Hollywood Art: System of sunnys

105. Friendship.

May 22.

Mr. Constantino, the math teacher, walked back and forth, giving orders to students here and there, while Professor Julie, on the other hand, spoke to the students more calmly. Both had taken on the responsibility of leading the high school seniors from Notre Dame High School on a three-day camping trip. To his misfortune, Billy was forced to attend this school event for some reason. Even in his bad luck, his only friend, Connor from the basketball team, would be playing in the regional finals with the basketball team, a last-minute stroke of luck that qualified them for the regional finals.

-Billy, my boy, you'll be late for school, - said Thomas Carson, who was very happy. His son had just been admitted to the business program at Stanford University, and he had an excellent national exam score. According to his grades, he could graduate with the class in June.

-I've got everything ready in my backpack, - said Billy, holding a large backpack in his hand, which contained all the necessary changes of clothes.

-Well, take some money, spend it wisely. There are some special stores near the campsite; you can buy whatever you like. If you need anything, just call me. That's why I got you the phone, - said Thomas.

-Of course, Dad, I'll bring back souvenirs, - Billy replied playfully. He even had about $80 in his pocket for any unexpected expenses. - By the way, it's $400, - he added.

-Invite a girl or something, buy some souvenirs, or spend it on arcade games, - said Thomas.

At forty-five years old, gray hairs had started to appear in his blond hair.

-Come on, I don't want to be late. The buses leave at 9 in the morning, - said Thomas.

-Just give me a second, Dad. I need to grab my wallet, - said Billy, running down the stairs, making a ruckus on the wooden and tiled steps. Billy's room was the last one on the left, with a home movie theater bought two years ago, featuring a variety of films.

The rooms were so minimalist that they gave off a sense of masculine simplicity. Billy entered the room, wearing a green T-shirt and a black Nike hoodie, giving him a youthful appearance that he lost when wearing suits most of the time.

-I'll be in the car, - Thomas called out as he left the house through the secondary door leading from the kitchen to the garage to warm up the car. It needed some time to warm up properly.

He watched Billy leave with the backpack slung over his shoulder. He got into the car, pushing the backpack onto the back seat with force. The traffic on this late morning wasn't as bad as they initially expected, and the trip didn't last more than twenty minutes.

They turned onto the streets, and after about twenty blocks, they could see Notre Dame School and the yellow school bus that would be used to take them to the annual camping trip for schools in the San Jose area. Out of the 49 senior students, six members of the basketball team were absent, and three others claimed medical incapacities. Forty students from Notre Dame High School would embark on the adventure in two buses.

-Remember to listen to your teachers, and I hope you behave well and have fun, - Thomas said.

-Of course, Dad. Remember to talk to Jim Lee. He promised to join the company once he finished some pending work. But his editor, Terry, will be the first to arrive. Leave some comics for me to start working on. The new Samurai X series will start publishing this summer season, and if there's still time, you can edit the comics for The Hunchback of Notre Dame and Power Rangers, -  Billy replied.

-I will, son. Don't worry; Anne has everything ready. We've set up a workspace for Jim Lee and his team, and your old man even took advantage of the purchase of the building on 43rd Street to rent apartments to the three of them, - Thomas said.

-The new apartments certainly surprised me, - Billy said.

-How much did you invest, Dad, for the whole building? - Billy asked. He never expected the purchase of a building, let alone that it was such an affordable price.

-Well, $160,000 from your end, and $70,000 from my end, so 65% and 35%, - Thomas replied.

-Say hi to Jim Lee's team for me, - Billy said.

-Take care, son! - Thomas said.

Exiting the car to head to the yellow school buses for a three-hour journey to their next destination, Billy saw Mr. Constantine with a clipboard, taking attendance as students boarded the buses.

-Good morning, Mr. Carson, -- Constantine said as he checked off names. -- Young man, you can board that bus over there, -- he pointed to a bus parked facing the street.

Billy boarded the bus, which was empty, and he was curious as to why he was assigned to this particular bus. He checked his wristwatch; it was 8:55 in the morning. He pulled out a book on modern art and started reading while making circles with his hand, a habit he developed from doodling at the factory.

-You're crazy! That damn teacher is a pervert! - a voice exclaimed.

-Shut up, - said another voice that Billy recognized—it was Selene. One of the most unpredictable women he knew; one day she was flirtatious, the next she was mean, and on another, she was quiet, with a mood as unpredictable as the weather.

-Mr. Constantine is as old as my grandfather, - said another voice that Billy recognized but found somehow annoying—Jessica.

-What nonsense. This is probably the stupidest thing that has happened today, - said a voice that Billy couldn't identify.

