Hollywood Art: System of sunnys

368. regulation

Billy returned to San Jose the next morning. As Lux Animation was preparing for its ongoing transformations, having started collaborating with Japanese studios to unleash animated series, expand its catalog, and double the series in production, Billy was able to organize various attachments, such as the purchase of 25% of Comedy Central and the creation of a channel aimed at adult programming, set to launch the following year.

The most important matter was the new offer from Amblin Entertainment. The approach had been ongoing for some time, but the proposal's terms were highly unbalanced, and Jim Gianopulos refused it.

Then Amblin used its influence to draw attention, with Steven Spielberg himself knocking on Billy's door. As one of Amblin's founders and having a particularly close relationship with them, Steven agreed to work on the Star Wars saga to foster a camaraderie-based relationship, where mutual help was the key.

Thus, at Universal Studios, and from a secluded station, Billy, with sharp eyes, watched how to resolve the issue with Spielberg. With this, they would fulfill the payment balance with Star Wars, though he doubted Steven saw it that way. Therefore, the only option was to open a back door, erase the issue from their minds, and establish a genuine collaboration between them.

-I understand, Steven. I’ll make the arrangements. From Lux Animation, we are willing to assist in the production and distribution of this film,- Billy commented, nursing a headache, with pre-production expected to begin in February 1997, leaving ample time to start preparations.

-It's great that we can solve this so easily,- Steven remarked.

-It's because I trust you'll make a good movie. However, my guarantees have been stated. You will enjoy the national and international box office, along with the first year of DVD promotion. I will collect 30% in the following years,- Billy added.

His primary concern was expanding his movie production capacity, as he currently only had films under his name.

-Of course… that's a minor issue,- Steven said, seeing the dollars in this movie. Now that it's easy to make some money through Amblin, it's much easier if Billy, one of the most comprehensive distributors, handles it, except for Orion and TriStar Pictures.

-Very well, it’s good to know you think that way…- Billy pondered his next words. To buy or not to buy the digital library of copyright? For now, he hoped to acquire a few more films from Carolco Pictures.

-Don't worry, kid. I hope you have some free time because DreamWorks has already started its television productions. It's good to have a friendly hand to help with DreamWorks,- Steven commented.

-No problem, I'll help in any way I can… We're recruiting some good designers and programmers for game development. I have a game in mind that could be particularly successful, something rarely seen in the video game world with new 3D technologies,- Billy said.

This caught Steven's attention, known for his love of video games, even from before. He had some unfulfilled dreams with Atari, but it was a significant failure after Atari's development.

-Why not use Amblin to unleash that creative genius?- Billy asked.

-Amblin is a Universal production company, to put it simply. Although we don't have the same contract as many new companies, we do have an obligation to present most of our work to Universal. They decide for us most of the time, even the founders are Universal employees, and for that reason, I distance myself. DreamWorks cannot be shackled,- Spielberg commented.

-I see the reason why,- Billy said. Perhaps it was his distribution company that gained freedom in certain areas. With his business dealings with exhibition companies, his factory could slowly expand its distribution, which is what made him so attractive to Spielberg. For now, Spielberg was planning to create his own distribution company.

-Be careful with that. Normally, distribution has to be shared with a studio occasionally to avoid mortality rates with the MPAA. Having a position there can help you achieve better reach,- Steven commented.

-I still don't understand the politics of cinema. You work under a label while they distribute, but why?-

-Money, it's always a matter of money. Usually, it's done to satisfy and share financial burdens. For example, Columbia executives sponsored your distribution activities to adjust Disney's movie schedule. There are certain frictions there, but also to make money and test the waters with your company. You're just very good at making money,- Steven laughed at the last part, but the game is a balance. Whoever can balance with different studios has the advantage.

-I suppose working with Amblin is like working with Universal... in that sense, it's just a statement,- Billy commented.

-It can be seen that way, but we have freedom. Even now, many companies, although materially headed by a studio, have an artistic idea and business guidance that isn't tied to the studio. Miramax has had problems, and it's the exact opposite,- Steven said.

Billy thought about Miramax. If he could buy it and merge it with Lux Films, it would be enough to bring his own New Cinema into the game, which he needed as soon as possible. The issues with Star Wars were different due to the production and help of George Lucas, but for Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter, he might need his group.

-Let's continue... we need to address everything about DreamWorks. By the way, will you help me establish relations with the MPAA? - Billy asked, keeping his thoughts to himself.


Monica received Billy's message that same night... - Don't leave Los Angeles, I'll be there shortly. Go to the Haptom Hotel, I have a reservation for you -

So authoritative, the older woman only wanted someone to solve all her problems so she could set the pace of the relationship. That's why her previous relationship ended.

-Sure, - she could only say.

Her modeling day ended, and she chatted with some of her colleagues when Billy's agent, Jim Waitt, approached. It was the first time she saw the man who facilitated buying her brokerage contract and managing it himself.

-Monica, a pleasure... Billy sends his regards, and we have good news. I spoke with Volkswagen, and they gave me the green light to schedule a sponsorship with Audi. Our idea is to extend Audi's contract for you, which was accepted. Billy personally anticipated this and bought four cars, two for Los Angeles, two for New York, and perhaps one for Italy,- Jim Waitt said.

-Me representing the Audi brand,- the Italian commented, emphasizing her accent on the last word. The car brands are fantastic.

-That's the idea. I'll take you to pick up the car. Additionally, using the Volkswagen group for their growth, they have acquired many brands,- Jim Waitt said.

This was just the beginning, from runway practice to Billy's focus solely on modeling. Now, she could see why his relationships were separate matters.


hollywood: Art Sunnys.On Patreon, we are on 406, but I have written up to 420.


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