Hogwarts: Starting from Creating the Lord of the Rings

Chapter 3

Chapter 003 Shelby’S Boring Day

Sophia is a blonde girl, not pretty, but very gentle.

Eighteen-year-old Sophia came to Shelby Manor when Artel was three years old.

In a flash, eight years have passed.

“Good morning, Master Artel.”

Sophia entered the room, put the clothes in her hand on the cabinet beside the bed, then walked over to open the curtains one by one, and opened a window in the corner.

The sun shines into the house in the early morning of July, the window is green, and everything seems to be alive and full of vitality.

“Good morning, Sophia.”

Artel greeted her and went to the bathroom to wash up.

Sophia prepared for him a fitted white shirt, a fitted grey vest and a matching suit, and the accessory was a delicate gold pocket watch.

Because Artel doesn’t need to go out today, Sophia didn’t prepare a hat for him.

Shelby family hats are always special, with sharp razors sewn into the brim, which is the pride of the family.

When Artel changed clothes, Sophia kept watching. She had nothing to be shy about. She took care of Artel for eight years. Sometimes Sophia even regarded Artel as her own child.

After Artel was dressed, Sophia came to him, put the pocket watch in his suit pocket, and dangled one end of the watch chain on the button of the suit, then helped him adjust the collar of his shirt.

“Handsome boy, I don’t know how many girls will be fascinated when I grow up.”

Sophia sincerely praised, even though Artel is only eleven years old now, Sophia still feels a different charm in him.

Handsome, elegant, calm and noble.

It’s hard to believe this is a kid who is only eleven years old.

Artel inherited his mother’s Roman blood, black hair and black pupils, which is a noble representative in today’s British society. After all, the entire history of England originated in Rome.

And most Romans have black hair and black pupils, including the famous Julius Caesar.

Of course, in Artel’s view, this is actually not much different from his previous life, except that the color of his pupils in the previous life was a little lighter, tending to be dark brown, and now it has become a color that is almost pure black.

In general, Artel is still very satisfied, after all, the familiar black hair and black pupils make him feel that he is still an oriental.

The two left the room and walked towards the restaurant on the first floor.

The Shelby family lived in Shelby Manor, besides Artel, his two uncles and an aunt.

Of course, they also included a large family of their own. One of his two aunts was from a noble family in London, and the other was the daughter of an underground gang leader in Birmingham.

In addition to the Shelby family, there are nearly a hundred servants living in this incomparably huge manor, including housekeepers, cooks, gardeners, maids, etc. In addition, there are dozens of members of the Little Razor Party, who are responsible for the security of the manor. .

In addition to these, the Shelby family also kept dozens of hunting dogs, a hundred horses on the horse farm, and a lot of cows and hens on the ranch of the manor.

After all, the Shelby Manor is a hundred acres in size, which is equivalent to 400,000 square meters in a well-understood unit.

The Shelby family is used to eating together, which helps to cultivate feelings. The lessons of the predecessors are vividly remembered. There is a relationship between the decline of the Razor Party and the split of the Shelby family that cannot be ignored.

“Uncle Michael, Uncle Jimmy, Aunt Fiona, Aunt Nancy, Aunt Kate, Cousin Paul… Good morning!”

At the restaurant, Artel first said hello to the big family.

“Thomas! Good morning!”

Everyone replied in unison, Artel sat down at the table, and the maid in the restaurant began to serve them breakfast.

The breakfast is almost the same every day. It is roughly bacon, fried eggs, fried mushrooms, fried sausages and other things. The main food is toast, and it will be accompanied by milk or black tea.

After all, the UK is a food desert country, and Artel never expects anything to surprise him for breakfast.

“Thomas, after dinner, you’re going to a two-hour class with Paul and Jenny, and shooting practice in the afternoon, and then you can go swimming or play ball after practice.”

After Freddie went in, Michael took over the Shelby Manor, and he arranged everything for the little Shelbys every day.

The Shelby kids wouldn’t go to school because the other gangs in Birmingham might assassinate them as a way to beat the Shelbys, as Artel did.

In fact, since that time, little Shelby has basically never left the estate except when necessary.

“I see.”

Artel nodded and ate the food from the plate gracefully. He didn’t tell the crowd about Hogwarts, because the time had not come and there were too many people in the restaurant.

The Shelby family has a wizard, and this matter will become the top secret of the entire family, and only a few people are qualified to know.

After dinner, Artel went to class with his cousin Paul and Cousin Jennie.

He also has several cousins, but they are too young to go to class, Artel is an exception, because he is the future Shelby family leader, so even if he is only eleven years old, he will have to be with two fifteen Six-year-olds take classes together.

Today’s course is on Philosophy and Economics. It is said that the professor is from Oxford. Artel listens with great interest and asks a few questions from time to time, which amazes the professor.

“I can’t believe you’re only eleven years old, Artel, you have a great way of thinking about things, and I think you’ve got a great future ahead of you.”

After class, Artel said goodbye to his cousin and went to walk the dog with Sophia. Artel has a dog of his own, a Doberman Pinscher named Charlie.

“Looks like you can’t take the dog to Hogwarts?”

Looking at Charlie who was eating raw beef, Artel was lost in thought. *

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