I’ll impress everyone!”

Hermione held the wand in her arms and glanced back in the direction Artel had disappeared, her eyes full of confidence.

The car sped along the road, and Artel sat in the back seat, watching the wand in his hand.

“Yew, Voldemort’s wand seems to be yew, the nerves of a dementor, that thing has nerves? I always thought that dementors were spirits.”

Artel stroked the wand, and he could feel the biting chill coming from it.

In addition to sucking human emotions, dementors can also suck human souls, so this wand is very suitable for necromantic magic, and it is a very good wand for Artel.

However, Artel could also vaguely feel the fear of this wand for himself, presumably because of the Lord of the Rings.

The Lord of the Rings contained most of Sauron’s power, and Sauron was a demigod before his fall, which was indeed too advanced for a wand.

Jimmy observed Artel through the rear-view mirror, saw him stroking a thin wooden stick, and asked involuntarily:

“Artel, is that your wand?”

“Yes, it allows me to cast magic more easily.”

Artel nodded. At this stage, this wand is still very helpful to him. After all, not all his magic can be cast without a wand, and casting spells with a wand is more powerful and can save more magic power.

Artel took out the elementary spell book and looked at it, then pointed his wand at Jimmy and waved it.

“Clean up.”


Jimmy cried out involuntarily, he felt a gust of wind blowing over him, and then he felt relaxed, as if he had just taken a shower.

“You can’t hide the smell of perfume on your body, Aunt Nancy, don’t thank me.”

Artel said something casually, and continued to read the book Elementary Spells.

Perhaps Sauron’s magical talent was too strong, and Artel mastered these primary spells without much effort.

“It seems that I still have the potential to be a scholar.”

Artel put the book down, waved his hand, and everything was loaded into the system space by him.

He didn’t do this before because he didn’t want Professor McGonagall and Hermione to find out. Now there is no problem. Jimmy is a Muggle who doesn’t understand anything. Even if he sees it, he will only think it is because of magic.

And it was true, and Jimmy just sighed a few times about the magic of magic, and then left it behind.

Along the way, Jimmy and Artel have been discussing the future of the Shelby family.

He hoped that Artel could summon an army of undead to help the Razorists take complete control of Birmingham, and then expand the family business to London.

This is also because Professor McGonagall warned them. According to Jimmy’s original idea, it is to directly control the high-level personnel in England, and then use this as a foundation to look at Europe…*

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