Hollywood Art: System of sunnys

326. bugs.

June 15.

The movie "Bug's A Daily Life" premiered on June 15, 1995, at the same time as Pocahontas. Both films are in a classic face-off that has become common in recent months: the battle between 3D and 2D animation is livelier than ever. On numerous occasions, some animators have argued that the world of 2D animation is what the market needs due to its development and tradition. Typically, such attacks come from people related to the industry. With a budget lower than its big success Toy Story, the $32 million are competing against Disney for the third time.

The crowd was spirited, and to the misfortune of many, the mastermind behind the scenes was absent. Billy Carson wasn't present on the red carpet. The event, seen through different eyes, was full of people from his company, bustling back and forth, taking pictures of the various toys. It was a complete festival for children, but adults couldn't help but admire the beauty of each toy. Along with the homage from toy stores, Toys and Games, owned by Billy, boasts five branches - one in San Jose, Los Angeles, New York, San Diego, and San Francisco. Its sales are enormous, as it's the go-to store for any special product of luxury animation. This has been a constant hit from numerous animation series, movies, and games that are starting to gain recognition in the market. Brand recognition is becoming public knowledge for everyone around.

-Billy didn't come, - murmured Raimon, seeing the carpet so crowded.

-His work got ahead; he's filming in Morocco, but he sends his regards, - Anne commented. She attended normally she only attends important occasions like big movies or meetings with executives, but today she's filling in for Billy. Although known by some media, she's not a face that gains as much favor as a good front page.

-Even your friends are here, - Anne commented, seeing Peter Docter, Andrew Stanton, and Craig McCracken. Craig's skills have been praised, and he's even had slight brushes with Pixar companies to create some small things with the company. His role as a storyteller in some Bichos situations is appreciated for his youthful character dynamics and good script reading.

-I know, we're going to the taqueria after the movie. Do you want to join? - Raimon asked.

Anne didn't even bother to respond; she continued her path as soon as she heard those words. Such a long day just makes her want to stick to her daily routine of going home and going to sleep.

-I guess that's a no, - Raimon said, with a light costume of a caterpillar, green and shameless, passing more as a hired person to test the waters with his caterpillar costume.

The movie Bichos tells the story of a group of ants oppressed by grasshoppers, a group of bugs with superior strength over all the ants. These ants have to pay tribute to them, regardless of each ant's conditions, just as the ants are neutralized by an accident. It starts with the journey of a person who seeks out people who can help him save his village, what he considers warriors. From there, the staging varies to a series of different encounters.

The cinema was silent, admiring the new elements, such as the use of water, rhythmic elements like wind, more formal movements of the characters, and different postures and symmetries that initially seemed impossible to many.

-The animation leaps are fantastic, - whispered a person, jotting down notes in their agenda - a critic wasn't lying. Pixar's programs have been updated, and although the Autodesk program has a higher number and most of the tools, the work is rigorous and aimed to be one of the best of the time. The movie itself is the advertisement that all companies want when buying the Pixar Arts program. From better 2D and 3D formats, even the spread of great programs is just a stamp to make more money. No one has the skills to make movies of that style.

Autodesk is the company that owes the most tribute; the $400 million loan to acquire more companies and programs is turning Autodesk into one of the strongest software companies in the market. Its price revolves around capitals higher than the known ones; it's the most profitable company of Billy's, and its earnings are just ridiculous.

Autodesk's rendering capabilities are among the best in the market, alongside Adobe Systems. The purchase for $650 million hasn't made much noise because Autodesk's head, John Walker, is in charge of everything related to the company and is the public face.

-The plot is acceptable and focuses on children. It has a deeper story and original thoughts, - commented the critics.

-A great leap in characters. -

-Beyond that, it contains a movie that will most likely triumph, - commented one of the Fox executives.


At Autodesk, the profiles of John Walker and Max Brainder, both heading the large Autodesk group, initially, the alliance between Pixar and Autodesk was a way to advance the 3D animation system, which is now one of the most advanced in the market. They are now poised to advance and make the purchase of Adobe Systems, at a price they considered laughable. John Walker feels wasted as his constant capital is overshadowed by Billy's constant investments. To avoid the stock market, he has considered accepting the position making as much money as possible, and selling 8% of his share when the chosen time comes.

-The movie was a success, - Max Brainder commented.

-It was something we expected. Now, new companies will sign with our products. There's no better advertising than tangibly showing results, - John Walker remarked.

-That's true. We have four new requests, and our advisory service has been growing. Now, the advisory system has been expanding, and we have a clear team in vital companies, - Max Brainder added.

Andrew Anagnost, the operations advisor, who was in charge of the advisory model, was handling all the accounts and details of the company, which now as a consolidated group had 130 employees. Beyond that, he was a beneficial link with multiple companies.

-We believe that the union with Adobe will be beneficial. If we can share a superior technical scope and outshine certain companies on the map in terms of quality, for now, the investments with Pixar have been significant, and it is expected that the next software will allow us to improve the entire character creation program and support models for the coming year, - Andrew Anagnost commented.

-It sounds fabulous, but tighten the belt. The investment we made is considerable, and we have other investment channels, - John Walker commented, thinking about their engineering, architecture, and modeling programs.

Recordable results for the year: 700 million in net income. Of these, two hundred fifty will be used as fixed assets for the acquisition of Adobe and expansion into logistics software services similar to Windows, to handle the process with Apple on Mac, a small agreement redirected with Billy.

-Understood, boss. I'll talk to treasury and business development, - Andrew Anagnost commented.

Software design was now starting to heat a series of possibilities that couldn't be more glaring in the fact of each of the companies. They were growing at an outstanding rate, and the relationship between Autodesk and Apple is only news of development.


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