Hollywood Art: System of sunnys

369. companies.

October 12 – November 4.

-Roberto Gouzaeta, director of Coca-Cola, an older man who wasn't allowed to travel due to his health, had long given up things like Sunday golf. For this trip, it was one of the first times Anne Hall left the nest... She ended up being responsible for forging an alliance that had been in the works. Her trip to Atlanta was as necessary as the future of the Panini subsidiary, a sticker distribution company working with Lux Comics, crucial for development.

What did Anne Hall know about football/soccer? She wasn't sure, but she knew if she could secure Coca-Cola as a sponsor, it would be significant.

Billy's sponsor decreed that the people in charge at Coca-Cola wanted more advertising, help with the album investment, and more. Anne took a deep breath; it was true, Lux Animation was no less than before.

-Ms. Hall,- said Muhtar Kent, his gray suit distinctive.

-Mr. Kent, and Mr. Quincey,- Anne responded, shaking hands.

Muhtar and Quincey, both part of Coca-Cola's board of directors, were now more active as Roberto Gouzaeta lightened his grip. The creation of new clients was surprising.

-We have a lot to discuss!- Anne Hall said.

-Well, we have the time,- Muhtar said, checking his watch.

Anne Hall planned to create a great sticker album for the 1998 World Cup, with Coca-Cola's help. Sponsorship was crucial; the license was extended until 2022, and beyond that, they had a free hand to improve forms. However, if they could share the burden with Coca-Cola and establish a stable relationship for acceptable sponsorships, they could negotiate with UEFA, the Europa League, and the Premier League, considered the most important competitions.

-Gentlemen, you know the World Cup is held every four years, and for some time, a sticker album has been made… Here we have average sales statistics. Although the United States prefers other sports, the sales record is significant. In 1994, sales exceeded 3.5 million albums, and we sold a total of 12.4 million cards… With your sponsorship, we plan to create special cards that can only be obtained with the purchase of a Coca-Cola bottle,- Anne Hall said.

Handing over a script that showed album designs, along with the method to obtain them, required five special cards. For the purchase of a large bottle, one would receive a special pack containing two special cards. If someone bought five bottles, they could get five cards, but that didn’t guarantee they would get all five different cards. It suggested that at least half a million people buy at least six large bottles of Coca-Cola.

-This is…- asked the Coca-Cola members in amazement. The proposal was impressive, and that’s why the promotion was fantastic.

-You have a fantastic idea. But it’s still... a bit unrefined,- Muhtar said, noting they were asking for a three million dollar sponsorship for manufacturing and packaging processes. A liter of Coca-Cola costs one dollar and 20 cents.

-No sir, you don’t understand. The World Cup will become one of the most important entities in the world for two simple reasons... In the coming years, technology and globalization will advance, making more people part of this popular sport, and secondly, the money. Many people are beginning to turn their eyes to sports teams,- Anne Hall said.


Billy was there, buying a large house for two million dollars. It was a grand house on five acres, a mansion with six bedrooms, large proportions, a garden, and a country room, somewhat secluded, in the Beverly Hills area. It had a beautiful façade, perfect construction, a small wine cellar built by the previous owner, an elegant garden, and just the right touch to belong to the most favored class in the United States. For now, constructions weren't formal, and neighborhoods weren't standardized.

-What do you think? I bought this new house, and I can say the calm it brings is pleasant, - Billy said, standing with Monica, who was looking around the mansion.

-It's fantastic, - Monica replied.

-Well, you can stay here whenever you like. I'll hire a security service for the house to keep out unwanted people. I’ll use this house along with the one in San Jose as my main residence, - Billy responded. -

-Sure, - commented the dark-haired woman, looking around the house with some disbelief. Her new homes in the United States, along with her new job here, would help her buy that lovely villa in Italy. Despite everything, she was happy with how things were turning out.

-Did you talk to Jim? He's started working on your image. We'll choose some fantastic movies for you to work on, but you need to improve your English and, of course, practice your acting skills, - said Billy.


-I'll handle everything, but you have Winona. She can help you with those issues, - Billy added, knowing well that Monica's interest in acting was driven by her goal to establish herself as a brand model, enjoying the comforts of such a life.


Speaking of sports, Steve Parks, who had taken numerous trips, could relax and complete an unexpected transaction. Plans had been in place for some time to purchase various sports teams and create a massive sports group for a different kind of work environment.

They focused on three teams: the Sacramento Kings and Golden State Warriors as basketball teams, and the San Francisco 49ers.

Starting with the Golden State Warriors, Chris Cohan faced financial and legal troubles since purchasing the team, which resulted in some losses in his media and advertising business. Despite no extravagant changes to the team, success hadn't followed... thus, the purchase was quite risky.

-I’ve observed everything. We have the statistics and the plan to turn things around. But Chris Cohan's project of renovating the stadium, along with numerous attempts to buy players, has left things shaky,- commented Friet Grumbin, the new financial analyst hired by Lux Animation for the Golden State Warriors acquisition.

-How willing do you think he is to consider an offer?- asked Steve Parks, looking directly at Friet.

-He has a hot potato in his hands. I don’t think he’s excited about making a sale. However, the main issue is the volume of fans. We have detailed statistics; the attendance rate is about half. Their move from Philadelphia to San Francisco left them poorly positioned in terms of fans,- Friet explained.

-I see... I'll consider the options, but we're willing to invest at least 70 million in buying the team, payable over two years,- said Steve Parks. Recalling the recent purchase of several companies led by Billy, starting with the acquisition of a four-star hotel in San Jose for 33 million dollars, Discovery Channel for 197 million dollars, Panini for 53 million, Lyrick Studios and HIT (producers of animated channels) for 39 million dollars, and 25% of Comedy Central for 16 million dollars.

These acquisitions generated certain costs, in new productions and acquisition costs, including logistics, merger, and administrative expenses. Adding 70 million for the basketball team would round up to 400 million dollars, and the Hotmail money would disappear as quickly as it came. With 350 million in debt, the situation remained acceptable, but the constant investments didn’t show clear numbers. If the productions of The English Patient, Jerry Maguire, and Lilo & Stitch failed, the crash would be catastrophic.

-Let's do it, and consult with the San Francisco 49ers about their franchise price, - Steve Parks said, following Billy's orders to acquire two major sports franchises.

-Alright, we'll start the paperwork, - Friet replied, sighing. His commission would arrive soon; as a small brokerage firm, this deal was very important. -


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