Hogwarts: Starting from Creating the Lord of the Rings

Chapter 19

Chapter 019 Tell You What Shelby Is

After eating, Dumbledore led everyone to sing the school song, and then told all the students that they were not allowed to go to the corridor on the right on the fourth floor, and then announced the end of the dinner.

Under the leadership of the prefect, the freshmen headed to the dormitory of their academy one after another.

Hermione took the opportunity to sneak up to Artel’s side, told him to have dinner with him the next morning, and then ran away with a snort.

Artel followed the Slytherin students all the way down, and finally came to the entrance of the Slytherin lounge in the basement.

Along the way, Prefect Gemma Farley has been introducing Slytherin, first introducing the symbol of the serpent, and then denying some rumors, such as Slytherin is a dark wizard reserve, Slytherin likes to study black magic , Slytherin only recruits pure blood and so on.

According to him, these are all the jealousy and slander of Slytherin by other academies.

Of course, he does not deny that Slytherin has a tendency to recruit descendants of famous wizards, but in fact, although Slytherin has recruited a lot of pure-blood wizards, there are also a lot of mixed-blood and Muggle wizards.

After entering the lounge, the prefect assigned the freshmen dormitories.

Men and women are separated, and Artel’s roommates are Malfoy and his two younger brothers, Crabbe and Goyle, which makes him feel a little interesting.

After Gemma finished dividing the dormitory, she specifically told the little wizards to help each other, putting Slytherin’s honor first, and Balabara said it for a while before letting everyone go to rest.

Artel took the lead in the dormitory, choosing the bed with the best location.

Malfoy, who was a step late, snorted and gave Crabbe and Goyle a look. The three of them came over and looked at him maliciously.

Malfoy looked at Artel proudly and said:

“Shelby, right? Listen clearly. Everything in this dorm will be obeyed by me. Haven’t you heard of the Malfoy family? Trust me, you will know in the future!”

“I’m sorry, I already know what Malfoy is, that Death Eater family. I heard your father was the number one Death Eater? I wonder why he wasn’t put in Azkaban.”

Artel looked at Malfoy playfully, then glanced at Crabbe and Goyle beside him, and asked curiously:

“What? Are the three of you planning to form a small group of Death Eaters at Hogwarts?”

“What did you say?”

Malfoy shivered a little, and said to the two tall and fat little brothers:

“Beat him! Let this Mudblood who has lived in the Muggle world since he was a child see the power of a wizarding family!”

Crabbe and Goyle rushed forward obediently, while Malfoy took a step back, pulled out his wand and prepared to chant.


Artel sneered and didn’t say much, just pulled out his wand and faced the three of Malfoy.

“Dementor’s Kiss!”

This is a skill that Artel unlocks unintentionally.

The core of his wand is the nerve of the dementor, and he draws the power of the dementor through the necromantic soul, forming a kind of magic similar to the dementor’s kiss.

As Artel’s staff flashed a cool white light, a huge Dementor appeared in the bedroom.

The entire dormitory slowly began to form frost, and the dementor floated in front of the three of Malfoy, revealing its hideous mouthparts, and began to suck their emotions.

Artel watched the three of them turn pale and withdrew the magic.

With a thud, the three of them fell to the ground in unison, shivering constantly. The expressions on their faces were very subtle, and their eyes were empty, as if they were dead and alive.

In short, like a mental retardation.

“Now, should you know what a Shelby is? For the sake of roommates, I have a piece of life advice for you: Never mess with a Shelby!”

“Also, I don’t want to hear the words Mudblood in the future!”

Artel sneered as he looked at Malfoy lying on the ground, his face pale, and took off his clothes and went to bed.

The next morning, Malfoy and the others slowly opened their eyes.

After the dementors disappeared last night, they didn’t have the strength to get up, and finally fell asleep on the ground in a daze. Even after a night, they still felt a little weak in their legs and feet.

“Malfoy, remember what I said, I’ll be the boss in this bedroom from now on.”

“Of course, as long as you don’t provoke me, I generally don’t care about you.”

Artel got dressed and put his wand around his waist, ready to go out to dinner.

Malfoy shivered, and he opened his mouth, not daring to say anything.

He will never forget how he felt last night.

It seems that I will never be happy again, surrounded by endless darkness and cold, unable to think, unable to struggle, only to feel hope that a little bit will leave me.

Watching Artel leave, Crabbe seemed to be drowning and suddenly breathed in fresh air. After taking a sharp breath, he said with a trembling voice:

“I think it’s a Dementor!”

Malfoy’s body trembled, glared at Crabbe, and said viciously:

“No, no little wizard can control a Dementor!”

Gore swallowed his saliva, looked at the two of them carefully, and suggested:

“Maybe some kind of horrible black magic, I think we should tell the teacher?”

“Tell the teacher? Are you trying to embarrass me? I don’t believe there are dementors! And how could he, a muggle-born wizard, use black magic!”

Malfoy clenched his fists, but remembering the experience last night, he couldn’t control his chills.

Is it really a Dementor?

Malfoy thought he was crazy, and he planned to go back at Christmas and tell his father that it was better not to provoke this dangerous guy until then.

“Don’t provoke him for now.”

Malfoy instructed the two little brothers, then looked at the time, and snorted:

“Now let’s change clothes first, and then go to dinner! No one is allowed to say this to the outside world, or I want him to look good!”*

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