Hollywood Art: System of sunnys

48. The dance

April 1990

Today was the day of the dance, and everyone was eager to participate in the teenage ritual of attending the dance with a partner. It was a part of the school festivities that caused anxiety among the students, as they worried about impressing others and having a good time. Many relevant issues surrounded the dance, such as the prevalent feeling of being judged by others. Recurring thoughts like "Will I do well enough to not trip over my own feet?" or "I feel embarrassed for not having a date to the dance" filled their minds.

But undoubtedly, these dances contained unique moments that were cherished in the hearts of young teenagers. Mr. Carson's car turned the corner, and as he drove, he tapped the steering wheel to the rhythm of the song playing.

Thomas Carson thought to himself - with his heart - as he picked up Claudia, who always wore a big smile on her face. She expressed her emotions with a strong sense of impudence and charisma, often adding unconventional attitudes that remained etched in the memories of her friends and acquaintances.

Mr. Carson swallowed nervously.

-Well, it's time for you to find your date, - Mr. Carson said, adjusting the rearview mirror to catch a glimpse of his son, who was lost in his contemplations, possibly thinking about Pixar or some incredible idea that was difficult to conceive.

-Ah, I don't think she's ready yet. We can wait for her in the living room, - Billy replied.

-Are you sure? - Thomas Carson questioned.

-Absolutely. Claudia and her mom are not known for being punctual. The more important the gathering, the longer you have to wait, - Billy explained.

-Alright, I'll park the car, - Thomas said.

-That's right, let's wait a bit, - Billy said.

They knocked on the door three times, but there was no response. They continued knocking, but still no answer.

-They must have gone somewhere, - Thomas said.

-There's nowhere else they could be. Maybe they're just busy, - Billy replied. - Come, let's sit on the stairs. They'll open the door soon. -

-Ah, son, this is a strange place to wait for a date,- Thomas remarked. "By the way, you've surprised me. Anne mentioned how well you've excelled in your negotiations; thanks to the training you've received on negotiation strategies. I didn't get a chance to tell you."

-Yes, it's been going well. Although I still can't understand how people can ask for less money and still act oblivious, - Billy said.

-Well, that's part of any negotiation. It's not about what you think something is worth, but what you believe it's worth to others, - Thomas explained.

-I understand that, but it's just surprising to me how introspective it all is, - Billy replied.

Billy walked to the door and rang the bell again. This time, Mrs. Branovich wasted no time and opened the door abruptly.

-Always in a hurry! Wait a second! We have important matters to discuss. Come in, sit in the living room. The fridge is open, and there are chips in the pantry... I don't want any disturbances for the next 30 minutes. -

-She's making us wait another half an hour, - Thomas asked, surprised by the swift dismissal.

-Yes, Father, let's watch some TV while we wait for her to finish getting ready, - Billy said.

-Are you sure? I think it's better if we just sit and wait, - Thomas said.

-Dad, don't get nervous. In this place, the dynamics are different. The first rule is to be open to whatever may happen. The second is that if they tell you something, they expect you to do it because their kindness is based on what they want you to do, and that's why they give you freedom. The third rule is to never contradict them. The more comfortable you get, the less strange everything will be,- Billy explained.

-Son, I can't do that. I don't believe in any of these rules. We'll sit as gentlemen and wait, and we'll behave... without any of these strange games you're proposing,- Thomas said firmly.

-Well, Father, but if you incur the wrath of Mrs. Branovich, I hope you won't blame me later," Billy replied.

-Son... believe me, I know Claudia can be difficult, but it's just her way of expressing her feelings. So, if we behave, everything will go well. I'll take you to the dance and pick you up at 11:00 PM, - Thomas said.

-Well, Father, I think if we behave, everything will go as expected, - Billy said.

An awkward silence filled the room. Both men dressed similarly, their suits in beautiful colors, sitting in the same manner, with the same tailored fit and gestures.

-Oh, so you're here. I can see you didn't eat the chips. I bought them specifically for you, - Mrs. Branovich said.

-I'm sorry, Mrs. Branovich, I'm so nervous that I feel like if I eat something, I'll vomit, - Billy said.

-Oh, you look so cute! Talking nonsense. Take them away, I don't want that junk in my house. Too many carbs, - Livy Branovich said.

She doesn't like her name much, so now you can only call her Livy because that's what she decided to be called. Or well, Mrs. Branovich.

-Oh, gladly, we'll take them home, - Thomas said, surprised. - Well, I'll take the kids to the dance and bring them back at 11:00 PM. We won't be late. I'll be at the restaurant near the school, having a drink, so don't worry."

-You're just like your son. I'll accompany you. I don't have much to do, and it's good to know a bit about the father of my daughter's date, - the blonde woman said with a smile, nibbling on Thomas's cheek in an affectionate gesture.

