Hogwarts’ White Lord

45: Mc-Cat-Gonagall

Many Thanks to Wolfpack Studios, blackwar789, Knight_98, Tob_Gib and Foxzen27 for their Patronage!♥♥

★⌒ヽ( ͡° ε ͡°)♥



"Never heard of it."

The senior Slytherin students were also curious about Ivan's background. "At least in the past two or three hundred years, there hasn't been a prominent wizard named Ambrosius in the wizarding world."

The pure-blood ideology, despite its flaws, carried some reasoning.

Even a witch like Hermione might have distant wizard ancestors, and their magical blood could have reappeared in her.

Of course, that's just speculation.

Muggles don't know about the existence of wizards, and wizards don't typically investigate these matters.

But according to mainstream wizarding knowledge, Ivan's exceptional magical talent hinted at a significant magical lineage.

"Then he's nothing special," Malfoy scoffed.

His father was on the school board, and the Malfoy family was incredibly wealthy. Even the Dark Lord once considered his father a trusted ally!

Ivan, regardless of his magical abilities, would likely end up as just a Hogwarts professor in the future.


Malfoy sneered at the idea. 'If you're so great, why don't you kick Dumbledore out?'

In Malfoy's mind, unless Ivan could one day become the headmaster of Hogwarts, there was no reason to fear him.

For now? He was just another student.


Malfoy shifted his attention away from Ivan, stood up, and walked toward the Gryffindor table.

Young Master Malfoy didn't want to bother with Ivan; he was now looking to pick a fight with Scarhead.


Ivan noticed something unusual behind him. He glanced at Malfoy, who was getting closer to Harry, and he vaguely guessed that a confrontation was about to happen.

In response, Ivan smiled to himself, 'Malfoy really does have a thing for Harry.'

"Any other questions?" 

"No more," 

Ivan nodded. "Thank you, professor."

Flitwick waved off the gratitude, saying it wasn't necessary. He was a professor, and it was his duty to help his students solve their doubts.

During their conversation, Flitwick realized the extent of Ivan's talent. Although Ivan had only been learning magic for less than a month, the questions and ideas he raised surprised even Flitwick, a master duelist.

Professor Flitwick didn't find answering Ivan's questions troublesome at all; in fact, he enjoyed it. He just reminded Ivan to be cautious and was happy to address his curiosities.

"I'll handle getting your spells published in the magazine, Ivan. You don't need to worry about it," Flitwick added.

Flitwick was eager to see Ivan, as a first-year student, featured in The Future of Spells. It would be a proud moment for Hogwarts.

After all, Hogwarts wasn't ranked very high among the 11 magical schools in the world.

Thinking of the annual academic exchange meeting and discussing students with old friends from other countries, having an excellent student like Ivan to talk about, Flitwick suddenly felt excited. His small fists couldn't help but shake slightly with enthusiasm.

"Then I'll leave it to you, professor," Ivan said with a laugh, noticing Flitwick's small but excited movements.

There was a Transfiguration class scheduled for the afternoon, and Ivan had been looking forward to the older cat lady's class for a long time.

Before school started, Ivan had studied Transfiguration on his own, but there were too many obscure aspects he couldn't fully grasp.

Transfiguration was different from ordinary spells. It didn't have a fixed magical base, making it difficult for Ivan to analyze and break down like he could with improving or creating new spells.

How could one describe it?

If the Illumination Spell was set to a "1" on a scale of magic, then Transfiguration would be a spell with a lower limit of 0 and an upper limit of infinity.

Transfiguration involves the mind, will, and thinking. Through different proportions of these three elements, it can produce a variety of effects.

And the core principle behind Transfiguration? Two words—managing idealism!

Yes, idealism.

This was the conclusion Ivan reached after studying all of Hogwarts' Transfiguration textbooks.

The basis of Transfiguration lies in idealism.

What you want it to be, what attributes you want it to possess, and your subconscious definition of it.

Then, the transformation was successful...

'What the...?'

Ivan initially tried to approach Transfiguration with the scientific thinking from his previous life, but he quickly realized how naïve it was to attempt applying science to the world of magic.

To truly learn Transfiguration, one must first abandon the materialism of the previous life.

'Transfiguration is the most overpowered magic in this world.'

The more Ivan delved into Transfiguration, the more unfathomable it became to him.

It's no exaggeration to say that once you master the secrets of Transfiguration, the idea of "making a wish come true" would soon become a reality.

