Hogwarts: The Founder Reborn

Chapter 50 The Godfather

The most suitable weather for funerals is probably cloudy or rainy, and Britain always has rainy weather.

However, the day of Walburga's funeral was a bright sunny day, warm and bright.

Since Walburga's death, Godric seldom speaks. He doesn't cry, make noise, or talk. His whole body is like an empty bag, being pulled and moved around by someone, as long as you lightly With a light pull, he will follow your movements.

With Godric like this, even Salazar could see something was wrong.

He stared at Godric almost without moving his eyes. He couldn't imagine that Godric would have such a good relationship with that old lady Walburga, but thinking about it carefully, it might be normal.

Unlike the other three, Godric was an orphan. He never knew what it was like to have a family. Mrs. Walburga was probably his first family, and then Salazar frowned fiercely. It made him a little uncomfortable, as if being with Helga and Rowena for such a long time was not the most important existence in Godric's heart.

However, he also knew that this kind of thinking was not very good, especially when Godric was so sad, those little thoughts he had restrained had always stood by Godric's side, and almost never left during the whole process.

It wasn't until the funeral that everyone saw Godric's usual popularity, and there were actually not many adults present.Some of the people who were eyeing Godric's Ministry of Magic probably thought that Sirius guy might show up at the funeral.If it weren't for the fact that there were a lot of people around Godric, and they all looked at them badly, these people would probably rush over, grab Godric's arm roughly, and even say some threatening words.

Hagrid looked very angry. He deliberately stood in front of those people. His huge body blocked their view of Godric. It seemed that if those people did something to Godric, he would let them know that his fists were How powerful.

Even Snape came over with a serious face. Professor McGonagall secretly wiped away tears. As for Hufflepuff's Professor Sprout, she had already cried to tears, and she whispered to McGonagall in a choking voice , what should poor Godric do next.

Everyone knows that Mrs. Black has long been unable to do anything for Godric, and her body does not allow herself to worry about anything, but Godric's situation is different when she is present or not.

Except for the professors at Hogwarts, the people in the Ministry of Magic are probably the Malfoy family.

The Black family has a bad reputation, not to mention that now that Sirius escaped from prison, some people were concerned about these things, so they didn't come to Walburga's funeral. There was only one child left in the Black family, so there was nothing else to see.

However, many students from Hogwarts came. Although the children of the Weasley family have not yet received a letter from their parents to allow them to come, they have arrived except Percy, and several students from Ravenclaw have also come. Hufflepuff Needless to say, if it wasn't for Professor Sprout's disapproval, most of the students from the college would have come, and even Slytherin would have more than a dozen students.

Therefore, Godric was surrounded by dozens of students. If Godric didn't look good and Rowena reminded everyone to be as quiet as possible, there would probably be a bunch of people chattering to comfort him.

The students didn't know anything about Walburga, and they came here because of Godric.

In this regard, the other three founders have already been convinced, and there is nothing unconvinced, that is, those students who can’t name themselves have followed, which can clearly explain how popular this guy Godric is usually. Although Rowena found out that some students came here because they had been helped by Godric. They considered themselves Godric's friends and wanted to come to comfort him at this time.

Dumbledore looked at the students surrounding Godric, and couldn't help pulling another beard.

He really didn't know that Godric was so popular in private, that child was always pitiful before, and would be discovered by the professor from time to time and teased by some naughty students, and then the professor looked at this child, that was peerless Poor little!

Except for Snape, which professor talked to him more gently than other students!

Thinking of Salazar secretly complaining that the kid was a liar, Dumbledore also had a feeling of being cheated.

On the other side, for some reason, Malfoy almost quarreled with an official of the Ministry of Magic. The two stared at each other, and Mr. Malfoy's face became even more ugly.

He strode over to his wife, Draco looked at his father's unconcealed anger, and carefully asked his father what happened.

Narcissa seemed to have figured out what the problem was.

"What excuse did they find for refusing me to raise Finny?" Narcissa lowered her eyes halfway, her tone a little stiff.

"Dangerous black magic items were found in our Malfoy's house last time! I don't know who reported it! They think that the danger of Malfoy's house is not suitable for adopting children from other families." Malfoy sneered. "Do you really think I can't see what they mean? In their eyes, the Black family still has interests to squeeze out. One by one, they will only stare at the children and bully them."

Narcissa frowned, and then said: "It seems that I can only contact Andromeda."

Mr. Malfoy shook his head: "Forget it, they can find an excuse, isn't Andromeda expelled from the family by the Black family? They will definitely grasp this point and attack Andromeda as not a member of the Black family. Shouldn't and can't raise Finny."

Hearing this, Narcissa's chest heaved violently, and then she gritted her molars and said, "So, do I want to watch them suck blood on Finny?! He's still a child! Which one of those people is not a jackal! The wild dogs who can't get enough! They have already swallowed most of the Black family's property, and they are still not satisfied!"

Lucius had no choice but to comfort his wife: "Don't worry, no matter what excuses they make, you are Finny's closest relative now. They want to find a guardian for Finny, and they can't pass you anyway."

On the other side, Dumbledore also seemed to have thought that Godric might need a guardian, so he walked towards Narcissa.

He conveyed a very important message to Narcissa.

Although Sirius is a jerk, he has never been a father, and then he did anything for his child normally, but he couldn't stand it after his mother held his head and admitted that Godric was his child. Good brother as godfather.

Yes, Godric had a godfather.

Dumbledore has been busy looking for a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor for the next school year, and then he got in touch with Remus Lupine.

Remus refused, but he probably remembered that the children of his two brothers were both at school age, so he asked about the situation of the two children.

Well, that's normal to ask Harry, but Godric?

Remus honestly confessed that Sirius had asked him to be Godric's godfather, but because of his status as a werewolf, he refused to agree, but he didn't tell Sirius the reply of his disapproval, and that guy betrayed him The Potters went in, and Remus's refusal seemed to be lost. He felt that he couldn't face Sirius.

Just because Remus failed to refuse Sirius' request, it seemed that he had passively become Godric's legal godfather, anyway, he had something like Sirius' written proof.

In previous years, he would probably send some gifts to the child on Christmas or Godric's birthday. Because he was wandering around, these things were always not so timely, and he was embarrassed to say that he was Godric's godfather , simply saying that he is a friend of his father.

Remus had always been easy to talk to, and later, Godric asked him to help him find some rare herbs or other potion ingredients, and the two actually became a relatively close relationship like a pen pal.

After Dumbledore found out—isn't this the perfect guardian gifted by Merlin?

You mean a werewolf?

Most people don't know!

Get the custody right first!

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