Hogwarts’ White Lord

44: I’m Famous

"How did you come up with this idea, Ivan?"

"This was inspired by a Muggle amusement park," Ivan replied.

"Amusement park?" Professor Flitwick tilted his head, clearly unfamiliar with the term.

But his lack of understanding didn't stop him from admiring Ivan's creativity.

Including the original Illumination Charm, this was the third new spell Ivan had developed based on the same concept.

With such talent on display, Flitwick couldn't help but ask eagerly, "Ivan, would you be willing to share the secrets of these spells with others?"

Flitwick's ethics as a teacher were impeccable. If Ivan considered these spells to be his exclusive creations, the professor wouldn't push for an explanation.

He would only explore the spell if Ivan willingly shared its details and allowed others to learn it.

"Of course!" Ivan's answer surprised Flitwick. He responded casually, "These spells aren't dangerous. They're just like other spells—only they're new."

"Perhaps the firefly spell might be a bit tricky to learn," Ivan added, glancing at the other students, especially Hermione. "But if anyone's interested, feel free to ask me privately."

"I—I want to learn!" Hermione exclaimed enthusiastically.

"That firefly spell is so beautiful!" another student chimed in.

"Ivan, how did you even come up with it? It's amazing!"

For a moment, several Ravenclaw girls crowded in front of Ivan, their admiration clear.

When it comes to beautiful things, even a spell can captivate and draw attention, especially when it comes from a genius like Ivan, who seemed to shine like a beacon in the dark. His charm was irresistible, attracting their curiosity.


Only Hermione, who had been pushed aside, stood there fuming. Her eyes were full of dissatisfaction as she glared at the others: 'I was here first! Get away from my Ivan!'

Fortunately, Professor Flitwick intervened and cleared the students away just in time, leaving Ivan alone, as he clearly had something to discuss with him.

"Ivan, have you heard of the wizarding magazine The Future of Spells?" Flitwick asked.

"Uh..." Ivan thought for a moment. "I've seen it in a bookstore, but I haven't read it."

"This is a publication dedicated to people worldwide who enjoy studying spells. It holds the same status in spell theory as 'Transfiguration Today' holds in Transfiguration," Flitwick explained.

Flitwick then suggested that Ivan publish his research on the three new spells in The Future of Spells. "Of course, this is just my suggestion," he added.

"I'd be happy to!" Ivan responded. He wasn't the type to hoard magic for himself. Unless a spell was extremely important or needed to be kept secret, he saw no reason to withhold it.

And these three spells were certainly not in that category.

Rather than keep them to himself, Ivan felt it would be better to share them openly.

Firstly, publishing the spells would enhance Ivan's reputation. Secondly, it would also earn him a reward from 'The Future of Spells'.

Most importantly, it would help Ivan expand his network and build good relationships with world-renowned magic masters.

After all, who wouldn't admire a talented and generous young wizard?

During lunch, Professor Flitwick invited Ivan to the Great Hall, where they discussed the three spells and the finer details of getting them published.

This scene naturally caught the attention of many students.

The older students didn't recognize Ivan; they only knew that he was a new student assigned to Gryffindor. However, the first-year students from the three Houses—Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff—quickly shared news of Ivan's latest achievements.

"I know him! Ivan Ambrosius!" said a first-year Hufflepuff enthusiastically at the House table, recounting Ivan's impressive performance in Herbology class to the older students.

"He protected us," the student continued. "He just raised his hand and told the mandrake to be 'quiet,' and it stopped crying immediately."

"I also heard he used three spells of his own creation in the Charms class," added another, recalling the demonstration Ivan gave in Flitwick's lesson. "Including that one spell he used to lead us when we arrived at school!"

"That's incredible! Is he really just a first-year wizard?" marveled a senior Hufflepuff.

Meanwhile, at the Ravenclaw table, the first-year students were also buzzing about the Charms class.

"He can already create new spells, and we've only just started school! Look over there," said one of the excited Ravenclaws, pointing to Ivan and Flitwick having lunch together. "I've never seen Professor Flitwick talk to a first-year student during lunch like that before!"

Compared to other Houses, Ravenclaw students have a deep admiration for wise individuals.

They take pride in their intelligence, and Professor Flitwick, being one of the best, is a source of great respect for them.

But now?

Seeing Professor Flitwick's expression when speaking with Ivan—his excitement so palpable that he seemed ready to break into a celebratory dance—made it clear just how remarkable Ivan was!

On the Gryffindor side, a crowd had gathered.

"I-I haven't talked with him.. much.. I.." Neville sat with red cheeks, feeling quite overwhelmed.

Being Ivan's roommate had suddenly made him the center of attention, and everyone was bombarding him with questions.

But how could Neville know anything?

Even if he did, his shy and introverted nature meant he wouldn't have the confidence to share.

"Hmph, that's Ivan, he is…"

Hermione, sitting nearby, saw everyone letting Neville off the hook and spoke up, clearly a little displeased.

"He's what?"

Seeing that Hermione seemed to know more, the older Gryffindor students quickly gathered around her, eager to extract any useful information.

Gryffindor loved heroic tales after all.

Ivan had performed spectacularly, and the young lions were eager to celebrate their newfound hero.


Hermione paused for a moment, remembering the truth behind Ivan's identity.

Ambrosius, the Eternal Family, the immortal descendant, the heir of Merlin.

These titles were far too dazzling. Hermione didn't want Ivan to stand out too much, so she carefully chose her words, avoiding the key details and didn't reveal Ivan's true identity.


Meanwhile, over at the Slytherin table, the atmosphere was tense and quiet, a stark contrast to the excitement and admiration at the other three tables.

The praise and admiration for Ivan grated on the Slytherins' ears.

A mudblood from the Muggle world had already created and enhanced multiple spells, as soon as he entered Hogwarts. Why?!

The older Slytherin students might not have openly voiced their displeasure, but they were undoubtedly unhappy.

Normally, the Slytherins took pride in their superiority, but now this mudblood was stealing all the attention and praise.

Ivan's exceptional performance felt like a slap in the face to those pure-bloods who believed family lineage and heritage were paramount.

"Ambrosius—have you ever heard of that family in the wizarding world?"

Malfoy, still bitter from the 'lesson' Ivan had taught him on the train, didn't dare provoke him directly, but he couldn't resist belittling him in private.

However, even Malfoy had to admit that Ivan was truly remarkable.

Malfoy was arrogant, attention-seeking, and always liked being in the spotlight, but he wasn't blind to the gap between himself and Ivan.

In the original story, Malfoy had a love-hate relationship with Harry. Aside from their initial rivalry, the most significant reason was that, in Malfoy's eyes, Harry wasn't living up to his "savior" reputation.

Compared to the legend of the Boy Who Lived, after meeting him in person, Harry seemed to Malfoy like just a lucky boy with a scar.

The same thing was happening with Ivan in Malfoy's own little twisted world.

Malfoy, who had not yet experienced the humbling lessons life could offer, refused to admit that Ivan might actually be better than him.


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