Hogwarts: Starting from Creating the Lord of the Rings

Chapter 13

Chapter 013 From 9_3Quarters (For Flowers)

After returning from London, Artel did not study with his cousins, nor did he train in horsemanship, shooting and combat, but has been studying magic.

He built an underground laboratory in the manor, and usually no one else was allowed to approach it. Only Michael and Jimmy came to visit occasionally.

In Saruman’s notes, there is an orc potion that can turn animals into orcs. Artel, the material needed for the potion, is not available.

But who gave Artel the Lord of the Rings?

On the third day back in Birmingham, Artel returned to London, put on the Lord of the Rings, and followed a wizard into Diagon Alley.

After that, Artel entered Knockturn Alley from Diagon Alley, looted all the dark wizard shops there, and obtained a lot of materials for black magic experiments and many precious potion raw materials.

Artel packed everything in the system space, even Dumbledore couldn’t find it.

After returning to Birmingham, Artel began his own experimental project.

After several unsuccessful attempts, Artel has been able to make the orc potion perfectly, and the initial test is a mouse he caught from the basement of the castle.

Under the shocked eyes of Michael and Jimmy, the slap-sized mouse turned into a half-human-high rat-headed orc in a black mist.

Its eyes exude an evil red light, its fangs are sharp, and its claws glow with cold light, which is very ferocious and terrifying.

This Rat Man looks like a race from some game, and it’s very different from the disgusting orcs in The Lord of the Rings.

And Artel doesn’t remember hearing about similar potions in The Lord of the Rings, so it’s most likely the product of a system transformation, and can’t be treated as a half-orc in the Lord of the Rings.

All in all, the results of this experiment were very successful.

The reason why Artel tried to make an orc potion was because the powerful orcs needed to exchange for Saruman could only be made from the souls of half-orcs.

Looking at Michael and Jimmy with nervous expressions, Artel stretched out his wand towards the Rathead.

Although he was made by Artel, when faced with the threat of death, this rat-headed man still bared his teeth subconsciously, although it did not dare to do anything to Artel.

“Soul extraction!”

This is the signature magic of necromancers, and the effect is to extract the souls of other people.

Of course, this magic was originally just to collect the souls of the dead, but after an evil necromancer transformation, it became a terrifying black magic that can absorb the magic of living people.

The rat-headed man whimpered, and then lost his breath.

Its soul, following Artel’s wand, turned into a glowing bead, which was collected by Artel, and its filthy corpse was burnt to ashes by Artel’s flames.

After that day anyway, Michael and Jimmy shunned Artel’s lab, and their fear of wizards deepened.

In addition to orc potions, Artel also experimented with animal potions, ironskin potions, and invisibility potions.

The animal potion can make the person who drinks the potion become the corresponding animal, and the iron potion can make the person who drinks the potion become copper skin and iron bones, feel no pain and is immune to some magic. As for the stealth potion, as the name suggests, drink the potion. The person can be invisible for half an hour.

These potions are not found in the Harry Potter world, and if any of them is taken out, it will cause an uproar in the wizarding world.

For these potions, Artel intends to make good use of it, to see if it can help his future plans.

On August 30th, the system’s twice-monthly free summons were also updated.

However, Artel did not continue the good luck of the last time. This time, he took a cave troll and a roll of parchment that recorded the weather data. They were all useless, and he had no ties with the Lord of the Rings. He even unlocked it. No degree.

The cave troll is a troll-like creature with a disgusting stench on its body. It is huge, thick-skinned, and not very smart. Artel cast it in the Forbidden Forest at Hogwarts. Deep down, let it fester on its own.

Anyway, after a full month, Artel took Jimmy’s car and came to King’s Cross Station.

At 10.40am, Artel got off at King’s Cross.

He only brought one box of luggage, which contained some changed clothes, textbooks and props needed for school, and other important things were placed in the system space.

“Platform nine and three quarters.”

Artel came to the middle of platform 9 and platform 10. He didn’t rush in, but stood on the side and observed. At this time, many young wizards passed through platform nine and three-quarters under the leadership of their parents. .

Artel saw a lot of familiar faces, demolition expert Seamus Finnigan, the little black named Dean, and some familiar senior wizards.


Just when Artel decided to pit, Hermione’s excited voice came from behind.

He turned his head to see Hermione waving at him, and the Grangers behind her were smiling at him. *

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