-Oh, of course. I bought them over the weekend. Do you like them? -  Selene replied.

-Red doesn't suit you, - Alice commented.

-Ha! Jealous, aren't you, my friend? - Selene retorted.

-Jealous of your superior intelligence? - Alice replied sarcastically.

-Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Don't worry, Austin is an idiot. Luckily, the basketball team kept him away from this activity. I swear, I wouldn't have come if that jerk was here, - Selene said.

-I know, he's such a jerk... Look who's here, our favorite guy, - Jessica said.

-What are you doing here? -  Selene asked.  - I thought you wouldn't show up. You usually keep to yourself, never participating in anything that resembles a classroom. -

-I just enjoy these activities. I hope you all do too, - Billy replied, returning to his book. The girls walked to the back seats to gossip from a distance.

The bus filled up with different students, and it became increasingly difficult to concentrate on the words in the book. So, Billy focused on sketching a bit here and there. He had been trying to expand the Slam Dunk comic, which had become popular among people. But it needed some filling in certain parts, from the training segments to the challenges faced by the secondary characters in the plot.

-Wow, buddy, you draw well. I'm a Slam Dunk fan too, -  a young man sitting next to him said.

-Thanks, - Billy responded.  - Who are you? -

-Haha, it's obvious. How could Billy Carson pay attention to anything other than his world? - the guy chuckled. - I'm Brando, a substitute for the basketball team. I didn't go because I got kicked off the team for bad behavior. -

-I'm sorry to hear that, - Billy said.

-Don't be sorry. I earned that expulsion. I honestly couldn't stand being on that dysfunctional team. I prefer to practice on my own. I'll try out for a second-division team in the summer. So, there's no point in regretting being on a team like that, - Brando replied.

-Which team are you trying out for? - Billy asked.

-The South Larkers. The tryouts are in the summer, and I'm already enrolled at San Jose University. My dad allowed me to defer a semester if I made it to the second-division team. The other option is to join the San Jose University team, but they're not very good, - Brando explained.

-You're going to college? - Billy asked, surprised.

- That's right, electronic engineering, and if I'm lucky, automotive engineering. My old man has an auto repair shop, so if you ever need any repairs, you can come by, we won't turn you away. We're in the Yellow Pages under "Mechanics" around here, -  Brando said.

-I see. I'll come by someday, but for now, I don't think we need a mechanic, - Billy replied.

-No worries, man, - Brando said. He was dark-skinned and had very white teeth. Although he seemed happy, his appearance left much to be desired—worn-out shoes, and second-hand clothes. Billy knew he was one of those struggling souls in California.

-Who's your favorite Slam Dunk character? - Billy asked.

Brando smiled, showing all his teeth. - I like Sakuragi/Wilt. You know, it's funny how he got into the sport just to impress a girl, but he puts so much effort into it that it's infectious. My old man built a court behind the shop. I've got all the volumes. What about you? Who do you like?" Brando said.

-I like Hisashi/Benz. His redemption arc is how he follows his passions without regret, and if he wants to apologize, he just does it. He's great, - Billy replied.

-You like the delinquent! Bravo! I never expected you to like the delinquent. You know, I thought you'd go for Rukawa/Lucían, - Brando said.

-Not at all. He's not as cool as other characters. He's just your typical superstar, - Billy said.

-Hahaha, - Brando laughed.

He leaned a bit closer to Billy. - Hey, I know I shouldn't pry, but what's the deal with the school beauties? You know, I always see you talking to them at lunch, and there's even a rumor going around that you've dated each of them, - Brando said.

-They say that? - Billy asked, a bit surprised. Rumors?

-Yeah, you know, they say you've dated Selene, Claudia, and Alice, - Brando said.

-I can't deny that I've gone out with Claudia, but not with any of the others, - Billy said.

-I see. I won't press, buddy. You know, in the basketball team, there's Austin, and that guy couldn't stop talking about how much he hates you. And Alice talks about you a lot, or at least that's what Austin says, - Brando said.

-I didn't know she talked about me that much, but there's nothing between her and me, -Billy said.

-No worries, buddy. I'm just laying out the facts, - Brando said.

The conversation continued until they parked halfway at a small shopping center with some toy stores.

-Will you come with me to grab something to eat? - Billy asked.

Brando looked like he wanted to say something but just nodded instead. In a small breakfast and lunch joint, Billy saw a menu for hamburgers.

-I think I'll use the bathroom. Give me a second, - Brando said.

-Can I have the double cheeseburger with fries, - Billy ordered, leaning closer to a person picking up their onion rings. - Oh, and I'll take some onion rings, a bottle of water, and a chocolate milkshake too. -

-That'll be $19.72, - the cashier said robotically.

