Hollywood Art: System of sunnys

327. pocket monsters.

June 23, - July 14.

All the children in North America eagerly awaited this spectacular breakthrough. Every single person present had one wish: to buy the new product advertised on TV channels and in animated productions, with several commercials on Nickelodeon, Luxtoons, and Fox Kids.

The new Tamagotchi game was becoming a significant sales item in programming. Children who had wanted it for a week began purchasing this small, square device, featuring Pokémon and various characters from other franchises, which required them to raise little pets over time—feeding them, battling, putting them to sleep, and exercising them. Sales doubled day by day, on a steep upward trajectory that was purely beneficial.

Mattel executives watched everything with surprise on their faces, while Hasbro remained hesitant due to their small collaboration. The sales were incredible, and the product's popularity began to double, making it almost unreal.

In a city store, a group of children was looking at the Tamagotchis with gleeful eyes, with a sign reading 'only $9.99,' alongside special editions for $19.99. The price was affordable enough to buy one with savings or as a special gift.

-In aisle seven, we have all the appliances, - announced a clear voice over the intercom.

-Mom, I want a Tamagotchi, - said a little girl with a plaintive tone, walking away from the display, captivated by the cute designs, the Pokémon, and the bouncing Digimon with round, colorful heads.

-We don’t have the money and need to buy the modeling clay you need for your final project. The teacher said the explosion would happen in the last weeks of the course, - her mother replied, cutting her off immediately.

There were long lines at every display, with some kids holding the toys in their hands while others waited in line. Each wanted to be part of the new trend, the magnificent connection that allowed them to evolve their Pokémon. The program was simply a guaranteed sale.


-The attributes of Tamagotchi are special and attract the children, - Raimon said, noticing a new need to start a company while playing with a yellow Tamagotchi from the Pokémon brand. The yellow mouse, Pikachu, ran in circles, playing in a meadow that was the yellow mouse's home.

There were a total of three habitats: house, tree, meadow, and mountain. Each had its own special action choice. For example, in the house, there was a treadmill for exercise; in the tree, it could eat forest fruits; the meadow had a small pond for swimming; and the mountain had painting classes, with a yellow mouse creating different paintings.

-I agree with your motivations and each of them to be part of the Hasbro team, - said Jim Hangurberg confidently. Raimon, familiar with the game, just nodded.

-I can say that's particularly true... - he tested the waters. - However, now that we have closer relations, are you willing to accept the negotiation with the entire brand? If we join forces and create a good contract, we can exploit each of the series, - Raimon said, aware of the many mistakes they had made in producing toys independently, such as transportation costs. It’s more profitable for specialized companies to handle all the logistics.

-We accept. Management agreed to a 15% profit margin, as long as we have an exclusivity principle, - Jim replied.

-As long as our stores are well-stocked, we will place orders of at least fifteen to twenty million units, - Raimon responded.

Jim Hangurberg sighed, seeing the relative challenges. It was the nature of doing business. But Lux Animation wanted to form their distribution and make a long wait... but it was normal. Hasbro's companies could expand their services and deliver a significant quantity of toys, attracting popularity to other brands and securing the contract.

-Ah, we will have a long task ahead. We hope that production for the upcoming movies can be under the Hasbro brand, - Jim said.

-Remember, this price will only last for three to four years, then sales will decline, - Raimon said, nodding. It’s normal for such things to happen in the gaming industry.

Hasbro has a higher cost, but it also has lower-value companies. The way everything is done, it's possible that some people might not be able to buy. However, they have lower-quality toys under some Hasbro sub-brands, which don’t use the main name and sell under different labels. So many nuances, but now they’ve won an award similar to Disney, which usually uses small batches and large batches to meet their production system. It’s normal for these things to vary in such companies


Unlike the previous companies, ID Software is the American cradle of video games. Its popularity rivals that of brands like Sega and Capcom. It's one of the most popular companies that has quietly grown as the video game world explodes with the release of the PlayStation 1 and Nintendo 64. Next year, profits will reach billions of dollars, alongside the second installment of Crash Bandicoot, the recent release of Forza Horizon, and the upcoming Tony Hawk project—a skateboarding game that promises to deliver something outstanding and unique. Additionally, new releases from the Resident Evil franchise and Doom are on the horizon.

However, the current spotlight is on two new releases by the fourth team: Lux Party and Super Smash Lux. These collective games will feature all the characters from Lux Animation, along with some licensed characters from Capcom and Sega, secured by Billy at a special price.

From the ID Software building, Richard Boll managed the projects, emphasizing the need to continue developing new titles to create a Nintendo-like image, establishing original IPs based on various games. Therefore, a proposal was opened to create a series, allowing each project leader to present their designs. These designs would be tested in small pilots, and the winners would have the opportunity to focus on their video games. The challenge was to find graphic designers or innovative ideas.

-Thank you for bringing me the projects, - Richard Boll commented from the corner of his office. His bald head, shiny due to the lack of hair, was an acceptance of adulthood. As he carefully reviewed the aggressive projects, one particularly caught his attention.

It was an open-world adventure game with animated characters, each a cute, funny creature with superpowers, battling in the city. The game was entertaining, resembling an open-world fantasy city.

-Strange creatures, - Richard Boll remarked as he observed the open-world gameplay with numerous puzzles, reminiscent of Zelda but with different gameplay mechanics and moving pawns.

Richard left his office to speak with Alexa, who now held the position of project advisor and administrative regulation officer. As he crossed the hall, he clenched and unclenched his fist in a therapeutic gesture to alleviate hand pain.

Alexa was organizing her office, filled with numerous posters. The sunlight streaming in gave a warm feel, complemented by the plants and pictures, much more inviting than Richard's stark office.

-We need to hire new employees,  - Richard said.

-'Ohhhhh, - Alexa Riley replied, understanding that the new proposal hit the mark.

-Camil and Coleman succeeded with their project, - she noted.

-Along with Dave D. Taylor. Both projects are approved, and beyond that, I'm extremely pleased. However, we need to hire more employees. We currently have five teams; I hope to expand to seven and establish ourselves. We have the funds to expand and the means to do so, - Richard explained to Alexa, who was one of the undeniable leaders.

-I’m not good with numbers, but I’ll send out the job postings. We have benefits with some eager candidates on the waiting list and some universities. Hiring interns is fantastic! - Alexa exclaimed.

The company's fifty employees would grow by twenty new hires.


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