Hogwarts: Starting from Creating the Lord of the Rings

Chapter 151

Chapter 151 Fear Of The Wizarding World, Restart The Duel Club (For Subscription)

The Angmar Witch-king’s attack on the Ministry of Magic shocked the wizarding world far more than Saruman’s attack on the Magical Congress.

Although from the perspective of the consequences, the Saruman incident was worse, not only destroyed the Magic Congress, but also destroyed half of New York, and caused a war between Muggles.

But from the meaning behind it, the Angmar Witch King incident is even more frightening!

One of the reasons is Dumbledore!

When Saruman was active before, everyone was guessing who was stronger Dumbledore and Saruman.

Although Dumbledore claims to be better than Saruman in Transfiguration, the wizard’s strength is not entirely determined by Transfiguration.

As the most powerful white wizard so far, Dumbledore’s strength is beyond doubt. Although the two have never fought, most people in the wizarding world believe that Dumbledore’s strength is higher than Saruman.

And this time…

The Witch King Angmar killed several Aurors at the Ministry of Magic in London in the process of fighting Dumbledore! He hasn’t even been injured in the slightest since “610”!

The shock and fear this incident brought to the magic world is far beyond the Saruman incident.

A servant of Sauron is stronger than the most powerful wizard in the wizarding world!

What’s up with this?

Pack up and get ready to meet the Demon King.

Of course, even though he said so… but it was only a complaint, and there were still many wizards who planned to unite to resist the so-called Dark Lord.

If you can find Gandalf, or Mordor, it would be even better. Before Sauron was resurrected, he would directly destroy the Eye of Sauron of Mordor…

There are also some dark wizards who are ready and want to find the Witch King of Angmar so that they can take refuge in advance.

Of course, there are not a few people who want to fish in troubled waters.

In short, the wizarding world was thrown into chaos at one time, and this time it even affected Hogwarts.

The little wizards have not seen Dumbledore for several days. Since the accident that day, Dumbledore has not returned to Hogwarts, and the professors in the school are also in a hurry. There is magic about Dumbledore. The affairs of the Ministry were kept secret, and he was reluctant to talk more about it.

The mood of the little wizards was also influenced by the professors. Although they didn’t necessarily look sad every day, at least they didn’t see the excited and happy look when they watched the Quidditch match a few days ago.

It wasn’t until Friday when Professor McGonagall announced a new announcement that set off the spirits of the little wizards.

“In response to a possible future catastrophe, Hogwarts has decided to restart the Dueling Club!”

“Students above the third grade can set up a dueling club, and they can train their dueling-related abilities in the club every weekend…”

“Professor Flitwick is in charge of matters related to the Dueling Club…”

“Young wizards under the third grade can also go to study…”

The restart of the dueling club means that Hogwarts has entered a state of preparation before the war, but for the little wizards, it means that there are interesting activities on the weekend.

It’s just that little wizards under the third grade are not eligible to form a dueling club, which disappointed Hermione, because she originally wanted to change the Shelby club into a dueling club.

After all, Artel’s wild ideas and skills in a duel, Hermione always wanted others to see.

During dinner, the little wizards have been discussing things about the dueling club.

Although the first-year wizards could not participate in fighting, they could watch and learn. Although Artel was not interested in the duels of other wizards, he really wanted to see how Flitwick, the dueling champion of the year, taught.

Now that he has such a good opportunity, he naturally will not miss it.

The next day was Saturday, and the fighting club chose a classroom in the morning and finished setting it up in the afternoon.

Artel went to take a look. It felt very similar to the scene in the previous game. It was roughly an empty classroom. The middle area was vacated, and a long and wide gilded stage was placed here for the little wizards. duel.

The stage is surrounded by barriers to protect safety and respond to emergencies.

After last night’s registration and formation this morning, a total of seven dueling clubs were established in the four colleges, and nearly 100 little wizards signed up.

As for the little wizard watching the fun…

Hermione looked back at the crowded large classroom and densely packed heads, and muttered:

“I think all the students in the school have come to join in the fun.”

“Of course, this is the first time that a fighting club has been opened in these years… I think it must be related to Sauron… We may have to fight the dark wizard in the future!”

Next to Hermione, her roommate Sister Petil replied.

“Quiet! Classmates!”

Professor Flitwick did not know when he stood on the duel stage. Although he was very small, no wizard dared to underestimate him. They all knew that Flitwick was once a dueling champion.

“Very well, I think I feel your enthusiasm!

Professor Flitwick had a smile on his face, he had not been so happy for a long time since he was petrified by the Basilisk last time.

“According to the instructions of Headmaster Dumbledore, after all our professors met and discussed, we decided to restart the Dueling Club!”

“Yes! We need to make sure that you have the ability to protect yourself in order to deal with a situation that may happen in the future…instead of waiting for help from others in the face of the enemy. 99

Flitwick said, pushed his glasses, and laughed:

“The reason why only students in the third grade and above are allowed to participate in the duel is because in the duel, there are many magic spells that are too powerful, and the junior wizards can’t master it…”

“Although I’ve heard—Professor Nagini taught you a lot of useful spells, but that’s too dangerous…”

Flitwick ink for a while, finally got to the point:

“Since this is the first restart of the dueling club in recent years, I think a lot of people don’t understand the rules of dueling… So, let me and my assistant, Professor Snape, show you a demonstration.95

Flitwick’s voice fell, and Professor Snape stepped onto the duel ring from the other side.

“Watch our posture.”

Professor Flitwick said that he and Professor Snape each took a few steps back, then turned around, looked at each other face to face, and bowed slightly.

After raising their heads, the two raised their wands upright in front of their chests.

“This is the wand-holding position in a duel… Of course, it’s to show our respect for our opponents, but this only applies to a peaceful and friendly duel… If it’s facing an enemy…”

Professor Flitwick sneered and said:

“Don’t care about the posture, you must seize the opportunity and greet him with your strongest spell! 39

The little wizards burst into laughter, Flitwick waved his hand, and after they were quiet, Flitwick resumed his wand posture:

“Generally speaking… we will count to three, and then we will cast magic on each other. I reiterate that the use of powerful magic is forbidden in duels on campus, and it is not allowed to hurt the name of the opponent…”

“Then next… One! Two! Three!

Professor Flitwick counted three numbers, and when the three words fell, the 4.1 wand in his hand was already waving, and the opposite Snape was not polite, and also threw a red light.

“Except your weapons!”

“Pass out!”

The curses of the two people were released almost simultaneously, and they met in mid-air, entangled with each other.

The dazzling light made the surrounding little wizards have to close their eyes, but looking at their excited faces and couldn’t help cheering, they knew that the little wizards were very satisfied with the demonstration of the two professors.

The lovers who came and went with you cast a few spells, but they couldn’t help each other. When the last two spells were dodged, Flitwick and Snape stood up straight again.

“I think that’s the end of the demo… Neither Professor Snape nor I can beat each other with a simple spell.99

Flitwick shrugged, looked at the little wizard who was eager to try, and said:

“Then it’s up to you! Let me see the dueling clubs who signed up… Then, first hand the stage to Slytherin and Gryffindor!!

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