Hogwarts: Starting from Creating the Lord of the Rings

Chapter 150

Chapter 150 Sauron’S Resurrection? Just Kill It…(Subscribe)

Seeing that the Witch-king of Angmar had left the Ministry of Magic to rest in a hidden cave in the mountains outside London, Artel put away the Isil Hedron.

“The appearance of the Ringwraiths should cause an uproar in the magic world. Coupled with the strong orc tribe and the White Council stele, then… Gandalf and Sauron’s world acceptance should be no problem…”

“Then I can summon with peace of mind and wait for the unlocking of the Supreme Lord of the Rings…”

Artel leaned against the head of the bed, feeling inexplicably relaxed.

After more than half a year of hard work, the world acceptance problem of the three main characters has finally been solved.

The remaining Fellowship of the Ring expedition, the Elf King and the like, Artel is not in a hurry, although they may need their help in the final battle with Sauron, but it is not known that it will be a few years later.

At noon, Artel came to the Great Hall.

Hermione went to the Shelby Society’s Learning Mutual Aid Society in the morning, and studied with the little wizards of the same grade all morning, and now she is a little dizzy.


Hermione ran to Artel’s side and sat down, asked for a glass of juice, took a sip before saying:

“This afternoon is the semi-final of our two House Quidditch… Would you like to see it? More

The time is about to enter April, and the annual Quidditch Cup is coming to an end. Since Harry Potter did not enter the Gryffindor team, this year’s Gryffindor should not be able to win the championship.

There is a semi-final between Slytherin and Gryffindor this afternoon, and the last Quidditch match in March, with the winner going to qualify for the Academy Cup final in April.

Although the two sides are based on strength… Gryffindor’s team is not the opponent of the Slytherin team.

However, the little wizards are still full of expectations for this game, because Gryffindor and Slytherin have not been dealing with each other for a long time, and they fought in the auditorium because of Artel a few days ago. I was so angry that I wanted to vent out in this game.

“Okay, just in the afternoon there is nothing to do. 35

Artel has nothing to do now, and it’s the final anyway, so it’s good to go and see.


Seeing that Artel agreed, Hermione laughed happily, shook her head, and said to Artel ostentatiously:

“Our club now has thirty-two members, including all four colleges, and the oldest is a third-year senior… I’m the president!”

Hermione blinked, as if you’d hurry up and compliment me.

Artel smirked, Hermione now looking like a little girl showing off her doll.

“By the way, Ravenclaw’s Qiu Zhang also joined~ She really admires you!

After Hermione finished speaking, she carefully observed Artel’s reaction. Seeing that Artel’s expression had not changed, she felt a lot more happy.

Just as they were talking, Harry and Ron came in and sat down opposite Artel and them.

“Good noon! Artel!

The two seemed to be in a good mood, they said hello to Artel, they asked for a plate of chicken thighs and ate it with relish.

Since Harry figured it out the last time, he no longer thinks about saving the world every day. Now he plays with Ron and Neville every day, takes classes, eats, and watches Quidditch, which makes him feel a lot more comfortable.

And since he stopped thinking about it so much, Harry didn’t look at Snape so much anymore. He stopped a lot during the potions class, and Snape unexpectedly didn’t bother him anymore…

In short, under the influence of Artel intentionally or unintentionally, Harry seems to be developing in the direction of ordinary people.

And Dumbledore was so devastated by what Artel had done, he hadn’t paid attention to Harry’s growth for a long time.

In the afternoon, Artel and Hermione went to watch a Quidditch match.

Speaking of which, Slytherin’s Quidditch team does have two brushes, especially when it comes to avoiding foul penalties.

As I said before, there was anger between Slytherin and Gryffindor, so this game was extremely fierce. The Slytherin players were almost here to injure each other. Jordan almost hoarse his throat to no avail.

Amidst the boos, the game ended.

Gryffindor was the only batsman still on the field, the other players had all fallen and were taken to the hospital with serious injuries.

The situation on Slytherin’s side is not too good, losing three players, but better than Gryffindor.

“Protest! We’re going to protest! They foul!

In the Gryffindor auditorium, the little wizards protested hoarsely.

The faces of several professors were not very good, but Slytherin did not violate the rules, so Professor McGonagall could only announce that Slytherin had won the semifinal.

…… ask for flowers …..

At dinner time, a flock of owls delivering letters flew into the Great Hall.

All the little wizards know that this is an evening newspaper issued by the Daily Prophet. Usually, when this happens, something major has happened.

“Wouldn’t it be Saruman who was caught?”

Ron said half-jokingly, brought the Daily Prophet over, and glanced curiously…


After seeing the content on the front page, Ron directly spit out the food in his mouth, then showed a frightened look, and shouted:

“Ministry of Magic! The Ministry of Magic has been breached! So many Aurors have died!!”

At this time, the other little wizards also saw the contents of the Daily Prophet, and the originally quiet auditorium instantly became noisy.

Some people burst into tears when they saw the photos and names attached to the front page.


Because of their family…

“how so…”

Harry stared blankly at the newspaper and whispered:

“No wonder I didn’t see Headmaster Dumbledore during the game… So he went to the Ministry of Magic…”

Artel put down the utensils, and heard the discussion of the little Gryffindor wizards in his ears:

“Sauron’s servant… The head of the nine ring spirits, the Witch King of Angmar… Sauron is actually real? Isn’t that a legend?”

“His strength is stronger than Saruman, even Headmaster Dumbledore can’t help him, and under the siege of Dumbledore and other Aurors, he killed twenty-four Aurors…”

“He also killed more than a dozen Muggles…and when he used a spell to attack the Ministry of Magic, at least tens of thousands of Muggles saw it…”


Hermione was a little scared, and she looked at Artel with a hint of panic in her eyes.


Artel squeezed her nose lightly, Hermione nodded, and whispered:

“Headmaster Dumbledore can’t do anything about him… If the legend is true and Sauron is resurrected, we…”

“Don’t be afraid. 35

Artel put his head in Hermione’s ear and whispered:

“If Sauron is resurrected… we’ll just die again…”

Hermione turned her head, knowing that she was comforting herself, and felt less frightened, but she glanced at Artel angrily, and said cautiously:

“Don’t talk nonsense… If Sauron and the Ringwraith Witch King know about it, it will be over.

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