Hogwarts: Starting from Creating the Lord of the Rings

Chapter 18

Chapter 018 Mainline Update (Seeking Flower Evaluation Tickets)

“If I were a wizard, I think I should send you to Azkaban. Trust me, child, Azkaban is your final destination.”

The Sorting Hat doesn’t seem to be joking.

“But I’m just a hat, Godric Gryffindor told me to cherish every student.”

The Sorting Hat fell silent, its voice ringing in Artel’s ear.

“I think you’ll do a lot in Slytherin, maybe when people want to send you to Azkaban, they can’t.”

The Sorting Hat made its decision, and its voice echoed throughout the auditorium.


Cheers sounded, and Artel calmly put down the Sorting Hat. At the last moment, he used the Lord of the Rings to induce the Sorting Hat. The Sorting Hat would not tell Dumbledore the truth about him.

Artel left his seat, he saw some loss in Professor McGonagall’s eyes, but more worry.

Hermione’s expression was a little annoyed, her mouth was closed and she looked unhappy, it seemed that she was sad that the two of them were not in the same academy.

Artel walked to the Slytherin table and sat down, and some seniors and sisters came to greet him.

Draco moved closer to Artel and said:

“My name is Draco Malfoy, you should have heard my name, at least you should have heard of Malfoy, you seem to be called Shelby, right? I don’t remember which wizarding family had that name.”

“I’m a Muggle wizard. As for what you said about Malfoy, sorry, never heard of it.”

Artel looked at Decola and didn’t give him a good look.

This guy is full of pure blood supremacy, and he is very discriminatory against Muggles and mixed blood. This cannot be changed. There is no need for him to be friendly with him.

Malfoy’s face became a little ugly, but thinking that it was in the auditorium, it was not easy to do anything, just snorted.

Artel left him alone, and if Malfoy applied his so-called pure-blood supremacy to himself, he wouldn’t mind letting Malfoy know what Shelby was.

From the rise of the Shelby family to the present, they were killed with razors and bullets, paved the way with the blood of the enemy, forged glory with the bones of the enemy, and died on the way of Shelby’s rise. less.

Voldemort murdered tens of thousands of Muggles in order to form the Inferi army in the first years of his fortune, and now the Inferi are still guarding the Slytherin locket in the Inferi Lake.

Artel pretended to watch the sorting ceremony, but actually put his mind on the system.

“Ding! The host successfully joined Slytherin, completed the current main quest, and received a reward of 100 plot points.”

“Main quest update!”

Current Mission: Rise to Fame

Mission Objective: The reputation of the Dark Lord will start from Slytherin, at least add 150 points to Slytherin this semester and win the Academy Cup!

Quest reward: Gandalf’s spell notes, 1500 plot points.

Note: When the mission is settled, every time the host adds 1 point to Slytherin, he can get 10 plot points as a reward. If you don’t get 150 points, the mission will fail and there will be no reward!

“So, if I can add 1,000 points, I can directly get 10,000 plot points?”

Artel thought about it and thought it was unlikely.

Even if he killed Voldemort, Dumbledore wouldn’t give him a thousand points.

“And according to the original plot, Gryffindor won this year’s Academy Cup. When the period ends, Dumbledore will definitely find an excuse to give Gryffindor extra points. I have to find a way to make Harry and Rondo deduct some more. Just divide.”

“Have to turn more Grands into less Grands.”

Artel glanced at Harry and the others pityingly, and then at Hermione, feeling a little embarrassed.

I’m sorry, dear Hermione, I’m going to backstab you Gryffindor.

I just hope that Hermione, who worked hard at the end, doesn’t cry.

The sorting ceremony was over soon, and the Lavender Brown who was on the boat with them also entered Gryffindor. She was one of the few girls who entered Gryffindor and should be roommates with Hermione.

Realizing this, Artel remembered that this familiar little wizard was Ron’s ex-girlfriend.

Hermione was also jealous because of her.

Artel glanced at Hermione and saw that she was looking straight at him, pursing her lips, looking a little aggrieved.

Artel smiled slightly and winked at her.

Hermione pouted, sprawled on the table, and turned her head to the side.

To be honest, Artel doesn’t remember having such a deep relationship with Hermione, after thinking about it, it may be because of the short time on the train, and Hogwarts is a strange place for Hermione.

And most people are used to being with familiar people in unfamiliar places.

After the sorting ceremony, Dumbledore told the little wizards some precautions. Barabara said a lot, and then he clapped his hands, and the four long tables immediately appeared full of food.

“The dinner party begins!”

Artel wiped his hands with a napkin, took a piece of steak gracefully, and ate it slowly.

Hermione looked at him across the table, not very happy, but she was hungry all afternoon, so she picked up a cream pudding.

Beside her, Ron ate a chicken leg in one hand and ate it in big mouthfuls. His mouth was full of oil, and he made a humming sound. Hermione frowned and looked at him, and then looked at the elegantly cutting Artel, the steak, sighed helplessly:

“I want to go to Slytherin!!”*

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