Hogwarts’ White Lord

43: Self-Created Spells

"What... what just happened?"

"It suddenly got super bright!"

The group of young wizards was in a state of confusion, but Ivan ignored the commotion. He turned to Professor Flitwick and calmly explained, "So, by doing this, for a brief moment, a blindingly bright light burst forth, enough to hurt the eyes."


Flitwick stared at Ivan, utterly dumbfounded. He felt as though he was dealing with an impostor, not a normal first-year student.

Is this something a young wizard should be figuring out?!

What is magic, really?

Magic is not energy, and there's no conventional wisdom that suggests pouring more magic into a spell will increase its strength.

The true force behind magic comes from emotions—specifically, the caster's state of mind.

The more intense the emotions, like anger or desperation, the stronger the magic becomes.

The concept of "ten times the magic power" that Ivan mentioned was akin to using ten times the force to lift a stone. Because of the excess force, the stone would fly uncontrollably.

"Oh, little Ivan…"

Flitwick, who now fully grasped what Ivan was experimenting with, was deeply concerned.

"This is incredibly dangerous! You... how can you alter the magic of a spell so recklessly?"

"No, wait—how did you even manage to change the spell's magic in the first place?"

Flitwick couldn't wrap his head around it.

You have to understand, most wizards in this world can't actually sense magic itself—only a select few can.

Flitwick wasn't entirely sure how to define this "select few," as he didn't realize how crucial the "soul" attribute was in perceiving magic.

To put it simply, wizards in this world cast spells based purely on instinct or intuition.

But what about Ivan?

Because his soul was far more advanced than the average person's, Ivan could feel the connection between a spell and the magic behind it while casting.

It was as if Ivan could assess the magic of the Illumination Spell and determine that its "standard magic power" was 1.

Through constant and precise practice, Ivan absorbed a wide array of spells, comparing the differences between them.

In this way, Ivan honed his control over magic power by relying on a near-perfect "instinct" and "intuition," allowing him to alter how magic manifested in his spells.

"By Merlin's Beard! You are incredibly brave!" Professor Flitwick exclaimed.

Professor Flitwick was well aware of the delicate relationship between magic power and spells, which was considered a highly advanced theory in the study of spellcasting.

Wizards in the wizarding world can be roughly divided into four stages: young wizards, adult wizards, magic masters, and great magicians.

These stages reflect a wizard's understanding and mastery of magic, not necessarily their strength, status, or power.

For instance, Nicolas Flamel was a great magician.

But due to his old age, Flamel's magical power had waned, making it difficult for him to cast more powerful spells.

Similarly, most of the magic masters around the world either teach as professors at various magical institutions or retreat into their laboratories, continuing their solitary exploration of magical mysteries.

Luna's mother, Pandora, was a magic master specializing in spells.

Pandora loved to study various spells, and what she delved into was exactly what Ivan was now experimenting with—exploring how spells change when the strength of the magic behind them is altered.

This kind of research is incredibly dangerous. A single mistake could lead to magic spiraling out of control.

Pandora, in fact, lost her life during a spell experiment.

"You—you dare to conduct such research without taking any proper precautions!"

Flitwick's whole body trembled with fear, and the emotional, short professor nearly teared up from worry.

He didn't know whether to call Ivan bold and reckless or ignorant and fearless.

But Ivan had succeeded.

"I'll be more careful in the future."

"In the future?!"

Flitwick was about to say something more, but Ivan quickly interjected, "Professor, why don't you take a look at the results of my research?"

Ivan wouldn't have risked experimenting with the changes in magic power within spells without having full confidence in his abilities.

After all, Ivan was an Obscurialist—a wizard capable of harnessing and controlling an Obscurus.

Even if the magic truly went out of control, Ivan could merge with the Obscurus in an instant to avoid any danger.

The vitality and resilience of the Obscurus were astonishing.

In the state of the black storm, even if Ivan were blown to pieces, he could recover through whatever part of his body remained.

Even if Ivan couldn't react in time, the Obscurus would automatically protect him from harm.

It's similar to how Gaara's sand works in Naruto.

The Obscurus is a parasitic entity. It lacks self-awareness but has independent emotions and can sense danger.

With these dual layers of protection, Ivan had no fear.

"In the future, yes, hehe.. ehm. Professor. I've also experimented with constructed something out of scratch."


Flitwick, however, remained deeply curious.

Seeing this, Ivan smiled slightly and waved his wand. "Lux in via praemisit!"

This was a spell Ivan had created at the beginning of the school year. It summoned a glowing ball of golden light that floated ahead, leaving a trail of shimmering footprints to show the path clearly—The one he had used when arriving behind Hagrid.

"Oh, what a beautiful spell transformation, absolutely brilliant!"

Although he had advised Ivan to be cautious, Professor Flitwick couldn't help but get excited, almost bouncing with joy when he saw the magic—a fusion of multiple spells.

"It translates to Light up the way ahead!"

Ivan briefly explained the principles of the spell to Flitwick.

With Flitwick's deep knowledge of spells, it didn't take long for him to understand the essence of Ivan's magic.

The spell Lux in via praemisit wasn't particularly difficult, and with Flitwick's mastery of spellcraft, it would only take him a few days to master it fully, possibly controlling it even better than Ivan.

There was nothing unusual about this.

The experience of a Hogwarts professor far surpasses that of Ivan at this stage.

Ivan's advantage lies in his 5 points of magic and soul, which serve as the foundation for his creativity.

"If you adjust the magic power and keep it around 3, focusing on more efficient utilization, it turns into something like this."

"Firefly Glimmer!"

As Ivan spoke, the students initially noticed no changes around them.

Class was actually over at this point, but none of the young wizards wanted to leave.

The Gryffindor students gazed at Ivan with admiration.

With their "Lion King" present, how could they just walk out?

As for the Ravenclaws, it was their thirst for knowledge driving them—they were eager to witness the birth of more unique magic from Ivan.

"Professor, could you help me with something?" Ivan asked, seeing that Flitwick was also puzzled.

"Could you make the room darker?"

"Oh, of course."

With a wave of his wand, Flitwick shut all the windows tightly, blocking any remaining sunlight from entering.

Yet, despite the darkened room, the desks, chairs, floor, and decorations began emitting a soft, blue glow.

The light was gentle and mystical, causing the young witches to gasp in awe, as if they'd been transported to a fairytale world.

Even Professor Flitwick was impressed by the magic's effect. "Incredible understanding and transformation," he remarked. "Though the required magic power has increased, you've managed to distribute it across the entire room."


A/N: In Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, Credence Barebone is an example of a wizard who became an Obscurial (the person hosting the Obscurus) but showed remarkable control over the Obscurus, more so than typical Obscurials. However, the series doesn't provide a specific name for someone who can fully control an Obscurus, so Obscurialist seems a fitting term based on the lore.


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