Hokage: Ten-year-old Kaleidoscope, the beginning of betraying Konoha

Chapter 902 Desperate

King Jiaye waved the sharp spear in his right hand.

The big-tube wooden root elder who was worn on the tip of the spear was thrown away like a dead dog.


Genshi slammed into the ground tens of meters away.

It was as if his strength had been drained, and he couldn't even get up.

His abdomen, the wound pierced by the sharp gun [Yan Su Ming], is still burning and destroying.

The powerful regenerative healing ability that the demigod body is proud of cannot defeat the power of the divine weapon at all.

Looking at it like this, even if Gen Shi was not stabbed to death.

It won't be long.

It will also be burned into a coke by the residual power of the artifact.


The elders Qiongshi and Yaoshi, who were still fighting, broke free quickly and rushed to Genshi's side.

Want to heal his wounds.

It's a pity that in this hall, all divine pupil techniques are restricted, and they can't perform any healing methods at all.

Even if it can be used, it may not be able to offset the erosive power of the sharp gun.

And those two demigod servants of the royal family also instantly became smarter.

Did not choose to pursue.

Instead, they immediately came to the edge of the hall and blocked several gaps to prevent the council and others from escaping.

As for fighting?

There is King Jiaye holding double artifacts, what are they doing so futilely?

Just look at it honestly.


King Jiaye glanced around first.

Then he set his sights on the three of them.

"Good idea."

"Unfortunately, the artifact is not what you use."

"[Snake's Deer Zheng]? In the palace, the records and files about this divine sword are stacked higher than you."

"Do you think I don't know the special effects of this Excalibur?"

"Can't guess what you want to do?"

"You are still too young after all..."


From the beginning of the battle, King Gaya had already guessed the plan of the parliament.

The so-called being trapped by [Snake's Nazheng] and letting the two elders of the council enter the hall were all done on purpose by him.

Even if there is one more Goddess of Huangquan, he is very sure.

No one can break through the barrier of [Royal Pillar] and disturb [True King].

At least, no one can do it in a short time.

Therefore, he was confident and bold, and first dealt with the parliamentary army outside and the root elder himself.

Then he slowly returned to the main hall.

That's why, just now, none of the parliamentary fighters were able to rush into the hall again.

Now there is no longer a parliamentary Otsutsuki standing outside.


Genshi was lifted up by Qiongshi, and looked pale at King Jiaye in the distance.

He knew from the very beginning that there was a high probability that he would not be able to win against the ancestor king of Otsutsuki.

When the opponent ascended the throne and led the Datongmu clan to fight against the Moco side.

I am still drinking milk.

That's why he didn't choose to fight head-to-head. He just wanted to trap the opponent for a while and buy time for his teammates.

It's just that I didn't expect that I still lost so thoroughly.

My goals, my tactics, even the color of my underpants...

They have already been seen clearly by the other party!


This old thing, when you win, you win.

It's really hateful that you still have to mock yourself!

But as the elders of the family, the one who knows the current affairs the most.

Although the heart hates to death.

But Genshi still endured the injury, and immediately succumbed and said:

"We admit defeat!"

The elders of Qiongshi and Yaoshi beside them were taken aback for a moment, marveling at Genshi's surrender so simply.

But it's also reasonable to think about it.

With such a big advantage just now, they couldn't defeat King Jiaye.

More so now?

What's the difference between trying to hold on and courting death?


Sharpshooter [Yansu Suming] It's hard to say.

But the Excalibur [Snake's Frozen Zheng] has the ability to trace the source of the soul.

If it is really killed by [Snake's Nazheng], maybe even the remaining resurrection hands will be invalid, and it will be a complete fall.

Gen Shi doesn't want to die here in a daze!

After all, although they lost, the parliament has not lost yet.

As long as [Xu Shi Great Elder] succeeds, the council will still win!

It's all worth bearing the burden of humiliation now!


While talking over there.

Just a moment.

Natsume and An Mitsuha had secretly discussed dozens of ways to retreat from the enemy.


The highest success rate is estimated to be less than [-]%.

Although as long as you can leave the hall and go outside.

An Mitsuyu was able to barely activate the Law of Speed ​​and rushed out of the encirclement.

But how can it be so easy?

[King Jiaye] the deity, plus two artifacts;

Almost equivalent to three artifacts!

In this hall, An Yujinyu, whose strength has been greatly suppressed, has no chance of winning at all.

And Natsume, who is originally a clone without a physical body, can't be manifested; it can't provide much help at all.

Unless the three demigods on the other side of the council are desperately following along.

It is possible to win a chance to escape.

However, judging by the speed of their kneeling, there is no need to count on it at all.

