Hogwarts: Starting from Creating the Lord of the Rings

Chapter 16

Chapter 016 Hogwarts

Neville couldn’t hold on at first, and collapsed on the chair with Leif in his arms.

Artel also felt a little bored, yawned, and closed his eyes to squint for a while.

Hermione looked out the window and didn’t know what to think. After about ten minutes, she also fell into a deep sleep.

A whistle woke Hermione.

When she woke up, she found herself leaning on Artel’s shoulder, and Artel’s hand was on her waist, which made her face a little hot, and she sat up quickly.

Hermione raised her head cautiously and saw that Artel was rubbing her eyes, as if she had just woken up.

“Shoulders are sore.”

Artel grunted and rubbed his shoulders.

Hermione felt a little embarrassed and said in a low voice:

“Sorry, I was asleep.”

Artel moved his body and smiled:

“Why do you want to apologize? Actually, I wish you could sleep a little longer.”

“You… what are you talking about!”

Hermione blushed even more, she realized that Artel was doing it on purpose, so she glared at him, then thought of something, and looked across, which made her relieved that Neville was gone.

“Neville went to the toilet, and I think we should hurry up and get to Hogwarts.”

Artel said something, stood up and started undressing.

“you you…”

Hermione was too scared to speak.

“Oh, we need to change into wizard robes.”

Artel put the suit jacket aside, took the wizard robe from the box and put it on, then put the suit in the box.

Hermione didn’t speak, she took off her coat, put on a wizard’s robe, and sat down beside Artel again.

“Your hat.”

After a while, Hermione finally couldn’t take it anymore.

“Sorry, I forgot about it.”

Artel took off his hat. Hermione seemed to see a cold light flashing at the brim of the hat, and was startled, and asked:

“There seems to be something on your hat.”

Artel said nonchalantly:

“Well, there are two blades sewn into the brim of the hat, it’s a family tradition.”

“What a strange tradition.”

Hermione didn’t know why, so she mumbled, the door was opened, and Neville came back.

“They say it’s almost time for Hogwarts.”

Neville was a little excited, seeing that Artel and Hermione had changed into their wizard robes, and quickly changed them.

“Where’s your toad?”

Artel took a look, but didn’t see Neville hugging Ralph.

Neville, who was changing his clothes, froze for a moment, and his speed increased a lot. After changing his clothes, he ran out:

“Oops, I left it in the bathroom!”

“Can his memory really remember spells?”

Hermione was skeptical, and Artel shrugged, saying he didn’t know.

Fortunately, Artel’s reminder was timely, and when Neville arrived, Leife didn’t run too far, and when he brought Leife back, the train also came in.

This platform is dark and small, and I don’t know who designed it.

The three got out of the car, Hermione pulled the box with one hand, then pursed her lips, and gently pulled Artel’s sleeve with the other hand, she looked around, it was pitch black, only this platform was a little bright.

“First-year freshman! First-year freshman here!”

A light came on in the darkness, and Artel saw Hagrid, the Hogwarts gamekeeper and key-keeper of giant blood.


A surprised voice came from the front, it was Harry Potter.

Hagrid, with a smile on his bearded face, waved at Harry, and continued:

“First-year freshmen come here!”

“My God! He must be at least three meters tall!”

Hermione also saw Hagrid’s face clearly, exclaimed, and gripped Artel’s sleeve even tighter.

The first-year freshmen followed behind Hagrid and walked towards the darkness in the distance. They were walking on a path with trees on both sides, which was dark and gloomy.

Artel originally wanted to make a fluorescent light, but the little girl Hermione seemed to be a little scared, and kept dragging him tightly, and followed him closely, Artel didn’t want to illuminate.

After walking like this for more than ten minutes, Hagrid’s voice came from the front:

“Turn that corner and we’ll see Hogwarts!”

Everyone quickened their pace, and after turning a corner, they all exclaimed.

In front of it is a huge lake. I don’t know if it is because of the dark sky. The whole lake looks pitch black. On the other side of the lake is a hillside, and a majestic castle stands on the hillside.

From a distance, the lights are brilliant, the stars are covered, and it is very beautiful.

“Is that Hogwarts?”

Hermione asked quietly.

“Well, relax.”

Artel nodded and dragged Hermione forward.

“There can be no more than four people on each boat. This is a rule passed down a long time ago. First-year students have to take a boat through the Black Lake, because the four great wizards who founded Hogwarts were like this…”

Hagrid told everyone, but everyone got on the boat without saying a word.

On Artel’s boat, he, Hermione, Neville, and a little girl he didn’t know looked familiar.

Hermione asked, knowing that her name was Lavender Brown.

The boat was enchanted to move forward automatically. They took them on the lake for about 20 minutes, passed through the ivy curtain, passed through a dark underground tunnel, and finally came to the underground entrance of a castle. *

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