Hollywood Art: System of sunnys

92. Have fun?

-Well, you already know a bit about the inner workings of San Jose University, - Cameron said.

-Nearby, there's T-box Burger. Do you know the place? - Billy asked.

-Oh, of course, it's the new burger joint. No, I like to stay away from red meat; I gave up hamburgers a long time ago. I haven't had one in three years, but I still miss the taste. Some friends like to go there; it's affordable, and the food is good. Do you want to go? We can go next week, - Cameron said.

-No, your answer is enough for me. Just curious, I saw students talking about the restaurant, - Billy said.

-The bar-restaurant is undoubtedly the best around. Just never order a salad, - Cameron said.

The small bar was undoubtedly a student hangout. There were many young faces all over the bar, as Cameron promised, a powerful jukebox playing music at full volume, two billiard tables, and a large bar for ordering all kinds of drinks.

-Isn't it illegal to enter here? - Billy asked his tour guide.

-Oh no, it's not. They don't sell many drinks here; essentially, it's a restaurant. But there have been some changes. The music and billiards are just tools to attract more customers. Bob is in charge, and, well, they sell a small cocktail, a bit of vodka with soda and lime. I can order two, - Cameron said.

-I don't want the darn cocktail; just something regular is fine, - Billy said.

-Okay. Give me a second; there are some friends nearby. I'll invite them to join us, - Cameron said.

He returned in five minutes with a group of four women who appeared to be first-year psychology students. Cameron, as a teaching assistant, had taught them some classes.

-Ladies, let me introduce you to Billy, a high school senior who's getting ready to join university life. I hope you give him a warm welcome, - Cameron said.

-Oh, nice to meet you, Billy,- said a young-looking girl. Her appearance didn't quite fit that of a university student; she had a youthful face that the years hadn't taken away.

-Billy Carson, a pleasure to meet all of you, ladies, - Billy said.

A brunette in the back smiled upon seeing Billy's charming smile.

-I'm Clarissa,- said the youthful-looking girl.

-I'm Amanda, and this is Rachel, - said a girl with black hair, pointing to herself as Amanda. She was by far the most enchanting of the four girls.

The brunette remained silent, only winking at Billy.

-Let's sit down, - Cameron said.

The brunette sat next to Billy against the back wall, while Cameron sat between Rachel and Clarissa.

-How have you been, ladies? Is Professor Brown's class going well? - Cameron asked, pouring a pitcher of soda he had ordered upon entering.

-Everything's been fine, Cameron, although I wish I had more time to work on a project," Rachel replied, with Clarissa nodding in agreement.

-It depends on the assignment; some don't have flexible deadlines with Mr. Brown, - Cameron said.

Billy stopped paying attention to the conversation, which had turned to discussions about assignments and university preparations.

-What school are you from? - the brunette asked.

-Notre Dame High School, - Billy replied.

-Oh, I know that school; I have a friend in my major from there, - she said.

-I see, it's a good school, - Billy said.

-I can't say that; it's a school for rich kids, - the brunette said.

-Not at all, it's an ordinary school. It just excels in arts, humanities, and music, - Billy replied.

"I see, Rick didn't pursue any of those," she remarked.

"Maybe his friends were from Notre Dame; that often happens," Billy said.

"Do you plan to study here at San Jose?" she asked.

"Not at all, I only know Cameron from a course offered by the university. I still have doubts about studying or getting involved in the family business," Billy said.

"Family business?" she inquired.

"We have a modest book manufacturing factory," Billy replied.

"It's good to have opportunities. The business administration faculty isn't my dream, but I have to continue; after all, I have responsibilities at home," the brunette said.

"What did you want to do?" Billy asked.

"Nothing special, but I'd like the freedom to focus on something, to take my time and find the right direction," she said.

Two drinks arrived in front of them. Billy tasted the sweet flavor of the drink but couldn't detect the unmistakable taste of vodka mixed in with the soda.

"You still haven't told me your name," Billy said.

The brunette smiled.

-I'm Karina; I was hoping you'd ask, - she said. She turned her gaze to see Cameron kissing the petite and sweet Clarissa, while Rachel was talking to Amanda.

-I think we should play pool,-- Karina said. -- The tables are empty, and it's an opportunity we shouldn't miss. -

-I don't know how to play, - Billy admitted.