For today's plan.

There is only one way: that is to stimulate the [Michishi Heart], break through the dimension, and escape back to the [High-dimensional Underworld Realm].

It's just that it takes a little time to mobilize the [Michishiki Heart].

During this time.

Only relying on [Huangquan Yin], An Yujinyu is not sure whether he can block King Jiaye for a moment...

If the artifact enchantment [God's Birth Nest Day] that I just bought for nothing can also be used, then there is no big problem.


[God's Nest Day] is an artifact of Otsutsuki's lineage, and it also needs Chakra to activate.

The chakra left by Natsume's avatar is not enough to activate the artifact at all.

What's more, [God's Birth Nest Day] was only broken, and it's still recovering now, so it's not certain whether it can be unfolded again.

Anyway, it's hopeless.

in short.

The current situation of Natsume and An Mitsuha is extremely bad.

There was hardly any hope of escape in sight.

Natsume himself is not afraid of anything, anyway, it is just a clone, and it doesn't matter if it is killed.

But An Yujinyu is different, she came from the body.

Once lost here, there is no doubt that you will die!

If it is captured alive, it is even more unimaginable...

Even, [Heart of Daoshiki], [Yellow Spring Seal], and the [God's Nest Day] just obtained will be lost.

The loss is so great that it is incalculable!

Of course, the most important thing is the safety of An Mitsuwa.

"How about negotiating with that old guy?"

"Even if you lose the artifact, as long as you can guarantee Jin Yu's safe departure, it's worth it."


"If you kill yourself, the artifact also belongs to the other party. Why should they negotiate with you?"

"Damn it, you shouldn't have listened to Tomoko's nonsense, and you shouldn't have come here to take risks!"

"It seems that I can only choose to rely on [Michishi's Heart]..."

Natsume cursed secretly.

The taste of being in a desperate situation is indeed too uncomfortable.

The trash of the parliament really can't be counted on!

But Natsume didn't know.

An Yujinyu was already ready to fight to the death.

After activating [Heart of Daoshi], if he urged [Yellow Spring Seal] to fight for his life with King Jiaye, he might not be able to stop him for a moment.

In that case, there is still a chance to send Natsume and the other two artifacts back to [High-dimensional Underworld Realm].

This is also, in her opinion, the choice with the highest success rate.


the other side.

Seeing that the three councils conceded defeat, King Jiaye ignored them.


He turned his head to look at An Mitsuha with his cloudy but breathtaking [white eyes].

The latter was startled, subconsciously preparing to start desperately.

But King Jiaye seemed to have seen through An Yujinyu's attempt, and interrupted first.

"There's no need to rush to work hard."

"There is no chance of winning if you try hard."

"The ancient god from the underworld, I will not kill you either."

"Next, you, as an audience, will witness the birth of our new god!"

"Not everyone can witness such a miracle."

King Jiaye waved his hand, sighed with emotion, and warned.

The royal family has been planning so far.

Countless resources were consumed and a large number of companions were sacrificed before finally being able to take the step of [True King]'s ascension to God.

It would be a pity if there were no audience for such a grand event.

Not to mention.

Invite the ghosts of the underworld, invite this kind of mortal enemy, to witness [True King] ascension to the true god status.

Let her witness it with her own eyes, feel the power of the true god, and feel the complete despair.

It's also a beautiful thing.

Shrimp pork heart.

No matter which race it is placed in, it is a refreshing and refreshing thing.

Besides, the high-dimensional gods who came from hundreds of thousands of years ago, as an audience, are more important than Genshi and others.

Of course, if the opponent insists on courting death.

King Jiaye didn't mind strangling the other party earlier...


An Mitsuha fell silent.

If she were to witness her enemy King Zhenruo ascend to the throne, it would indeed be more uncomfortable than killing her.

If it was only herself, she would definitely fight King Jiaye directly.

It doesn't matter even if you die in battle.

But carrying the [Heart of Dao Shi], and the future of the entire Huang Quan lineage, she also had to worry a little bit.

I'm dead.

But if you really gave all three artifacts to the royal family, that would be a shame!

However, just as An Mitsuyu hesitated.

King Jiaye suddenly raised his head and looked at the top of the divine pillar.

Then he showed a thick smile and praised:


"Is it the last step?"

"A lot faster than expected."

"This kid really didn't disappoint me!"

this moment.

On the top of the divine pillar, [Zhen Ruo Wang] has been concentrating on promoting the ceremony of becoming a god.

Finally, the divinity in the remnant soul of [Datong Mulong Style] was completely stripped away.

Next, you only need to fully absorb this part of divinity, and you can make up the last level and ascend to the position of [True God]!


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