Whether it's tangible animals or plants, or even non-living things like stones or metal...

Even elements such as earth, water, wind, fire, and physical phenomena like temperature, air pressure, gravity—perhaps even space and time—can be influenced by a wizard who knows how to use Transfiguration.

'Nothing in the world can escape the concept of "change," and Transfiguration is about changing everything according to your wishes.'

In Ivan's mind, it wasn't an exaggeration to say that, compared to Transfiguration mastered by true wizards, black magic was simply insignificant!

And now, the cat lady of Hogwarts—Professor McGonagall—was standing on the desk, scanning the little wizards seated in the classroom.

'Hehe, she surprisingly looks cute. Maybe I can request her to play with Yummi?'

Imagining Yummi playing with a cat that suddenly transformed into McGonagall in front of her made Ivan chuckle.

Ivan was sitting in the first row, and next to him was Hermione, who was diligently flipping through the textbook.

Using his magical eye and spiritual vision, Ivan could clearly see the difference between Animagus transformation and Metamorphosis. 'The advanced level of Transfiguration that Old Dumbledore mentioned is indeed fundamentally different from temporary transformations.'

Ivan narrowed his eyes slightly as he thought back to the flowers and trees in the wardrobe world.

Interestingly, the traces of magic on the cat that Professor McGonagall had transformed into were strikingly similar to the plants and animals in the wardrobe world.

'Why is that?' Ivan mused.

He had his own guess: 'Could that world have been created through the permanent transformation that Dumbledore mentioned?'

'Permanent transformation... Animagus...'

As if realizing something profound, Ivan closed his magic perspective and decided to stop thinking further.

'Sharp child,' Professor McGonagall thought, noticing that Ivan was observing her intently, though she wasn't surprised. 'I wonder just how talented Ivan is in Transfiguration.'

Recalling how both Professor Sprout and Professor Flitwick had praised Ivan, a smile played at the corner of the cat's mouth. She felt a surge of pride.

After all, what kind of little wizards had the Sorting Hat assigned to her house before? Troublemakers, pranksters, mischief-makers—the Weasley twins!

'I've suffered from their antics for years!' McGonagall thought, imagining her weariness in the form of a sighing cat.

But now, finally, she felt a sense of triumph. 'The Sorting Hat did something right for once—it knows who its real boss is.'

Their eyes met, and Ivan smiled and nodded.

McGonagall knew that Ivan had figured out her Animagus form.

But Professor McGonagall didn't immediately acknowledge Ivan. She waited patiently, eager to gauge the reactions of the rest of the class.


Just as some students were quietly getting ready, Harry and Ron rushed into the classroom, looking flustered.

"We made it," Ronald panted, relieved when he saw no one standing behind the desk. "If we were late, McGonagall would have given us a terrifying look."

Ivan glanced over at the cat on the desk and shook his head knowingly.


At that moment, Professor McGonagall returned to her human form, startling many of the young wizards.

Harry and Ron, in particular, were utterly shocked, their jaws dropping.

"That's amazing!" Ron blurted out in awe.

"Thank you for your evaluation, Mr. Weasley," Professor McGonagall replied with a slight smile. "Perhaps I should turn you and Mr. Potter into pocket watches, so that at least one of you will know how to keep time."

"We got lost, Professor," Harry mumbled, feeling embarrassed. It was his first Transfiguration class, and being late wasn't exactly how he wanted to make an impression.

"Then perhaps I should turn you into a map," McGonagall said dryly.

Professor McGonagall did not really blame the two: "Find your seat, you don't need a map for that, right?"

After that, McGonagall walked back to the desk and started the formal class.

"Everyone open the textbook."

McGonagall explained the basic principles of Transfiguration to everyone, as well as some precautions.

"Does anyone know what the five exceptions are?"

After the words fell, a little hand was raised without a doubt, it was Hermione.

"Miss Granger, you answer it."

"There are five exceptions to Gamp's Law of Elemental Transfiguration, namely, the limit of food transfiguration, the inability to permanently transform living and dead things, the inability to produce magical items by transfiguration, the inability to change the number of transfigurations, and the inability to create something out of nothing by transfiguration."

"Very good."

Professor McGonagall smiled and nodded: "Because of Miss Granger's excellent answer, Gryffindor will get 5 points."

The little witch was very happy to get the extra points.

After sitting down, she couldn't help but raise her head to Ivan, as if to say, 'Look, I can get extra points too.'


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