Hollywood Art: System of sunnys

25. drama club

-Hello, dear, - Mrs. Branovich said, her hair looking wet and disheveled.

Claudia's smile opened like a cruise ship. She was quite happy that Billy was participating in the school play.

-Claudia handed him a file of papers. -This is the script for 'Our Town.' Teacher Raquel edited some parts of the text, so give it a read. Rehearsals start next week, but it's good for you to gain some skills before the performance. One of Jack Boor's friends will be playing Joe Crowell, which is the role we're looking for you. The casting for Dr. Gibbs has already been chosen by Jack, so good luck in winning George.

This play is a classic of American theater, although not very well-known. It still appears on stages and in public readings by some people. The past resembles a reconcilable way of interpreting things, and plays are always necessary to deconstruct that past, behind the silhouette of art.

The whole play takes place in the 1900s to 1910s, a time of significant change and, for some, a golden era depending on the perspective from which one contemplates. The nostalgia for past times is a sunset often seen from distant places. The setting is Grover's Corners, New Hampshire.

-Wait, why didn't he choose, on the contrary? -  Billy asked.

-What are you talking about? -  she asked.

-Yes, George is an even better character than Dr. Gibbs,-  Billy said.

-Ahhh, whoever plays Dr. Gibbs also acts as the stage manager to captivate the audience as the protagonist, - Claudia said.

-So, it's almost a one-man show! -  Billy exclaimed.

-Not necessarily. At one point, it was performed this way because there are only two people in the class who truly can handle so many scenes, and those are Jack and Justin, - Claudia explained.  -But Justin always gives in to Jack's insistence, so the fight for the role of George was put aside. That's where you come in. Auditions will be held next week after the rehearsals for the part, - she said.

-How do you know all that? - Billy asked.

-Laura from the set design is in the same grade as those two, and it's not something new, -Claudia said.

-There won't be a conflict of interest, - Billy said.

-Conflict of interest? Are you an idiot? Of course not. The final word lies with Teacher Raquel, and she's a very firm person. You're still getting caught up in detestable competition. It's a school, don't expect active sabotage. What they were telling you is to at least give it a try, you know, don't give up without even trying. And don't give me that look, Billy Carson, just memorize the script, - Claudia said.

-Yeah, I know. I just... You once said those guys were problematic, - Billy said.

-Oh, I said that that's true. But Raquel is the lady in charge. Besides, the worst they can do is selectively ignore you, but I doubt they'll do that. Because Justin rejected the role of George, and now he only has to pick up the leftovers he once didn't want, - Claudia said.

This reassured him a bit. He didn't expect to start an argument over a silly theater role. However, he knew that this could be a valuable opportunity to gain a letter of recommendation for an acting academy.

Billy's imagination wandered a bit. Ever since he read the script, he enthusiastically envisioned a future where he would act in movies he had seen in his past life. The private school had some advantages, apart from almost guaranteeing admission to certain private colleges in the county. There's no doubt that Raquel was one of the best teachers he had ever seen. The next step was to win the role of George Gibbs for the play. He gained some skills through his development in the interpretive category.

-Well, have a good day. I have to deliver some photos to my boss, and I'll pick you up at 3:00 PM, - Briantic Branovich said, lighting a cigarette.

-Give me some money for lunch, - Claudia said.

-Didn't you already have lunch? - her mother responded with feigned surprise.

-Well, give me money to buy something to eat, - Claudia said.

-Fine, I have two dollars and forty cents, - Briantic said. The Renault drove away, and Claudia had a handful of coins.

-How much money do you have saved? - Billy asked.

-Ten dollars and it's not a joke. You'll have to take me to the museum next month and pay for all my treats. Saving has never been so difficult, - Claudia said. She was now two dollars and forty-three cents richer.

-To the museum? Isn't it free for students on weekends? What would I have to pay for? - Billy asked Claudia.

-That's the story my mother doesn't know. We're going to a place near the museum. A new Italian restaurant opened, and Nancy from my previous school says they make the best burrata she's ever tasted. And on the way back, they sell some delicious desserts that my mother can't eat due to colon problems. We'll have a great time, -  she said.

-Well, I can go next month, but let my dad find out, I'll be delighted, and he'll give us extra money, - Billy said.

-Hahaha, you said it yourself, you'll have to go. The dish costs thirty dollars, so get your wallet ready, tiger, - Claudia said cheerfully.

What are thirty dollars to Billy? It's a lot of money, but not too much. He still has the two hundred dollars he won by betting with his father that the Pistons would win the championship. And Claudia has been part of his plans for some time now. Where else would he find someone who can connect with everyone? What's better than a talented person in photography?

He's not a very outgoing person to make friends wherever he goes. In a way, Claudia is what he needs at CalArts. Even if she can't afford it, he would pay half of her tuition for her to go. Then she could work for him on some jobs. With the right tools, the little girl will be great.

-What did you think of the script? -  Claudia asked.

-Well, it seemed ordinary. I thought it would be more special, - Billy said.

-Wait, are you telling me you want to be an actor and you don't know how to read a script? No play is ordinary. Bring magic to your role, Billy. Ask Teacher Raquel for advice; she usually has great ideas about that, - Claudia grumbled.

-I will. What do you usually do during rehearsals? - Billy asked reflexively, not finding anything impressive.

-Nothing out of the ordinary. The actors practice their lines, and we work on some short scenes for ten minutes. Sometimes we play different roles to explore how to interpret the play. I take some photographs and help with some paintings for the play. You're going to love it, -  Claudia said as she entered the theater room.

The studio still had the charm of Halloween. It seems they're planning a special party for Notre Dame students, and that's why the theater has a gothic and eerie ambiance. The dances are held in autumn, spring, and at the end of the year. The goal is not only to integrate people but also to give them a healthy life.

Everyone had a festive atmosphere. The wooden houses and the set backgrounds were set aside as two young people added color to the environment they would portray in the play.

He saw Jack's group laughing on the stairs leading up to the stage. Teacher Raquel was talking to someone beside her.

-Good morning, Teacher Raquel,-  Billy said.

-Ahhh, so you decided to come... Well, practice your lines for George, just the first scenes. You'll be doing some performances in an hour. These hours are essential for choosing the role. I want to see that talent Claudia boasts about your acting,-  she said.

The teacher next to her smiled.

· Dr. Gibbs: George, get up!

· George: (Offstage) Yes, Dad!

The first dialogue is not urgent.

· Mrs. Gibbs: I'll talk to your father about it when he's rested. I think 25 cents a week is enough for a boy your age. I truly can't understand what you spend it on.

· George: Oh, Mom! I have a stack of things to buy.

· Mrs. Gibbs: Strawberry milkshakes, that's what you spend it on.

· George: I can't understand how Rebecca can have so much money. She has more than a dollar.

The second scene is not relevant. He can handle these roles. His acting has improved significantly since he performed in Romeo and Juliet.




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