Hogwarts: Starting from Creating the Lord of the Rings

Chapter 17

Chapter 017 Sorting Ceremony

Hagrid took everyone off the ship, checked them, and handed them over to Professor McGonagall, who had been waiting for a long time.

Professor McGonagall saw Artel and Hermione in the crowd with a smile on her face, but then turned serious again.

“Welcome to Hogwarts!”

Professor McGonagall said to the little wizards, her voice was very cold, and there was an inexplicable feeling that she was very strict.

“The opening banquet is about to begin. Before you enter the auditorium and take your seats, you still have one thing to do, and that is the sorting ceremony. After the sorting ceremony, you can take your seats at your own college.”

After Professor McGonagall told them some basic information about the four academies, as well as some rules they need to abide by and the guidelines for deducting points, Shi Shiran turned around and tapped lightly with his wand.

The gate of the castle opened automatically, and the braziers inside automatically burned one by one.

The entire passage is brightly lit. This is a spiral staircase leading upstairs. Professor McGonagall walked in with everyone, followed the steps upstairs, and finally stopped in front of the entrance of the auditorium.

“Now, form a single line and keep quiet!”

Professor McGonagall said something, everyone lined up as she asked, and then Professor McGonagall opened the door, and everyone followed her footsteps through the foyer and into the auditorium.



“My God!”

Exclamations like that sounded in Artel’s ears.

Even Hermione tugged at his wizard robe harder, stunned by the magnificent castle hall in front of him.

In fact, even Artel was a little shocked.

Although he has seen the movie, to be honest, the castle in the movie is much worse than the one in front of him.

There were four oversized long tables in the auditorium, and the senior Hogwarts seniors sat at the tables and looked at them with interest.

Tens of thousands of candles were floating in the air of the auditorium.

The warm candlelight illuminated every corner and saw less than the slightest shadow.

The table was filled with gold plates and goblets, as well as matching silver cutlery, and there was also a long table in front of the auditorium, where the professors of Hogwarts sat.

Artel saw many familiar faces, including the kind-faced Headmaster Dumbledore, Professor Snape at Tsundere, and Quirrell in a hood.

Through the candles, you can see that the sky of the auditorium is like the Milky Way, the stars twinkle, the silver ribbons dance, and there are meteors passing by from time to time, which is beautiful.

The little wizards were stunned.

Until Professor McGonagall called them a few times, brought them to the front of the auditorium, and stopped in front of a chair.

Afterwards, Professor McGonagall put a pointed wizard hat on the chair, which looked worn, with patches and stains in some places.

Everyone in the auditorium was looking at the hat, and Hermione wanted to speak, but felt Artel tugged at her sleeve.

Then, in the surprised eyes of the little wizards, the hat seemed to be stretched and moved, and then began to sing.

After Artel listened with a stiff expression, the hat began to salute everyone in the auditorium.

The seniors and professors began to applaud, as did the little wizards.

After the applause stopped, Professor McGonagall walked up with a roll of parchment and said:

“Now, the freshman whose name I read comes up, sits in a chair, puts on a hat, and waits for the sorting.”

Professor McGonagall glanced at the parchment.

“Hannah Abbott!”

Artel looked at the girl, it was a girl with blond hair, her face was a little red, she took a deep breath and walked up cautiously.

Hannah put on her hat, and after a while Artel heard the hat shout:


The little girl seemed relieved, and there was applause and cheers from Hufflepuff’s table, and she put down her hat and walked over there.

“Susan Burns!”

Professor McGonagall continued to shout.

The little wizards were assigned to their own academies, and soon it was Hermione’s turn.

She glanced at Artel first, then took a deep breath and walked up.

The Sorting Hat was silent for a while, and seemed to be communicating with Hermione, but Artel couldn’t hear him, only the hat moved twice and shouted:


There were cheers from the Gryffindor table, Hermione put down the sorties, looked at Artel with a hint of hope in her eyes, and ran to the Gryffindor table.

After Hermione, Ron and Harry were also assigned to Gryffindor.

Soon, it was Artel’s turn.

“Artel Shelby.”

Professor McGonagall looked at him with encouragement in his eyes, and even Dumbledore, who was sitting behind him, straightened up a little, obviously he had heard about Artel from Professor McGonagall.

Artel stepped forward, put on the sorting hat, and sat down in the chair.

“Well…what a powerful talent, an evil and dark force, a natural dark wizard…I have never seen a wizard with such a terrible talent, surpassing the four founders, surpassing Merlin, surpassing Dumbledore.”

The voice of the Sorting Hat rang in Artel’s ear.

“Hidden in the depths of his heart is an amazing ambition, but he knows how to hide himself, um, a perfect Slytherin.”

The Sorting Hat muttered in Artel’s ear, then changed his voice. *

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