Claudia emerged in a long blue dress, her slow steps revealing her lack of formality for such occasions. The blue fabric extended with white embroidery beyond her knees. Her hair was styled in a princess-like updo, adorned with sparkles, and her golden-blonde locks were crowned with a flower tiara that circled her hair. A blush adorned her cheeks. She wore blue slippers, looking beautiful and incredibly happy, as evidenced by the shyness lingering in her eyes.

-You look beautiful, - Billy said, rushing to assist her and extending his arm in a hook-like manner.

-This is the first time I feel so pretty,- Claudia said softly, radiating a freshness that was rarely seen. -Come on, we're running late. You took so long to come, and I have a feeling the dance will be over if we wait any longer. -

-I'm sorry, my father kept fixing my suit repeatedly. I didn't realize the time, - Billy explained.

The girl smiled with fascination.

-Well, let's go... we have a dance to attend. I didn't usually go to dances, I would just take photos or chat with my friends. But this is my first dance, and everything will be wonderful, - Claudia said.

-Don't worry, Dad will drive us in a moment, and then we'll do everything on your mental checklist, - Billy assured her.

-Oh, it's not nice to talk about your father right in front of him, - Thomas interjected.

-Come on, Dad, you heard the lady. We have lots of things to do, - Billy said.

-Well, it's just an interesting way of ignoring your elders. Come on, kids, I'll take you to the dance. Today, old Carson will be the chaperone, - Thomas said, extending his hand to Mrs. Branovich.

-That's exactly what we're going to do. Nowadays, people have no love and respect for others, - Livy said. "Let's go, Mr. Carson."

Billy exited through the door, followed by his father.

-Is something wrong with your mother? - Billy asked.

-The cat got her tongue, - Claudia joked. - You can't know everything, little Billy. You're quite nosy, - she said, laughing.

-Everyone calls me Little Billy, but now Claudia knows my name! - Billy thought.

-You nosy little thing! -

For some reason, he thought about Steve Jobs and his behavior. Although he may seem authoritarian to some people, according to rumors, there's something about him that's hard to resist. It's his way of conveying his ideas that manage to convince others.

His next plan is to create some interesting activities with Hanna-Barbera. He can't wait to publish some great stories. He felt Claudia's handshake and the sideways smile she gave him.

-Well, kids, that's it. Take care and have fun. We'll pick you up at 10:30, - Livy said cheerfully from the passenger seat.

-Thank you, Dad. Thank you, Mrs. Branovich, - Billy said, nodding his head in his father's customary gesture.

He saw the physical education teacher at the entrance organizing pizza boxes and some drinks to enjoy. A beverage table was talking to the lunch server, a friendly, dark-skinned man who always had a smile on his face when serving.

-Well, it's time to go in, - Claudia said, feeling completely nervous.

He saw Alice and Peter calling her, both wearing dresses with a neatness that could only be expected at a prom.

-Claudia, you look beautiful, - Alice said. - I can't believe you're wearing a dress, - she whispered in her ear while hugging her.

-Well, there's a first time for everything, - Claudia replied.

In the distance, Billy was talking to Peter about something, but she couldn't hear what they were saying.

-I'm still amazed that you're going out with Billy Carson, the handsome Texan who gets straight A's in every subject, - Alice said.

Billy, imitating his father, repeated a few words with a strong accent that revealed his heritage.

-I can't believe it either. It feels like a dream to me. I used to think boys were smelly and immature, but at some point, Billy chose me, - Claudia blushed. - And what about you, Peter? -

-Oh, no. We came as friends. He's my shield against jerks. I've been asked out more times than I can handle in a week. But Jessica came with Jack Boor. I think they're dating, but they're keeping it secret. It's all so weird to see how they behave, - Alice said.

-I can't believe it... Jessica with Jack Boor. -

-Well, it's almost the same as you and your Texan beau. Hanna, Clara, and I are all surprised. You know he's a tough guy, unbothered by anything. It's a pleasure just to have him acknowledge us. Even the football team respects him, - Alice said.

-Oh, no, he's shy. He tends to be quiet because he doesn't like starting conversations, but I'm good at that, so we get along well. That's why I liked him the first time I met him, - Claudia said.

-Well, don't keep him waiting for too long. He's been looking over here with puppy eyes for a few minutes, - Alice laughed.

-Hahaha, he looks like a little puppy when he does that, - Claudia said, joining in the laughter with her friend.

She ran over to Billy's side.

-Come on, my sweet knight, let's dance. I hope you're not nervous and can keep up with me on the dance floor, - Claudia said to Billy.

-Please, I'm going to be an actor. Fear can't be in my heart, - Billy replied.

-Well, Mr. Actor, take me to dance. I've always wanted to go to a dance! But I've never attended one as a participant. It sounds funny, but it's damn embarrassing. I used to come to take pictures and help with the decorations. But this is my first time, - the blonde said happily.

