Hollywood Art: System of sunnys

93. purchase a piece of land

-Come on, Dad, don't be in such a mood. It was just a little farewell party with a good friend, - Billy said to Thomas Carson from his bedroom, his white shirt and trousers in disarray. It was elegant attire, but not so elegant anymore.

-Just get up already; needless to say, you're grounded, - Thomas Carson replied.

-Well, it's not like I have a lot of time for leisure activities. My life revolves around work, school, and extracurricular classes, - Billy retorted, weariness evident in his eyes.

-Just wake up; we have a meeting. This is your last warning, son. If you have a hangover, deal with it, - Thomas said before heading downstairs.

There was no hangover; behind the curtains, he saw the elegant morning sun.

Billy went down to the living room and saw his father sipping coffee.

-You're awake, - Thomas remarked.

-Yes, Father, - Billy replied, a bit nervous now that he was fully awake and had shaken off the morning drowsiness.

-Get a shower. We have a meeting to attend, the real estate property we've been negotiating for a while. Six hectares, 6,000 square meters of land purchased. Not that it matters, $300,000 for adult Billy Carson, who now does as he pleases, - Thomas said sharply as he read his newspaper.

-Give me a second, - Billy said, remembering the commitment.

-You have ten minutes. The meeting is scheduled for 10:00 AM, and we have half an hour to get there. The blue suit is on your desk; I've already prepared it for you. With that hoodie, I won't allow you to attend the meeting, - his father shouted from the living room.

Upon hearing the sound of the shower, Thomas left his newspaper on the table and dialed Mr. Ridden's number.

-Mr. Ridden, it's a pleasure. We'll see you in half an hour at the notary near the boulevard, - Thomas said.

-Yes, I'm leaving home now. Thank you for your understanding. You know how these young ones are; they don't think through the consequences of their actions. We, the older generation, have to clean up the mess they make, - Thomas added.

Thomas adjusted his suit, headed to the garage, started his SUV, and parked it at the front of the house. He greeted the neighbors who were heading out for their shopping.

Billy hurried out of the house and took a seat in his father's car.

-Don't take so long next time, - Billy said.

Thomas didn't respond, he just started the car. His father's calm demeanor made Billy somewhat uneasy.

Music played in the background; his father was a staunch fan of U2's album "The Joshua Tree."

-I wanna run, I want to hide
I wanna tear down the walls
That hold me inside
I wanna reach out
And touch the flame- canto Thomas

Su padre dio un giro a la izquierda. Deteniéndose en la luz roja.

-Where the streets have no name.

I wanna feel sunlight on my face
I see the dust-cloud
Disappear without a trace
I wanna take shelter
From the poison rain
Where the streets have no name
Where the streets have no name
Where the streets have no name
[1]- song Thomas.

They arrived at the notary near the boulevard. Notaries serve various purposes, including authenticating legal documents and paying relevant taxes for the legalization of transactions.

-Look, Mr. Ridden must be inside, - Thomas said.

And he was right; Mr. Ridden was sitting in a corner, sipping coffee. His forty years in the real estate industry had helped him accumulate significant profits, money he would use as a college fund for his three grandchildren and his youngest son.

-Thomas, good to see you, - Mr. Ridden greeted.

-Mr. Ridden, I must apologize for my lateness today, - Billy Carson said.

-Don't worry, son, it was just a few minutes. I can wait a few minutes for a major sale worth thousands of dollars, - Mr. Ridden replied.

-Let's continue with this, - Thomas said.

-I have the papers; I took care of everything, - Thomas told Ridden.

-Elegant, Mr. Carson. The notarization is scheduled for next week, - Ridden said, displaying ease born from his 33 sales over his professional career.

-We'll see you next week; I'll notify you for the final signatures, - Ridden said.

After bidding farewell to the Carsons, the documents, explained by his father, were the cornerstone of real estate sales. Billy should at least know the identifiable elements of these negotiations, as his father had emphasized.

-Have you finished reading the documents? - his father asked.

-I have. I have some trouble with the terminology, but Anne's classes have helped, - Billy replied.

-Give them to me; we'll file them, - Thomas said.

The two hours of filing were at most a short wait. Sometimes negotiations took much longer than expected.

They drove along Route 55 and turned at the second exit of a secondary avenue, arriving at a location with a burger joint. They had lunch at T-Box Burger, the second outlet, which was larger and better located.

- The place is impressive, - Billy remarked.

-You should always visit your businesses, son. I do it for you, but I can't always manage it. This one is exceptionally famous. There are three major offices nearby, the museum is just a few steps away, and there's a park where families often come. There are some issues on certain days, but the customer traffic is good. There are certain inconveniences with the one near the university, - Thomas explained.

-I see, Father, - Billy said.

He didn't know the manager of this establishment.

-Who manages it? - he asked.

-Jack Comman but we have a supervisor,- Thomas replied.

-The burgers are still good; I'll order another one. I want to see if the one with pink sauce and bacon is as good as in the other public establishment, - Billy said.

There are several delicious burgers on the T-Box Burgers menu, including the special tomato jam burger, the second one being bacon chopped burger with pink sauce, the third roast beef burger, and the company's generic chicken, Mexican, and vegetarian burgers for more demanding palates.

-Of course, we need to go to the mall and then to the factory. Anne mentioned that you bought two machines for animation during my trip, - Thomas Carson said.

-I'm going to invest, but this time, I'll hire some interesting animators. I'm putting together a complete animation team; I want to dive headfirst into the television industry, Father. Warner disappointed my aspirations to participate as a company, so now we'll try it on our terms, - Billy said.

-I don't see it as easy to hire animators to create television series, - Thomas said.

-I understand, which is why I'll recruit from the university itself. We only need a team of three people. We'll invest slowly, for now, I just need two people with good skills, - Billy replied.

-Dad, this venture is well-funded. Pixar is a money-making machine. Don't you think everything is moving too quickly? - Billy asked.

-A bit, son, but it will be on my terms. If I have to make the series myself, I will, - Thomas said.

-Well, you certainly have the skills to create the series on your own. I hope everything goes well. Finish your meal, and we'll go to the mall, - Thomas said.

-To the mall? - Billy asked.

-Yes, to get you a cell phone. You can't go on being out of touch for much longer, - Thomas said.

The latest cell phone model was a Nokia from 1984, a rather heavy cell phone that only worked for making calls. The extravagant expense of $1,100 was excessive for the limited functionality of the phone.

[1] U2 is an alternative rock band. A good band.


hello again, happy week to all, I was quite busy with some things, but, here is everything.

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