Billy paid and waited for his order. The girls came in, laughing and giggling about something. Brando's words echoed in his head,  “Alice talks about you a lot." He noticed Alice's jean shorts that showed off her long, white legs.

-Oh, sweet Billy, what are you staring at me so intently for? - Selene said as she approached Billy's table. The laughter continued behind her after her loud comment.

-Sorry, I got lost in thought, Selene, - Billy said.

-Hmph, see you later, -  Selene said, returning to her friends. Billy's cold response had always bothered her.

Brando returned with a washed face and his usual friendly smile. In his hand, he held a peanut butter bagel. The aroma hit Billy's nose along with a thermos that appeared to contain hot chocolate.

-So, what are you eating? - Brando said with his mouth full.

-Well, I ordered something light, - Billy said.

The genetic makeup of this body loves to eat. Living with constant hunger was something he'd gotten used to over time.

-Order number 713, - they announced loudly.

-Ah, that's mine," Billy said, walking over to the pickup counter. The scent filled his nostrils. "I promise I'll start ordering salads next week, - Billy thought.

-Look, this one's for you. I didn't know you liked it, but it's a double cheeseburger with fries, just like what I got, - Billy said.

Brando's raised eyebrows revealed his surprise at the gift, sometimes things just are the way they are. And individualism tends to be an unwritten rule among people.

-Don't look at me like that. I don't like eating alone in front of someone, - Billy said.

-Oh, okay, - Brando replied. For the first time in three hours of talking to Billy, he was quiet while eating his burger. His big eyes contrasted with his long arms and even longer legs. Brando's height, as determined in medical records from last August, was 6'1". His hunger was voracious, and in less than 10 minutes, his burger was gone.

-You can have half of the onion rings if you want, -- Billy said, calmly eating his burger. He thought to himself, "You're doing me a favor; it's too much grease for me." He offered Brando the box of 8 onion rings.

Brando took half as Billy had suggested, and a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

-Thank you for the food. God bless you, Billy, - Brando said, making the sign of the cross that his mother had taught him, a practice she instilled in her three children.

The shopping center also had a sports store and a pet store. The trip continued without any further incidents until they reached the annual activity camp organized by private schools in the San Jose and Pasadena areas.

Mr. Constantine had his shirt soaked in sweat. He came down with a large megaphone and began giving orders to all the students.

The camp exceeded his expectations. The cabins were larger than he had expected, and the freshly painted wood shone along their edges. The rooms were spacious, with at least five people or more in each. The first activity was a long hike of about three to four miles. They were divided into two groups. The first group would engage in arts and crafts activities in the art cabin. A path through the forest led to a beautiful spring, home to some colorful and beautiful fish that swam throughout the small pond. Upon their arrival, a rustic-looking van brought some provisions: tuna sandwiches, bottled water, and a bag of chips. Pine trees provided shade in some areas, and a gentle breeze added to the peaceful atmosphere.

Billy began to draw the place with great care in his sketchbook. He tried to artificially recreate the movement of nature in his drawings, capturing the viscosity of the water and the flow of air currents among the leaves and underbrush.

-That's a nice drawing. Brando said you were good at it, but this is fantastic, -- Will --commented. Will was one of the members who shared a room with him. One cabin had up to five spacious rooms, accommodating 23 boys. -

-Thank you, I was just trying to capture this scenery forever, - Billy said, taking a bite of the tuna sandwich that was in a plastic bag next to him.

"Stella, look. Someone's got talent," Will said, calling over a petite girl with short hair. She was very small in stature; her entire body had small proportions. He had seen some of her works in the art room, and she had skills with a paintbrush.

"Billy Carson, I saw your final art piece, it was amazing," Stella said.

"I've also seen some of your work, and it's pretty impressive," Billy replied.

Stella didn't say more, but she did stop to look at his painting carefully. Her thin eyebrows furrowed, and she almost creased her forehead, creating lines of concern, before moving to the other side of the spring. Will simply made an apologetic gesture and followed her. Billy, on the other hand, stopped in various places, greeting and exchanging words with the other people in almost random discussions with all the students on the excursion. Billy adjusted his things and continued drawing for almost another hour, repeating the landscape for a second time with firmer strokes and more detailed finishes. This time, he felt more satisfied with the drawing. However, he decided to draw other things to pass the time. They were called back after an hour and a half.

Billy returned to his room to drop off his things as the evening's music activity began. To his surprise, it was a dance dedication. It had been a long time since he had modestly danced, but the activity turned out to be fun thanks to John, the camp's entertainer, who had a knack for words.

