Hokage: Ten-year-old Kaleidoscope, the beginning of betraying Konoha

Chapter 903 The Great Change!

At this moment, the top of the divine pillar.

Looking at the 'divine light ball' in front of him, the always majestic King Zhenruo also showed a rare smile.

It's finally here.

Last time, if it wasn't for the [Shadow] guy's backstab, he would have succeeded long ago.

It will not be delayed until today.

Fortunately, this time it went smoothly.

This is also the reason why [Zhen Ruo Wang] chose the top of the divine pillar to hold the ceremony.

This time, it was impossible for anyone to stab him in the back and disturb him.

Even if Xu Shi came in person.

He also couldn't instantly break through the barrier of the Divine Pillar.


[King Zhenruo] also glanced at the hall below, and had a panoramic view of Datong Mugenshi, An Yujinyu and others.

"It's quite lively."

The council can break into the hall.

Although it is a little surprising, it is still within common sense.

If the parliament really does nothing, it will be even more abnormal and even more frustrating.


It seemed that everything was under Grandpa's control.

I don't need to worry about it myself.

At this moment, the most important thing is to quickly absorb this group of divinity and ascend to the position of true god.


The divine light ball in front of him split out strands of silk threads, which were sucked into the body of King Zhenruo.

Every strand of it is enough to activate [Huangquan Yin] once.

Calculated according to the energy level, it is probably greater than the ability contained in thousands of chakra fruits.

It is also enough to prove it sideways.

How powerful the soul of the former Datong Mulong pose is.

To know.

The divinity is invisible, and it manifests into a halo form purely within the suppressing range of the [Pillar of Control].

But it can maintain an intangible form next to the divine pillar.

It is more enough to show that [divinity] has surpassed the definition of tangible and intangible.

Even if it is a [artifact], it cannot completely limit the [divinity].

For the vast majority of life forms, even a trace of divinity is definitely not a panacea.

It is a deadly 'poison' that can erode the entire soul.

Don't say absorbed.

I'm afraid that if you look at it too much, it may pollute the soul and cause the soul to be deformed.

Of course, for [True King] who is already experienced and only one step away from [True God].

The danger is almost negligible.

If he is not sure about this, he is still thinking about the [True God]!

as predicted.

The initial absorption was indeed very smooth.

In less than a minute, King Zhenruo had already absorbed a small demigod, and the speed was not uncomfortably fast.

Follow this rhythm.

It doesn't take long at all, and you can be done in a few minutes.

The people below were secretly startled.

Some are happy and some are sad...


at this time.

Xia Mu and others suddenly discovered that the absorption speed of King Zhenruo gradually slowed down until it came to an abrupt stop.

what happened?

Why did King Zhenruo suddenly stop?

Is this full?

Or something unexpected?

Kind of weird!

Not sure, wait and see.

Natsume was secretly suspicious.

And at this stage, either continue to wait and see; or directly desperately.

Beyond that, there is no other choice.

Natsume, who didn't want to let An Mitsuha go all out, could only continue to wait and see.


What unexpected twists will there be?


Soon, the turning point that Natsume expected came true.

Not only did it come, but it was huge!

The kind of big presence that no one can grasp.

In the astonished eyes of the few people below.

I saw, the top of the divine pillar.

The holy ball of divine light began to change inexplicably, and there were surging waves one after another.

for a moment.

It turned into a semi-virtual human form, and stood facing 【Zhenruo King】.

And that figure.

It is none other than the elder of [Datongmu Xushi]!

"Big elder!!!"


"how come?!!"

"how is this possible?!!"

This huge change scared everyone.

Even [King Jiaye], who has always been at ease, couldn't help but his complexion changed drastically, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Subconsciously want to activate the artifact.

Go to rescue King Zhenruo.

But he was still quite rational, and immediately suppressed this impulse.

Not to mention the strength of King Zhenruo, there is no need to rescue him at all.

Even if you make a move, even if you activate the divine weapon, it may not be able to break through the barrier of the [Pillar of Control] in an instant, on the contrary, it may be self-defeating.

As for the others, they are even more 'elegant'.

This imaginary formula that popped up suddenly was really scary.

It is a thousand times scarier than [I just took off my pants and found out that the other party is the same gender as me].

Even Natsume and An Mitsuha couldn't help being stunned.

But then there was a lot of excitement.

Good guy.

Although I don't know how to do it.

But now it's interesting!

This melon may not be eaten once in a lifetime, it is really wonderful!



After the 'Phantom Illusion' took shape, it remained calm and calm.

He even took the initiative to say hello to [Zhen Ruo Wang]:

"Your Majesty, long time no see, you seem to be in good condition."

"The one below is His Majesty King Jiaye? Sure enough, he is still alive. The last time I met him was more than 5000 years ago, right?"

"It feels like yesterday."

"Time flies, it is inevitable to sigh!"

Xu Shi also glanced at King Jiaye below, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion.


[True King] A strong killing intent erupted, causing the surrounding space to vibrate and howl.

Obviously, he is only one step away from becoming a god.

Unexpectedly, he was disturbed by the old thing of Xu Shi again; how can he not hate such a big enmity?

But he found out right away.

The part of the 'divinity' he had just absorbed also began to riot, trying to erode his own soul.

Forcing King Zhenruo to fight against it with all his strength, unable to strangle the 'phantom virtual style' that is close at hand.


It is already very difficult for him to control the questioning through the voice of his mind.

After all, he was still a generation of kings, and found out that he had been plotted to death by the other party.

King Zhenruo quickly calmed down, and praised with a smile:

"Great Elder, what a trick!"

"I'm curious, how on earth did you do it?"

"Since I got the 'Dragon Style Remnant Soul', I have never let it go away. When did you change the bag?"

"How can you hide from my inspection?"

This is what really puzzled King Zhenruo the most.

before opening the ceremony.

He checked it many times, and even used the [Artifact], and he confirmed that it was the remnant soul of the [Datong Wooden Dragon Style].

And there are no hidden traps, and this is the beginning of the "Ritual of Becoming a God".


Even if it's a false formula, it's impossible to hide it under his nose, right?

Xu Shi smiled lightly.

Out of respect for His Majesty, he didn't mind answering some doubts for him.

"It's simple."

"Actually, the dragon pose is me, and the virtual pose is also me. The dragon pose is equal to the virtual pose..."

King Zhenruo:! ! !

Natsume:! ! !

The rest: ? ! !

The virtual form continued:

"Hehe, don't be surprised."

"Time and years are originally one of the most powerful weapons. It can expose all lies and bury all calculations."

"Long enough time is enough to erase all traces."

"10 years is indeed too long!"

"It's been a long time since I almost forgot my identity as Longshi..."

King Zhenruo was startled slightly:

"Several 10 years ago, you are today?"

Imaginary: "That's not the case."

"Even if it is a true god, it is impossible to peek into such a long future."


"That year, after the war of gods ended."

"I insisted on finding a way to resurrect the ancestor, and I already caused the dissatisfaction of [Otsutsuki Yara]."

"Even if I deliberately created [Dragon Palace City] later, it showed a surrender attitude of 'locking the blood vessels of the ancestors'."

"That guy still doesn't trust me."

"After he ascended to the throne and stole [the name of the ancestor]. I knew that he would never let me, the first Otsutsuki king, go."

"For this reason, I had to set aside early to completely cut out the soul and life into one piece, and turned it into the Datongmu Xu style."

"This is the imaginary formula, which is the origin of who I am now."

Datongmu virtual style.

What is false?

It does not exist from the beginning, it is the real void!


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