-I've never been to a spring dance before. My father always forced me to go to these dances, and I would just wear a hoodie and hang out outside with a friend of mine, Clark. I don't think I've introduced you to him, - Billy said.

-Well, then you should enjoy it! Now you have your amazing girlfriend, so you have nothing to fear, - Claudia said with a smile.

-I will. I have a gift for you that we could enjoy together. I made up an excuse, and I think you have every right to be surprised. But I'll give it to you at the end of the night, - Billy said.

-So, you know I love gifts, and now I'll be thinking about it for almost the entire dance, - the girl replied, leading Billy to the not-so-crowded dance floor. The decorations had blue and yellow colors, showing the dedication and financial investment of the whole party. Billy donated $8 to buy materials for the dance. Next time, he'll give a little more money.

-You dance well, - Claudia said.

-Well, I'm Spanish, and there was a time when I danced non-stop, -  Billy said.

-Haha, you're boring... Where did you learn? - Claudia asked.

-In my previous life, I told you I'm Spanish, it's in our blood, - Billy replied.

-Well, don't tell me, or your tongue might fall out from lying, - Claudia said.

-You're mistaken, liars only grow longer noses, - Billy said.

-No, no, their tongues fall out too, - Claudia insisted.

-Hahaha, - Billy laughed at Claudia's sweet words.

-It's a trip to Italy, I want us to meet during the holidays. It cost a fortune, so I hope you'll come. The hotel is already paid for. It's the World Cup of football, and I have tickets for the group stage in Rome. I hope we can be together one last time, - Billy said.

-Awww... you know we'll always be together. We just have to strengthen our relationship. We'll find a way to meet. I'll take care of that, - Claudia said.

-I also have a gift for you, but it's already at your house, - Claudia said. - You ruined my surprise by being so damn sweet, Billy. Now you have to tell me in detail about the trip I'm part of and wasn't informed about after this song, which I like. -

Claudia hugged him tightly during the slow dance, with affection. She didn't want him to see her tears. This is what people feel when they fall completely in love with someone. Why does he have to leave now? When everything is perfect. She wants to be happy here in California.

But he will come back, that's for sure. When he can escape, he will come back to live in California with Billy, no matter the cost. She will study at CalArts. Her determination was even stronger now. If saving money was a problem before, it was now a solemn promise.

-I'll miss you so much, - Claudia said.

-I'll miss you too, every single day. I won't be able to see you for long periods, but things will get better, - Billy said. -Things tend to get better when you least expect it. -

-Stop talking nonsense, Billy. Life never gets better. Now say something nice, - Claudia said.

-But... you're impossible, - Billy said, unable to do anything but keep dancing with Claudia in a bittersweet state of happiness. It was becoming a farewell, something that couldn't be reversed.

-You know, now I feel like getting a cat and sleeping curled up with it, - Claudia said.

-A cat...-

-Yes, they say cats can take away sadness, - Claudia mentioned.

-I didn't know that. Maybe I'll get a cat. It's good to have some extra company at home. Do you want to go for some pizza? -  Billy suggested.

-I thought you'd never ask! I'm so hungry. I want a vegetable pizza, although I think they only brought pepperoni pizza, - Claudia said.

A special vegetable pizza, Billy could only think of Papa John's, one of the best pizzas out there. He could even buy the entire franchise, but he didn't know how much money he needed to establish a franchise. For now, only hamburgers will be on his menu.

-There are so many pizzas to choose from. People who don't eat this delicious pizza must be crazy, - Claudia said.

-I wonder the same thing, Miss Branovich. They just taste a bit of pizza and leave... - the chef replied.

-Ah, give me two for myself, I'm particularly hungry. I was getting ready all afternoon and forgot to eat, - Claudia said.

-Oh, Miss, don't worry, there's plenty of food," the cheerful chef said, pleased to see the young woman's appetite.

-Oh, Walter, I want some pizza too, - Billy chimed in.

-Of course, Mr. Carson, gladly... - Walter replied.

-Thank you for giving my cousin a job. He's been desperately looking for work. He's a good guy, just a bit troublesome, - Walter said.

-Well, it's my pleasure. I'll always be there to help whenever I can, - Billy said.

-Wait, you gave his cousin a job, - Claudia questioned.

-Yes, he works at the burger joint. I just recommended him to Jack. Sales have been good, and he shares shifts with a student, part-time, - Billy explained.

-And we're grateful for the part-time job. It helps us pay the bills and send some money back home, - Walter added.

-How thoughtful! Give me another slice for the good friendship, - Claudia said, having finished her slices with sauce smeared on her cheeks.

-Of course, I'm glad these pizzas won't go to waste, - Walter said. - Is there anything else you'd like, Mr. Carson? -

-No, that's alright, Walter. I'm good with the two pizzas, - Billy replied.

-Well then, tell me about the trip to Italy to see the World Cup, - Claudia said.

You'll be surprised.




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