Hollywood Art: System of sunnys

341. recordings.

July 24.

The filming process continued, with Billy's role as Jerry reaching its breaking point, the moment when Jerry presented a proposal and ultimately lost. The accounts had been made in error.

-It's good to see Billy performing as well as expected, - commented James L. Brooks to Jim Waitt, who observed all the movements of the film.

-Billy has always portrayed himself as an excellent actor. To my surprise, he has an innate ability in this development. I can assert that for now, there's no role he cannot handle. He has honed his skills to be more than professional... But the role of Jerry fits him in a certain sense. Both are executives, just a story of how one falls, down in extravagance, is the challenge, - commented Jim Waitt, carefully choosing his words, while Cameron Crowe repeated the scene for the third time with a cut, as agents, they could even have a certain sympathy for the script and the resolution.

-We'll wait and see. I'm pleased to say that his performance is much more satisfying than Tristar's, - James replied.

-From Lux Animation, we have prices, but they're not so economical. This only fulfills Billy's request, but we can negotiate a deal for smaller producers. We understand the cost of finding a distributor. I can connect you with Lux Animation management, - Jim Waitt commented, aiming to secure distribution rights for the films.

-That would be good. I have some good friends who would benefit from this relationship, - James responded.

A camera poised in front as everyone regrouped in their positions, under Cameron's watchful eye. He gave the order, and with a roar, the scenes began.

"Corporate Office, take 3. Scene 11."

The elevator doors open. Maguire is now paranoid. He walks through the bustling SMI headquarters and heads to his corner office. He's like an FBI agent, searching the trees and corners for the gunman. Everywhere he looks, there's a potential Grassy Knoll. He passes his fellow agents, always smiling, giving a word of encouragement to an agent engaged in an emotional conversation in the hallway with an athlete. He even stops to review the slide deck being approved by a very large but seated basketball player. Moving forward. There are troubles in the air, but only he seems to feel them. He turns a corner and encounters his assistant Wendy, who hands him a long list of calls.

The sheet waves against Jerry as he heads toward his office.

-Marcee's already in her office, - Wendy said, with a look of 'get ready.'

-Thanks, Wendy, - Jerry said.

In Jerry's corner office overlooking the sparkling waters of Newport Beach and the mall parking lot, Marcee Tidwell, 25, African-American, beautiful, and smart as a whip, sits at his desk, animatedly reading mail. She's also five months pregnant.

-Marcee, how's my favorite player's wife doing? - Billy/Jerry says.

-Jerry, Rod is very, very upset. Tyson isn't, - Marcee replies.

Across the room, 4-year-old Tyson, a threat in his own right, stops trying to remove a plexiglass box from the wall.

-Hey, Tyson, - Jerry comments.

Tyson just stares at Jerry. Jerry isn't great with kids. He gives Marcee a quick kiss and heads to the small fridge, grabbing a two-pint bottle of orange Gatorade before settling at his desk. He shifts into crisis mode like an old shirt.

-How can I improve your life? - Jerry comments.

-I know you say we should accept the offer from Arizona, but my husband needs more recognition. He's the league's biggest, fastest, and most radical receiver. Now I don't know what you're doing with your four percent, - Marcee comments.

The door opens, and Bob Sugar peeks his head in.

-Is Cronin okay for lunch? - Sugar asks.

-Marce, this is one of our agents. This is Bob Sugar, who needs to learn to knock, - Jerry comments.

-Pleasure, - Sugar says.

-You called our house, didn't you? - Marcee asks.

-Sorry to interrupt, guys, - Sugar says as he leaves.

Sugar exits, and Marcee resumes at the exact point, with the exact level of intensity.

-Now I don't know what you're doing with your five percent, but this man, my husband, has a whole plan, an image... We don't specialize in marketing, Jerry, and when you put him in a Waterbed Warehouse commercial, sorry. I know you're making it very commonplace. He's pure gold, and you're giving him 'Waterbed Warehouse' when he deserves the Big Four: shoes, cars, clothing lines, soft drinks. The four jewels of the dollar, celebrity endorsements, - Marcee says.

Billy's eyes widen in surprise, considering Rod's wife's performance. The desk vibrates and they ignore it.

-You're going to understand that... - Marcee starts.

-No chance, - Jerry says.

She smiles.

-Marce, things are changing around here. You and Rod will have my attention, - Jerry says.

-Damn it, and you can start by taking Rod's poster and putting it where people can see it! - Marcee raises her voice, with Billy nodding in agreement.

The performance is delicate, like a fine thread, fitting with the crazed pregnant woman's thread.

-Right, - Jerry comments.

He stands at the edge of his sofa and reaches for the poster with his device to hang. True to Marcee's request, he hangs it in the high Siberian region on his wall.

-Look at that handsome man, trying to build a life out there by the air conditioner. Let's go get you, honey! We're so close to having it all! - Marcee exclaims.

-Cut! - Cameron shouts.

Billy sighs, pleased with Regina King's improvement as Marcee. The scene was perfect, and now they needed to adopt the same angle, just from another perspective, two perfect recordings. The day was just beginning.


Steve Parks wiped the sweat from his brow, even as a few breezes began to blow through the city of Maryland, the official location of "The Discovery Channel" through an acquisition company. They used all their resources to make a formal proposal, and with Billy's knowledge, he knew the company would grow to become one of the largest in the coming years. Firstly, this company is part of the BBC and Allen & Company, which seeks a close relationship and broad work.

The channel, seen through its eyes, doesn't have much to represent and hasn't grown the way it should have in the 2000s. But it has a promising projection in hand. Especially in 2005, when it changed its programming focus to include more popular science and history topics, it's clear that a channel like Discovery needs a strong focus on what it is: science programs, production locations, major contracts with NBC and BBC that will be necessary for the channel, along with historical proposals that began at the end of last year, from stories of the Roman Empire to the French Empire. Along with the Discovery initiative in Spanish, it already knows what it needs to do to make that company stand out.

-We have a central building in Maryland and two production locations in the United States and Miami. And your animated channel, so children's series that complement the children's video initiative, - Steve Parks comments, reading the reports provided by Lux Animation. He had to know everything relevant; for now, programming includes channels, a board of directors, capable people, an increase in advertising, and many exits. If he could see every program, every rating, it would be a constant investment. For now, it is possible to open two blocks, children's and documentaries/adults.

Along with LuxToons, a channel more attributed to adolescents, if they can buy a channel with higher programming, they can have better symptoms. What will Billy buy, or what action will he take? Although the series is not necessarily mature, TV-MA, a channel for mature audiences, contains certain tones of violence and maturity that cannot be presented to children according to the programming. There have been no problems so far, but there may be in the future.

LuxToons graphics are above many average channels and have increased their ratings, almost playing with Cartoon Network, and Nickelodeon, although above Nickelodeon, LuxToons is powerful and now distributes its animated channel throughout America, Europe, and parts of Asia.

-$112 million, - Jim Waitt commented, seeing the offer price, a revealing offer, not very high but enough to negotiate, even 80% of the channel, leaving the percentage to those who want negotiations.

Negotiations were forgotten, and in the end, purchases were still necessary for the company's expansion.

Looking at his locator, he received a text message. Ronald Perelman rejected the proposal. Nothing new for them. Now he had to buy a small factory in a remote and cheap location to make the cards, and as long as everything goes as expected, they will buy Marvel as a whole.


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