Hollywood Art: System of sunnys

106. Premiere of the game, Samurai jack.

May 22.

For Thomas Carson, things were going quite differently than for Billy Carson. The early arrival of the artists Billy had invited to join Lux Comics had been causing him headaches due to the conditions they imposed. He considered these conditions unnecessary, given the flexibility his son had offered these people. Billy wasn't charging a cent for printing the comics, and everything was being covered at cost, with a 35% distribution fee and an office space provided in the comic factory, which could easily be used for more critical administrative workers in the sector.

-It's already begun to distribute the Samurai Jack games. Capcom sent us some special copies to test since yesterday, - said Dave, the factory's inspector general, while Thomas was in conversation with Anne, discussing the arrival of the company's artists.

-I think there's only one person who can adequately test this game, -Anne remarked, taking the console and heading to the game room, where she connected it to the television. - Raimon, come over here, don't run away. I've seen you play arcade games since I arrived. -

-Oh, Anne, I got up early to finish my work. I don't have much left to do, - Raimon replied.

-Well, start checking this is the new game from the company, and Billy wants to know in great detail whether Capcom followed the instructions or encountered any issues along the way, -- Anne said, glancing at the wall clock. -- It's 9:00 in the morning. You have until after lunch. I'll leave you in your office during those hours. You also have today, Friday, Saturday, and Monday to review it. If you finish early, you can complete the game. -

-They pay you to play video games. It's pure gold, - Raimon thought.

-Oh, sweet Anne, don't worry. I'm an administrative droid who gets all the tasks done, - Raimon said.

with a chuckle as he turned on the Samurai Jack console. He opened a 1.5-liter Coca-Cola bottle and mixed it with some coffee, and the heavy bags under his eyes spoke of a night of revelry. The meeting with his old group had brought consequences, a movie marathon from the Far East, and it had never been so much fun.

Anne simply ignored his behavior and continued with the morning meeting with Mr. Carson. The June season was set to begin on June 15th, and so far, only three comics out of the five promised by Billy had been delivered: the stories of the Iron Giant, the Hunchback of Notre Dame, and the Power Rangers. Billy had promised to publish a fourth series online, but there were only sketches—Shaman King, the Spirit King, another idea from young Billy, which surprised Anne.

The Samurai Jack game began with an enticing intro created by Billy, featuring Jack cutting a red background into three pieces. The screen rotated, and the start game and load game options appeared on the menu. Only the aesthetic designs were top-notch.

Raimon pressed the start game button, and the voiceover narration resonated from the square-shaped television of that era. The one-minute short film created by Billy played, and Jack's sword seemed to leap out of the screen. This prompted an outburst of excitement from Raimon, who began laughing, raising his hands in the air while taking long sips from the Coca-Cola he had downed in one go. He reached for his backpack and pulled out a long tube of sour gummy candies that turned his mouth blue. They shared the carbonated drink.

-You have to prove yourself, player. Only someone destined to defeat Aku can finish this game, - said Aku with a hearty "HAHAHAHA," filling the game room. Raimon held his breath. The first thing he'd do was recommend it to his friends, call the Stanford computer group, and the Blue Cavalry—everyone had to play it with him.

The game controls were impressive and practical, from double jumps to using the sword in various combos, such as double tap and down, or double tap and up. It was simply astonishing. The game explained how to navigate the different obstacles, and the open world that he and Billy had once discussed came to life.

After completing the first mission and receiving a radar from space dogs to map locations, Raimon realized he could now map all the places he visited. From the trade center where he could upgrade his sword in the blacksmith's shop to his small inventory and the skills he was learning, he played non-stop for four hours, and the completion percentage still stood at 18%.

-Raimon, it's time to go to work, - Anne said in that authoritative tone that reminded him so much of his mother.

-Sure, sure, just give me a moment to save the game, - Raimon said like a child speaking to a mother.

-How's the game? - Anne asked.

-It's insane, Anne. I think Billy is going to make a lot of money for Capcom. It's simply revolutionary. 10 out of 10. I'll call all my friends and recommend the game. It's almost like playing Street Fighter for the first time, something I can't easily forget, - Raimon said.

-That reassures me. Write a review and leave it on Billy's desk when you finish the game, - Anne said.

-Wait, what? Billy won't play it? -  Raimon asked.

"I don't think they'll have time to enjoy video games. There's a lot to do in the company, like the semi-annual reports from the companies. I've given you some extra tasks—review the accounting, and if you can find any errors, highlight them in red, - Anne said.

-Piece of cake. I was a monitor in accounting at the university, - Raimon said, thumping his chest. In the four hours of work, he had entered autopilot mode. The sooner he finished, the sooner he could continue playing the Samurai Jack game.

Accounting accounts are like a fashion runway collection; you have to show them to everyone in the right way. Each account must be redirected on a specific occasion. Each account follows a correct pattern, and if you can choose another path, that path has fewer obstacles. Some paths are longer, while others are for newcomers.

-Raimon, it's very late, young man. You should go home, - Gorman, the company archivist, said.

-Oh, I got caught up serializing the accounts to hand them over to Anne. Darn it, I'll have to come in early tomorrow, - Raimon said. It was already 8:00 PM.

-I think it's time for both of us to go, - Raimon told Gorman.

-Come, I'm about to leave. I'll wait for you, - Gorman said.

Raimon shut down the computer and organized things as best he could.

-Let's go. I'll finish with the accounts tomorrow, - Raimon said.

-Anne had to leave early. Before 5:00 PM, her little brother had to stay without a babysitter, so she'll be going home early. She asked me to give you the complete Lux Comics files. She wants you to do the study and report. She'll review it later, - Gorman said.

A man in his thirties with a serious demeanor, he only spoke when necessary. Occasionally, he could be seen reading detective novels from the filing cabinet.

-Too much work for one day, - Raimon said, bidding farewell to Ramon, the night guard, who was locking up and inspecting the company from top to bottom. The small reception area at the entrance was the only well-lit place.

-Good night to all of you, - the security guard said.

In the next five minutes, he arrived at his small apartment, thinking about how great the Samurai Jack game was. He fell fast asleep, and the alarm woke him up at 7:00 AM. Still feeling quite sleepy, he rubbed his beard and realized it was time for a bit of shaving. Although he was aware of what he was doing the night before, unfortunately, he had slept in his clothes with his glasses on, and he woke up with a terrible headache. There was only one important thing on his mind: he would shower and play some Samurai Jack at work.

He managed to dial his friends from the Blue Cavalry, and luckily, they answered. The game room had a phone.

-Samurai Jack, the best game I've ever played. You won't regret it. Spread the word—it's a glorious combat challenge, - Raimon exclaimed loudly.

He repeated these words for his friends in the Star Wars enthusiast group, his friends in San Diego, and even those in New York. He called nearly twenty groups because he had to share the excitement with as many people as possible.



I am trying to make the chapters a little longer, in some cases, the minimum word count is now 1200. - the maximum word count is 2200, but the last chapters are 3000 words or 2800. I want to make longer chapters for you, I feel you enjoy reading them more. 

on the other hand, sorry for the delay, I've had a very busy week. follow me on Patreon I'm 30 chapters ahead, and there are even some images, and extra chapters only for subscribers, have a nice day.


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