He sat down next to Alice, who, for some reason, seemed sad. The reason was her ex-boyfriend, Austin.

-Is everything okay, Alice? - Billy asked, looking at the fire in the center of the camp.

Alice only glanced at him from the corner of her eye, but he didn't turn to look at her. - I'm fine, just tired, -  she said.

-You never told me about Claudia, -- Billy said, his green eyes watching Alice. Despite her reserved state, there were no obvious signs of distress. -- I don't want to know for now. I'll wait for her to tell me. I heard you're going to Berkeley. -

-That's right. You're heading to Stanford, - Alice said.

-Indeed, I'm going to Stanford. The business school awaits me, - Billy said.

-I thought you were going to Los Angeles, - Alice said, her words carrying hidden meaning.

-I'll go later. The business course is two years; it's not much considering the time I have, -- Billy replied.
-You know, Claudia has wanted to call you for a while now, but she's been afraid to hear what you'll say, - Alice said.

-I have no intention of losing my temper. If she wants to call, she can call. I didn't realize you talked to her so much, - Billy replied.

-Well, Jessica, Claudia, and I all went to the same school. She's always been a very funny person. Come on, let's grab something to eat. I haven't eaten since lunch, - Alice said, squeezing his shoulder.

-No problem, - Billy said, hoping no one would misinterpret this. Brando's words from this morning about him still lingered in his mind. The restaurant was the typical cafeteria with large tables and a buffet served by a kitchen assistant.

-You know, I never thought school would end so quickly, -- Alice said, picking up her pasta with salad from the kitchen assistant. -- You didn't even go to the prom; it's your senior year. I'm just surprised. Selene wanted you to ask her to the dance. -

-I was busy, - Billy said.

-Again with that attitude, the mysterious guy. You know, people have feelings. Sometimes we want to be acknowledged. We want to be liked, and when you ignore someone like that, it's hurtful, - Alice said.

-When you do it, I've seen how you make fun of some guys, - Billy replied.

Alice's mouth twisted into an uncomfortable expression. She wasn't used to anyone responding to her so directly.

-They're not the same thing. I don't beat around the bush. Tell me, Alice, do I seem indecisive to you? - Billy said.

Although he spoke softly in his voice, Alice felt the weight of his words, and she felt her tears welling up in her eyes.

-You're such a jerk, - Alice said angrily.

Billy could only follow her to the table she chose.

-Come on, Alice, my words aren't meant to hurt, - Billy said, sitting across from her.

Alice was furious, and it showed in her eyes. The conversation fell into an awkward silence as two uncomfortable people ate at the same table. Billy decided to finish eating without paying further attention to the angry Alice; he would apologize to her after he finished his meal.

Alice got up to leave without finishing her meal. - Don't go, Alice, - Billy said.

Alice paused but only to look at him and flip her hair with a practiced gesture. Billy managed to grab her hand, and although the room wasn't full, there were about five people, so this was likely to spread like wildfire.

-Finish your meal, then we can talk more calmly, - Billy said.

Alice did as he asked, but anger was still evident on her face. Billy could only smile; Alice's tantrum reminded him a lot of his grandmother, who, despite her anger, only puts on a sour face for the whole day. His grandfather is an expert at mending that face, but he prefers to let her cool down after a while.

Alice finished her meal and rested her cheek on her hand, looking away.

-I'd like to travel to Los Angeles and start my acting career, but my family is pretty strict in many ways. I respect them, and I know I'm not old enough to rebel against them yet. So for now, I'm just going with the flow. I know the day will come when my actions can't be dictated by anyone, but for now, I'm just waiting for the right moments, - Billy said.

Alice didn't respond.

--That's why I can be rude sometimes. I just focus on my things without paying attention to others. You should understand me too. After all, you're part of the cheerleading team. They say you're very competent, a captain to be feared. Sometimes I see you working hard in my extracurricular basketball classes, -- Billy said.

--It's tough to have to follow others' words. I thought you were a bit more rebellious, and well, I do everything with the best of intentions, which is why I'm going to Berkeley. We'll see how things go after that, -- Alice said.

-Everything will be fine, Alice. Time puts things in their place, -- Billy said.

-Hahaha, you sound like an old man for sure, - Alice laughed.

Billy blushed but could only join in Alice's laughter. -- Do you want to go to the mall tomorrow? -- Billy asked.

-Let's go! But let me bring Selene and Abby, - Alice said.

-You can bring them, just don't cause any problems for me, - Billy replied.

The school camp was just beginning, but Billy understood that he couldn't distance himself from the people around him. That would only be detrimental to him at first. He played basketball with Brando and got to know Selene and Alice better during the camp.


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