Hollywood Art: System of sunnys

47. capcom.

The production ideas from young Billy opened a world of possibilities that, for this time, are a complete novelty—the concept of an open world. It's a revealing concept about the use of games. How difficult is it to implement an open world? Not very. Doing it well is a completely different matter. Among the first steps in establishing the overall framework of the game. Although the story is already fully detailed, it's not possible to contain such a long story in a single cassette, so continuity is just around the corner.

The game program devised by Billy is to fit a game with a total of six levels, but it will only be divided into two large maps. Many of these levels contain hidden dungeons within the same map with varying difficulties.

The gameplay ranges from numerous villains to floor bosses and sections, with the need to revisit previous areas to solve problems left behind—it's a game of advancing from the same point... which is a brilliant idea, but very challenging to materialize.

-Is it possible to make the game exactly as described? - asked Takashi Nishiyama.

-It's not possible, but we can follow a very similar course. Some things are difficult to implement, and we're still working on the code. For example, expandable doors—we're trying to replicate the scene changes, but we think there might be an error that causes the game to reset,- said Suo Nagamoto.

-Let's keep working. I'll review the code myself and give my feedback when I'm done, - Takashi said with a hint of complexity. It's time to get to work. He has seven months of dedication ahead. The Street Fighter project has already been approved by Capcom's board, and the investment is substantial. This project can't take longer than expected. Akira Nishitani is ready to design the game's aesthetics and has started with the initial models of the fighters who will be featured in the new installment of the major franchise. Akiman wants to use this game as a practice to ensure compatibility across all consoles.

This decade is shaping up perfectly. Commendable businesses have arrived, and the new releases will give Capcom a recognition that will not fade even over the years. From the new perspective of Mega Man to the new Samurai Jack series and Knights of the Round.

-Boss, you have a call from Japan,- said the secretary in the distance.

-I'll take it immediately, - said Takashi Nishiyama.

On the other line awaits Kenzo Tsujimoto, the Japanese businessman and founder of Capcom, who is an enthusiastic figure in the gaming industry, known for his energy, creativity, and vision for game development.

-It's an honor to speak with you, Mr. Kenzo, - said Takashi.

-Takashi, I heard everything has been going wonderfully in America, - Kenzo said with enthusiasm.

-Everything is going smoothly. We have a stable position and we're developing new releases that are satisfying for our company. I believe Akira Yasuda is in charge of providing all the updates. I've sent additional reports, - Takashi responded hesitantly.

-Oh, don't worry. I heard that the Americans have an idea of incorporating comic book stories into the company's games, and I became curious about the term 'open world' as well as adding short videos to the game,- Kenzo asked.

-Yes, sir. They want to create a story showcased through animation and developed throughout the game, with short one-minute clips at the beginning of the story and important moments during gameplay. The reasons behind it are to deliver visual quality and immerse players in the world they're playing as protagonists,- Takashi replied.

As for the open world concept, I struggle to fully understand it, but we have developed the game's aesthetics based on our vision and the scripts provided by the comic book company," Takashi replied.

Mr. Kenzo, upon hearing these words, straightened his back and became intrigued by the idea. Why hadn't he thought of it before? It has been done, but not on such a large scale.

-It's quite intriguing. Do you propose a method to develop it? - Kenzo asked, leaning closer to the phone as if he wanted to travel to the United States and hear the answer for himself.

-Yes, indeed. We propose three methods, and each one has its own merits. The first is an animated video as we know it, the second is a manga-style story presented in panels, with voice acting for the characters, and the third is a lengthy story with a voice-over narration that audibly describes the events. The open world is treated as a massive map with many obstacles, and the map contains everything that the story needs. It doesn't deviate much from traditional games, - Takashi explained.

-Send a copy of all these ideas to Japan. I want to firsthand experience the use of these innovative methods, - Kenzo said.

-Of course, we will send you the game development guide that the other company provided to Capcom. If we cautiously utilize these ideas, we won't have to worry about innovation in our games for the next five years, - Takashi said confidently.

Feeling secure about the ideas, they were truly innovative.

-Oh, I'm surprised, - Kenzo exclaimed.  - Can you arrange a meeting with the guide from this company? -

-Oh, I see. However, there is an inconvenience. The guide from this company is a young boy of about 15 years old, and it would be difficult for him to attend the meetings, - Takashi explained.

-Indeed, this conversation surprises me more and more. Well, if it's not possible, I will schedule a meeting in America during the next few months, - Kenzo said.

- Certainly, we would be delighted to welcome you. Please inform me in advance, and I will make all the arrangements for your stay, - Takashi Nishiyama replied.

-I will take care of everything. Thank you for your consideration. Let's continue working towards our goals, - Kenzo said.

-I will do so, Director,- Takashi replied.

Takashi then proceeded to review the code in broad strokes. It was a wonderful idea to embrace the ideas of young Billy, and it was likely to result in a well-deserved promotion for him.




we are almost at chapter 50, what an achievement.
I know many are waiting for the conclusion of Pixar, but it will come.

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