Hollywood Art: System of sunnys

340. matters.

Ronald Perelman remained under the spell of solving his problems, though it might not seem like it. Now he realized that Billy was much more informed about Marvel's situation, even though Marvel itself hadn't been mentioned. The company was in a contrary state, one that the board had yet to see. Ronald wasn't keen on investing more funds and turning to his family wasn't something he desired. Having earned enough money, he now saw the need for stabilizing the company.

-Julia, please call my lawyers and Bruno. I need some ideas to discuss... Oh, and we have a $5 million investment for our investment fund. Give it to the team leader, - Ronald commented.

He tilted his head, searching for an answer. Where could he have obtained the money? Where did he get an idea about the company's status? "It was the rejection of the investment contracts," Ronald slammed the table with some panic. He had to make a move as soon as possible, accept or reject the offer, as the young man explained. That detail was clear at that moment.

He cursed the hockey league, the baseball league, and with great grace, everything related to those in charge of sports considerations, such as hindrances and surcharges to the sports union. He had enough time to make some offers, but only twenty days for the negotiation acceptance.

-Excuse me, Director, - Julia commented from the door. The beautiful woman wore red-framed glasses, while her short skirt and neckline provided a view. She was a young woman from the law school, a well-paid secretary and assistant job.

-Mr. Bruno will see you in the afternoon. He's currently meeting with some people over a working lunch. Agreements with the gas companies will be closed, and the new congressional laws are different from what we expected, - Julia commented.

-We have this check. Handle all the paperwork for our new associate, - Ronald replied.


Negotiations began at the Los Angeles production studios, primarily filming in Los Angeles, San Diego, and Arizona. Representing Jerry/Billy was Rod Tidwell, an American football player who would open Jerry's eyes to the sports industry. Known as a shark in the industry, an agent managing at least twenty athletes, Billy's image was of someone called to an imprinted arrogance, along with the slight detail of his social class. Neatly ordered, exuding confidence, firm words, sympathy, and the slight charisma of an executive in control of life.

In his dressing room, he received a visit from Gwyneth, whom he hadn't seen in about two months. It was a view of how everything happened. The blonde was somewhat nervous. Billy saw her shyness as occasional to the embarrassment of what happened... Newspapers detailed every minute detail of Leonardo and Gwyneth's relationship. First were some light photos at a party. They took some photos in the dressing room, and the situation was calm until photos of Leonardo entering Gwyneth's apartment were released without entering into discussions when Leonardo was interviewed about his relationship with the blonde. Without realizing its consequences, Leonardo just laughed and mentioned a close friendship.

The photos didn't wait, and the recent woman who was building a name because of her constant performances was taken for a relationship.

-You don't have to worry. We're young, and mistakes happen... Let me finish. Do you know exactly what you want for your life? Social pressure tends to overwhelm people. Being in my relationship, they followed your steps, even the photos. They are an attack on you, I have no doubt they will continue. Probably, if we formalize the relationship, they won't be kind to you. Even this seems like a way to bother me and separate me altogether, - Billy commented.

-The blonde looked up, surprised.

-So..., - she began.

-That's it. I always carry security for that reason. It's likely the companies, dissatisfied with my growth, or sometimes just to keep me off balance, - Billy said.

-I see, - replied Gwyneth. Her words trailed off completely, and under scrutiny, she had a premonition. Being attacked by the press wasn't pretty. She almost hyperventilated at Billy's reaction, but now he sounded so calm. She had a sense that he wasn't bothered by the reminder. Irrational anger filled her heart at Billy's words.

-If you had called much earlier, I wouldn't have gone through so much. It's complete disregard... Just a call showing your support was enough. But you completely ignored our relationship out of sheer ignorance on your part, -  Gwyneth commented.

-I didn't feel it was important, much less did I think you'd take it seriously. I assumed you'd consult your family. They would've known it was just a Hollywood political play. But I see you didn't consult out of fear, - Billy mentioned. His rationality spoke for him, revealing his ignorance for not seeking others' counsel before making his ill-advised judgment. Emotions ran through his sentences, painting the backdrop of people.

Billy tried to calm the blonde down, but the words didn't come in time. She felt offended by the vicious cycle. Was this Billy's coldness? No... She discovered Billy's maturity wasn't just put on; it was demanded. In that same demand, he hoped to find someone who could fill his space, someone strong, someone at least reachable to handle the political circle, or Billy, or someone who hid behind his presence and educated the image of a wife, separated from all social life, not accepted, a model wife.

Billy sighed.

-You don't have to overthink it. It's in the past... Take a seat, tell me about your new movies, - Billy asked.

Gwyneth wanted to dwell on the conversation and had no words, just a deep desire to apologize for being taken for granted. She continued talking to Billy uncomfortably. In a way, the relationship entered an irreparable breach of trust, and Billy's intention wasn't to pursue something doomed to fail. Playing his cards calmly, he knew friendship was enough.


Billy's recording was underway while Gwyneth bid farewell, both eager to see each other in a few days, continuing their friendship. Seeing each other was the best, after all, they had a premiere in October, and the idea of s7ven and its success remained in question.

-We'll start filming in an hour. You're all set, - the assistant commented beside them, the person who ensured everyone was ready. They'd film all scenes in the main scenes, with some cuts capturing Billy's tastes.

-The first scene is the quick talks. Of course, we'll work with Cuba, but for now, focus on getting all your work in order, - Cameron, the director and screenwriter, said. He was much simpler in filming, asking for fair acting attributes.

-I'm ready, - Billy said with a smile on his face, getting into Jerry's character, a man of many flaws, a man of many virtues, impressive above all. In the end, it was considered a romantic comedy. His shades added more to the drama, but the closure was something Billy liked, knowing the final moral and the grand finale.


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