Hollywood Art: System of sunnys

24. Thomas’ Impression

-Well, that went... good, -Thomas said.

-Tell me, Billy, I'm very curious to know why you had that repurchase condition for the film rights, - he asked.

-It may seem like a bad purchase, but it's quite the opposite. My idea is to create our television channel with the entire repertoire of Lux comics. Imagine, Dad, our channel to compete against the heavyweights, - Billy said.

- Son, that's a great idea! -  Thomas said.

-It's still just an idea but showing Lux Comics works to the world can lead to success, - Billy said.

- How will you compete against the giants? You know the difficulties these companies pose to limit their competitors, from sabotaging the content rating system to negative publicity or closing commercial franchises, - Thomas said.

-The MPAA, based on the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and industry self-regulation, is a tough chain to break with its subjective criteria and hidden agendas. And that's just one of the many methods used in the industry that can compromise the channel's service, - Thomas said.

-Dad, that doesn't matter now. If Cartoon Network does a good job, our company will skyrocket, - Billy said.

-If, for some reason, that doesn't work, do you have a plan B? - Thomas asked.

There he goes again, his father thinking efficiently and without limits. If he sees any failure or hesitation at any moment, he'll disapprove of any attitude and, like a dog sniffing out mistakes, he'll punish and stubbornly refuse to give in. Sometimes he thinks he's talking to a colleague to whom he gives his legal opinion.

-Of course! In case we can't establish our channel, I would join as a subsidiary to the highest bidder. There are plenty of opportunities in Hollywood. If I must live in the shadow of a major entertainment industry player to create a channel, I don't mind. As a company, the priority is to earn enough to maintain a stable position, - Billy said.

The hazel eyes observed for a while before smiling.

-The Warner studio is in Los Angeles,-  Thomas said.

-Well, the series will start once Warner Media decides to create the channel 100%, - Billy said.

-Which will likely be next year. I can see that you have everything planned out, and Mrs. Cohen is a very capable woman, - Thomas said.

-I know. Doing the math, it's a six-hour drive, and the plane journey is 35 minutes. Although air travel isn't very popular these days, it could work, - Billy said.

- Could we buy a small apartment in Los Angeles, in West Hollywood, near the studios? -  Billy ventured.

-That's the best idea. Let your old father take care of the financial side and determine the value of a good property. It's better to buy a modest house in a safe neighborhood, - Thomas said.

-Well, Dad, now I just want to go and have something delicious to eat. The meeting exhausted me mentally. Let's go to Burger King, - Billy said.

-We can go, but first, tidy up the office and deliver the drafts of the next chapters to Anne, - his father said.

-Yes, I'll give everything to Anne. Just wait a moment, - Billy said, heading to Anne's office. The warehouse had a library of published works and a private one in his studio. It was like having another library at home with all the prints up to that moment.

Now his father doesn't know the whole picture. Who needs to compete against content services and federal regulations for television when there's an untapped market, the wonderful internet? There's nothing to fear. When television becomes part of the streaming platforms that started gaining traction in 2006 and exploded in 2010, that's when the catalog and digital library start to matter. The big productions, the feast of viewers entering from the internet to an online platform. From a feedback perspective alone, millions and millions of dollars can be earned by creating a competitive platform that allows for their cartoons and some movies to gain market share.

The streaming market accelerated in 2010, but no one imagined something that changed everything, the creation of personalized original content exclusively for a platform. If someone wants to watch a series, they only need to subscribe to see the original content. Many people become attached to a series they enjoy, and from there, it's an old story. They find the convenience of being part of the platform, the variety of movies, and the nostalgia of great classics. That's why, from now on, I will build my digital content base.

I'll try to acquire some series here and there to expand my virtual library. It's wonderful to have a collection of all the Marvel and Star Wars series that will keep us supplied for the next few decades.

-Father, tomorrow I have to go to school to participate in the theater play scheduled for next spring before the end of the year, - Billy said.

-I can drive you tomorrow, but I have a meeting with a client downtown at noon, - Thomas said.

-Mmm, I'll call Claudia to pick me up, - Billy said.

-Ah, Mrs. Branovich,- Thomas said.

Claudia and her mother are from Eastern Europe, and although their heritage doesn't give them the expected beauty of those women with those genes, they are quite cheerful and liberal. They escaped during World War II through the Mediterranean borders and arrived in the United States. Later, due to her mother's work as a photographer, they ended up in San Jose and then Los Angeles.

-When will you have the collectible cards? -  his father asked.

-Mmm, next year. At the moment, with only 20 cards, it's not possible to start a collection. I'll wait a bit to showcase more characters, along with the Nike partnership. Surely, having around 140 available cards will be enough, - Billy said.

For now, he has partnerships with the Chicago Bulls, Detroit Pistons, Los Angeles Lakers, Boston Celtics, Philadelphia 76ers, Portland Trail Blazers, and Utah Jazz. We have some players from all the teams who have accepted the proposal to appear as animated characters. But we need to give it some time. Also, the relationship with Nike is current until June 1992.

-Keep the Magic card for me, will you? - Thomas asked.

-Yes, he'll be there. I haven't made his card yet, but I have some plans, - Billy said.




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