-I'll teach you. But be careful; Amanda tends to let you win a few rounds and then take all your money, - Karina said.

-I don't think I can take advantage of the high school kid, - Amanda said.

-I'll do my best to defend you, Billy, - Karina said.

Pool, a rather challenging game for any beginner; even the easy shots proved tricky. Delicacy was lost after multiple missed attempts.

-You're getting better, - Amanda said. Her blue eyes were quite beautiful, a deep blue that made her quite attractive.

-It's just an excuse to hustle me, - Billy retorted.

-I'd be incapable of that, but if you want to bet your allowance, I wouldn't mind, - Amanda said.

Billy took another sip of his drink.

The small "restaurant" began to fill up. The smell of cigarettes filled the air, and despite the open windows; the atmosphere grew heavier.

-Do you want to keep going? Some friends are having a party at the apartment five blocks from here, - Cameron suggested.

-Sure! - Billy agreed.

-Whoa, slow down, Cameron. I have work in the morning, - Karina said. - But we can get together next Tuesday; I have the afternoon free. -

-I hope to see you next Tuesday, Karina. Come on, let's head to the next party, - Cameron said.

-You're leaving? - Billy asked.

Walking Karina to the exit, she said, - I have work tomorrow, and I can't afford to be late. But good luck, honey. -

-I hope you'll be careful going home; it's getting late. Do you want me to order a taxi to your place? - Billy offered.

-Oh, the bus stops two blocks away; don't bother. Goodbye. -

Billy watched as Cameron laughed with a group of perhaps nine people.

-Ah, here comes Billy; we were waiting for you, my friend. These guys are itching to leave; the women went ahead. We have a matter to attend to,- Cameron said, walking with Billy.

-Where are we going? - Billy asked.

-To the store. We're in charge of stocking the party with alcohol. We have a credit card from Romney, but it's our last resort, - Cameron explained.

-Now, let's gather some money. I've got seven dollars, Lucas contributed nine dollars, so... - Steve, Cameron's friend, started.

-I have three dollars, - Cameron said.

-Well, that gives us a total of 19 dollars, - Steve said.

-Billy, can you chip in? We don't have a change, - Cameron asked.

-Sure, I have some money, - Billy said, pulling out some bills.  -Twenty is fine. -

-Friend, this is pure gold, - Steve exclaimed.

Buying alcohol for broke college students is like a bargain hunt.

-Well, Billy, you need to be a bit more direct. You're quite discreet, and besides, that pitcher had some alcohol in it, so I suggest you slow down a bit, - Cameron advised.

-What do you mean? - Billy asked.

-You know, you're waiting for too many signals. These women just want to have a good time. And about the alcohol, you look a bit too cheerful, - Cameron said.

Billy nodded attentively. The party house was a small apartment with tinted windows that curiously didn't stop people from talking again and again. The loud music, the makeshift dance floor, and most of the time, Cameron was off mixing drinks with this guy named Steve.

-Well, I didn't expect to see you at the party, - Amanda said, along with a guy.

-I'm just going with the flow, - Billy replied.

-Billy Carson, a pleasure, - he introduced himself.

-Adam, - the guy said.

Billy headed to the bathroom to wash his hands.

-Hey, buddy, want a sip of this? - Two guys asked, waiting by the bathroom door.

-Thanks, but I just want to wash my hands, - Billy said.

-I don't think it's going to work; a couple is fooling around in the bathroom. If you go to the kitchen, you can wash your hands, - a guy suggested.

-Thanks, buddy, - Billy said.

The first party after a long time usually results in discomfort. After a while, he ended up drinking with Cameron, Steve, and Lucas. While they were having soft drinks, Billy ended up drinking alcohol, a mixture of orange juice with gin. He got home in the early hours of the morning, unaware that his father was on the porch reading a newspaper.

Billy stumbled in, the drinks of orange juice mixed with alcohol causing more havoc than he had anticipated. In a rather archaic fashion, he crawled up the stairs on all fours, trying to find his room. He made it to the bathroom, brushed his teeth, and in his dizziness and unconsciousness, managed to reach his bedroom and fell asleep. The next day, the sunlight streamed through his blinds, and he felt brand new. There was no hangover, and it was refreshing to be young.



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