Hogwarts: Starting from Creating the Lord of the Rings

Chapter 2

Chapter 002 The Hogwarts Notice

Seeing the words on the envelope, Artel’s face showed a hint of surprise, and then he seemed to think of something, and turned the envelope over. Sure enough, there was a red wax print on the envelope, and above the wax print, there was a shield-like shape. Coat of arms.

The four horns of the shield are a lion, an eagle, a snake and a badger.

“Harry Potter.”

Artel breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly understood.

The kind of power he can’t control seems to be the explosion of the little wizard’s magic power. When his mood fluctuated violently, he inadvertently caused the magic power to explode.

“So this is the world of Harry Potter!”

Artel didn’t know what it was like in his heart. He was a little nervous, a little excited, and a little disappointed.

He had always thought that it was his unique Gold Finger, and he had also thought that after taking full control of that power, he would use the advantages of the Shelby family to become the godfather of the European region.

Now, it turns out that I was thinking too much.

He is just a little wizard, and even his talent may not be high. After all, he has tried for so long and has not found a clue to use magic power, and Voldemort was able to control his own magic power very well during the orphanage.

Don’t you have a Gold Finger after going through it yourself?

“In 1991, so I was in the same class as Harry Potter.”

Artel came back to his senses and glanced at the owl that was cocking its neck at him on the table, thinking that the little guy might want some food, after all, it flew over from Hogwarts.

Although I don’t know where Hogwarts is, it should be not close to Birmingham.

Artel took a bag of snacks from the drawer by the bed, it was a nice thick-cut smoked jerky, owls are carnivores, but Artel didn’t have rats or raw meat on hand, and didn’t know if he would eat them. used.

Artel opened the snack bag, took two pieces of beef jerky from it, and handed it to the owl. The little guy tilted his head and looked at Artel, gurgling, then took the jerky and ate it.

Seeing the owl eating on its own, Artel opened the parchment envelope.

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore (President of the International Federation of Magic, recipient of the Order of Merlin, First Class, Chief Wizard of Wizengamore, Supreme Wizarding Court)

Dear Mr. Shelby:

We are pleased to inform you that you have been admitted to study at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and we enclose herewith a list of required books and equipment.

The semester is scheduled to start on September 1st and we will be waiting for your owl to hear back by July 31st.


Minerva McGonagall.

Artel gently placed the letter on the table. He had seen Harry Potter movies in his previous life, so he didn’t think it was a prank or a trap set by some malicious people.

After all, there is no Harry Potter book in this world, so it is impossible for anyone to make a Hogwarts mark and match the names of Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall.

At this time, the owl had finished eating the beef jerky, but had not yet flown away. Artel thought about it, took out a piece of paper from the drawer, and wrote on it with a pen:

Dear Professor McGonagall:

Thank you for your letter, some unexplainable things happened to me, but I still have many questions, I hope I can ask you in person, I will prepare exquisite desserts and afternoon tea, and look forward to your visit.

Artel Shelby.

Artel rolled up the letter, put it in the parchment envelope, and handed it to the owl.

The owl picked up the letter, flapped its wings and flew out.

Artel closed the window again, turned off the light, and went back to the bed to lie down.

For those little wizards from Muggle families, Hogwarts school will send professors to visit the door in person before the school starts. After all, they need to convince Muggles that the wizarding world exists, and they also need to take the little wizards to Diagon Alley. to buy what they need for admission.

So even if Artel didn’t reply, the Hogwarts professor would still come to the door, but it would be good to reply a letter, at least to make the never-masked Professor McGonagall’s impression of him a little better.

Although he comes from Shelby’s bloody and violent family, grace and courtesy are also qualities a Shelby gentleman should possess.

First impressions matter.

Lying on the bed, Artel started thinking about something excitedly.

He didn’t know which college he would be assigned to.

He is very aware of who he is, the blood of the Shelby family is flowing in his bones, and his ambitions are even bigger than Tommy Shelby.

Because Artel always wanted to be the godfather of the entire European underground world, and then spread his family’s power to the world.

After all, the Shelby family’s Razor Party used to be the most influential gang in the UK. Its connections and fame are here. Even if it is now in decline, as long as it has enough strength, it will be much easier to make a comeback than to start from scratch.

Ambitious, cautious and considerate.

Rational pursuit of interests, rather than impulsiveness, can chat and laugh with the enemy for the greater good.

To be honest, he was more in line with Slytherin’s requirements, but he wasn’t pure blood, not even half blood.

He wondered if Slytherin would accept a student like himself.

As for other colleges, Artel does not think that his quality meets the admission standards of these colleges. After thinking about it, it seems that Slytherin is more reliable.

Dazed, Artel fell asleep.

Tonight he had a rare dream, a dream of Harry Potter, a dream of Voldemort, a dream of the wizarding world, and strangely, a dream of Hermione and Luna.

Of course, this may be because he has always been very fond of these two girls in his last life.

“Dong Dong Dong!”

The door was knocked.

The voice of his maid Sophia came from outside the door.

“Master Artel, it’s almost time for breakfast.”

“I see, come in.”

Artel replied, stretched, and sat up from the bed.

Artel breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the admission letter beside his pillow was still there. He was really afraid that when he woke up, he would find that everything was just his imagination. *

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