Hogwarts: The Founder Reborn

Chapter 51

No matter how many calculations those adults have, for those pure students who are still protected in the ivory tower, they care more about their friends and classmates.

Godric looks sad, is there anything we can do to cheer him up?

The children said words of comfort to Godric a little clumsily, and some even took out their carefully prepared gifts, hoping to encourage Godric. During the break, the Weasley twins even pretended to be clowns, trying to make him laugh Godric, but all their efforts didn't seem to make Godric look better.

A little later, the professors had already started urging the students to go back to Hogwarts, only Godric couldn't go back, there were some things he needed to deal with.

Even Salazar's cheating regardless of his image could not stop Dumbledore's determination to bring him back to Hogwarts. Hagrid embraced the loveless Salazar, and under Dumbledore's request, he and the professor We take the students back to school together.

Salazar's little face full of unwillingness rested on Hagrid's shoulder and looked at Godric. It seemed that Salazar's image at the moment was a little funny and pitiful. Godric smiled slightly at him. one time.

Salazar met Godric's eyes, and read Godric's meaning from his eyes - he's fine, go back with peace of mind.

How could it be okay!

Salazar even felt that Godric might as well be as lifeless as before!

Because he was afraid that he would be disobedient and would not go back to Hogwarts, he forced himself to smile, what was it? !

You are the only one who is unreliable, why don't you let him feel at ease?

Salazar thumped Hagrid on the back angrily, and shouted, "Put me down! Ahhh, Albus! I'm going to stay here! Get him to put me down!"

Dumbledore seemed to have heard nothing, and said to the Ministry of Magic: "As for the guardianship of Phineas Black, you should always ask his godfather? That is the guardian appointed by the child's father."

"Oh? What did you say? Sirius is a fugitive?"

Dumbledore's blue eyes looked over: "Sirius is a fugitive, so he is also the child's biological father. He has designated guardians for this child. When will your rights surpass the child's biological parents?"

Dumbledore sneered, looking annoyed.

"If I remember correctly, it is said in the laws and regulations that when a minor wizard loses his parents or his parents are unable to perform guardianship responsibilities, priority should be given to the second guardian appointed by his parents? When will the Ministry of Magic's rights surpass that of a minor wizard? The rights of biological parents?"

"As long as Phineas Black's second guardian is capable of performing guardianship responsibilities, you cannot exceed your authority to arrange the child's future life!"

Dumbledore asserted that Remus' rights as godfather outweighed the guardianship rights of someone appointed by the Ministry of Magic, unless they asked Godric's parents to name someone else as guardian.

However, one of Godric's parents has gone to the other side of the ocean, and the British Ministry of Magic has not been able to find anyone. The other has just escaped from prison, and the people on the magic side have pissed off his mother to death because of the brutal law enforcement...

Even if he found Sirius, it would be good for him to take revenge against Magic because of his mother's death, but he could still calmly discuss with these people who to choose as his son's guardian?

Yes, Sirius had a bad relationship with his mother, but no matter how bad it was, he was his own. Besides, before Sirius was imprisoned, didn't their mother and son tend to reconcile?

The Ministry of Magic was stunned by Dumbledore, and there was no possibility to hold Godric in his own hands.

Those with small thoughts can only rest their dirty thoughts aggrievedly.

But that doesn't mean they won't trouble Godric.

"We need someone to keep an eye on the kid, Dumbledore."

Dumbledore frowned.

"Sirius Black is likely to find him, with his help, he is the son of Sirius, isn't he?"

"so what?"

Dumbledore looked over with anger in his eyes.

"We will arrange people to be stationed in Black's old house..."

Narcissa was furious at the side: "Then I have to arrange for someone to register the belongings in Black's old house. If one or two are lost, you won't guarantee that you will compensate for the loss, right?"

The people in the Ministry of Magic looked very ugly.

Narcissa almost bluntly accused them of coveting Black's property, and even pointed to their noses and said they were thieves.

Dumbledore frowned, trying to find a balance.

"In this case, I may have another idea. I can act as a guarantor and assist Phineas Black to close the old house of Black. No one will enter the old house of Black again. How about it?"

Narcissa glanced worriedly at Godric. The child stood in front of the tombstone, seemingly oblivious to the quarrel.

"What about Finny? Where did he live before he caught Sirius?"

Dumbledore sighed: "Until his godfather Remus Lupine doesn't come back, I can temporarily take him in, and there is still one month before Hogwarts' summer vacation, enough for Remus to come back .”

"Okay." Narcissa agreed with Dumbledore after Lucius gave her a few winks.

At least in this way, part of the property of the Black family can be protected, and her purpose is also here. She does not want the property of the Black family that belongs to Godric to be stolen by those damned guys!

On the contrary, Lucius was not very worried about Godric's future finances. He knew in his heart that this kid secretly had his own source of money. Godric inherited only one house.

"I remember that Mr. Lupine seems to be in financial difficulty?" He looked at Dumbledore. "After all, Finny is my wife's nephew and has a close relationship with my daughter. If Mr. Lupine is willing to transfer custody to the Malfoy family, we welcome Finny to live here."

Dumbledore smiled and said, "I don't think Mr. Malfoy needs to worry about this. The Hogwarts professor's salary is still enough for Remus to support himself and Phineas."

"..." Lucius thought to himself, he was careless, forgetting that Hogwarts still lacks a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts.

Narcissa glared at Lucius and said to Dumbledore: "I will always pay attention to it. Finny is Black's heir and the head of Black's family appointed by my aunt Walburga. Although I married out, but I will also pay attention to his life, if it is not suitable, I will definitely fight for the custody of my nephew!"

The Malfoy family was only inferior to the Ministry of Magic because they were reported. If it weren't for Remus, the guardian appointed by Sirius, Narcissa would have had a way to snatch Phineas' custody, even if the Ministry of Magic Finding faults is a matter of spending some effort.

However, Narcissa lowered her head. If she could, she also knew that she was not the most suitable candidate. After all, Lucius is the head of the Malfoy family. If Godric's custody is really in her hands, it has nothing to do with falling into the Malfoy family. the difference.

Lucius is not the kind of person who has no desires. Even if he is concerned about Narcissa, is he not tempted at all by the interests represented by the Black family?

Narcissa would not think so naively.

As for Remus Lupine, that nice gentleman, he would not covet the interests of the Black family represented behind Godric.

In this regard, Narcissa trusts her younger brother Sirius in choosing friends.

After sending away the people from the Ministry of Magic, Narcissa originally wanted to go back to Black's old house with Godric.

Godric refused.

"I want to stay here a little longer."


Godric pointed to Kreacher, who was hiding behind other tombstones, and said, "In just a moment, I will go back with Kreacher."

Narcissa sighed, asked a few words, and left with the others.

Just leave Godric alone with Grandma.

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