Hollywood Art: System of sunnys

342. right away.

August 13.

As the protagonist of Jerry Maguire, Billy had to be present in every single recording, most of which were close-up shots of him, the main character. Just as with all his performances, Billy poured his heart into each scene; the nighttime shoots were the most demanding of all.

Now, the recordings were headed to the Arizona stadium. Billy would have to travel for morning shots. He could see Cuba, who was different from his character; not as intense and stressful as portrayed, but rather calm and somewhat fresh, stretching his body while calmly sampling his food.

Renée Zellweger, on the other hand, was strikingly different. Now a bombshell blonde, with a certain paleness to her complexion and beautiful green eyes that sparkled under the stars. Beyond her physical beauty, there was a relaxed aura about her, living a life different from the typical actress, yet her allure made her distinct.

Cameron had sought a star, but none had captivated them. They were looking for someone simple, reflected in seeing her devour a burger, her grey jacket stained with burger remnants, her smile inviting indulgence.

-Damn good, - Renée commented, sampling T-Box Burgers, which had been refining their burgers over the years, while Cuba ate calmly, oblivious to the taste.

-Thanks, we've been in the market for five years, - Billy commented, trying his favorite, the recommended pink sauce with bits of bacon.

-Well, I think I'll eat here every day, - Renée commented, pausing briefly in thought. -Just when I need to, I have to stick to a diet. -

Everyone was dining at the new branch of T-Box Burgers in Los Angeles, not so new since it was taken over a year ago. Although it was a famous place, it wasn't as renowned as expected. The restaurant had two floors, including a patio with a giant garden for late afternoon dining in the sun, even with self-parking, making it one of the pricier spots. Billy glanced over and noticed paparazzi, as ubiquitous as flies in blessed Los Angeles; a common sight.

-Thanks for inviting us, Billy, - Cameron remarked.

-Thanks, Billy, - Janusz Kaminski, the director of photography and one of the team's most voracious eaters, commented, ordering two burgers, one Mexican and one breaded chicken, with a side of plum sauce. The potatoes were delicious, with a touch of paprika. The six-dollar burger was a steal, quality, flavor, and price all in one.

The Los Angeles location sold the least but consistently exceeded monthly targets.

-It's really good, - Janusz remarked. -Why didn't I know about this place before? -

He tasted it with a smile on his face, his mustache twitching.

-I think we might need to adjust Janusz's salary completely off, I'm afraid we might need to get a gym and a second job to keep up with his appetite, - Cameron replied.

-Is Billy the businessman now? What a fresh idea, artisanal burgers that even vegetarians and vegans can enjoy. I'm surprised you're thinking about this population sector that some establishments completely overlook, - Renée commented. They were all seated on the second floor, squeezed together, eating with contained joy.

-That's true, I thought I could only eat fries and soda, but now I'm happy to enjoy lentil burgers... if that's the ingredient, it's fantastic. The fact that I can add egg makes it even more perfect. I'd like to convert other establishments to this kind of service, - Bonni Hunt replied.

She played Dorothy's sister with her charismatic demeanor, always finding a way to make people laugh; she was a comedian.

-It's been a headache training people to follow protocols. I mean, you need a specially designed pan for these burgers. In the end, we decided to use a special pan to please our audience, and it's become one of our most popular items, - Billy commented, echoing Bonni's words. The quality was straightforward, aiming to utilize everything learned from a high-end restaurant combined with simple fare like burgers.


Jim Waitt nodded in agreement. They had agreed that Billy would audition for the film "A Time to Kill." He walked in with the script in hand, knowing he was competing against three other actors. Billy's impressive resume and renowned works were setting him apart, making his name a chosen advertisement for what could proceed to become a successful film.

Arriving at the hotel in his car, Billy found Cameron in the lobby, having drinks. The director seemed serious, with a silent and focused demeanor that drew everyone's attention as he took a seat at Billy's table.

-Gentlemen, - Billy greeted as he sat down. The bar lounge was warm and inviting, with orchestral music softly playing in the background.

-Jim, good to see you, - Billy responded, shaking hands and breaking the trance. Jim's arrival prompted Cameron to excuse himself abruptly, leaving the conversation hanging as he headed home; tomorrow's early morning was going to be tougher for some. Billy preferred to seek refuge at his Los Angeles home.

-Did I come at a bad time? - Jim asked.

-Not at all. He was about to leave half an hour ago to see his family, but he delayed it while we talked about this and that. Do you have something to tell me? Your coming here usually means good news, or perhaps bad news, - Billy remarked.

Taking a sip from his whisky on the rocks, the liquid trickling down his lips, both men adjusted their expressions.

-You've got the audition for 'A Time to Kill,' and 'A Fix.' However, I have some idea that production doesn't have much money. The problem always ends up being your salary. You can ask for a bit less, but I'll try to negotiate around the usual 2 to 3-million range. But it seems we have some favorites in mind for the movie, - Jim Waitt commented.

He wasn't lying; the casting was active, and there were many vying for the role. Samuel L. Jackson to Sandra Bullock and Kevin Spacey, added to an elegant cast, though the latter two were not confirmed, their replacements were not lesser, and each actor had someone competing for the role.

-Thanks, Jim. I also heard about your efforts to reconnect. Lux Distribution has new clients knocking at the door, hoping for a distributor who at least gives them a face. We decided to finance distribution and continue with some films, at least to participate in film festivals, - Billy replied.

Seeing how sometimes it only takes one person to push, recalibrate a business, and generate more business or necessary agreements, Lux Distribution was only in animated films. Still, now it would take on "The English Patient" and "Jerry Maguire," along with two other independently themed films, approved by Jim Gianopulos and Wanda Franz, the latter now holding a directorial position but having more influence in the television division.

-However, we need to act quickly. Three days, I've already booked your flights. -  Jim commented that shooting from Arizona to Los Angeles is slow, not very fast.

Seeing the role Billy had to play, he couldn't be happier.

-It's going to be a good movie, -  Billy commented.


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