Holy Right : A Multiverse Occultist

Ch-36: ‘Handsomeness’ that Kills

Returning to his luxurious room on the yacht, Roy began to examine the New Divine Authority, this time Pandora's Circle of Usurpation once again granted him with a new power— <Visage of The Alpha & Omega>! 

Alpha (α) and omega (Ω) are the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet, and a title of Christ and God in the Book of Revelation. 

This pair of letters is used as a Christian symbol, and is often combined with the Cross, Chi-rho, or other Christian symbols.

In 3 Enoch, Metatron becomes "the angel who has access to the divine Presence, the 'Face' of the Godhead…." 

Godhead is one of the numerous titles of YWYH, the Holy Father in the Religion of Cross. 

Metatron also has the moniker of 'God's Face' in the legend. It is said that mortals cannot directly look at God.

Metatron, also known as Measure of the Lord or Lesser God, is the voice and face of God. 

Whenever a human believes that they have seen God, or God has directly spoken to them, in reality it is Metatron acting as his vessel. 

In many books, it is said that one million eyes and mouths cover Metatron's body, and every mouth speaks a different language. This also gives Metatron the power of charm. 

Among the many Angels, only Metatron has the honor to be able to look at God and see the Supreme God's holy face.

And the power of <Visage of The Alpha & Omega> comes from this legend.

<Jacob's Limbs> has Seven forms. <Sin of Sodom> can further be branched into 'Eyes of Sodom', 'Flame of Heaven' and 'Fire of Hell'.

<Prince of Blazing Light> can be branched into 'Archangel Physiology' and 'Graced Wings'. 

Similarly, <Visage of The Alpha & Omega> can be divaricated into 'Face of God' and 'Eye the Beyond'. 

'Eye the Beyond' gives him the ability to perceive and see the flow on mana/ki/chakra/shakti etc. He can also see the deeper composition of anything. It's somewhat like Observation Haki. 

"When I saw Metatron's face when I was on Ponza Island, I felt a 'curse' flowing from his face into my body. It came from this Authority."

Roy sat on his luxurious and rustic wooden chair, feeling the yacht that was speeding up back to Italy.

"There is no appearance of a Heretic God of Cthulhu Mythos in this world... But it does takes hundreds of years to produce a complete mythical system of Gods, and it also needs to be linked to the history of mankind."

"After all, Cthulhu Mythos has only been shaped for a hundred years, and it is only a novel. It will take hundreds of years for this myth to give birth to a God."

"At the same time, the Cthulhu mythology system will have to be remembered by mankind for a few hundred years. Maybe there is a Cthulhu Mythos world out there among endless worlds and I may get the chance to travel there..."

"...In the Cthulhu mythology system, people who see the Great Old Ones or Outer Gods will go crazy because the human brain cannot understand the outworldly existence of the evil god, and will be contaminated by it."

"It is also applies to God. Because human cognition cannot understand the greatness of God, they will be cursed when they sees God's face."

Roy sighed slightly, recalling that when Metatron was using this power before, he did see another great existence through Metatron's face, which caused himself to be horribly cursed, even his power weaken by a lot, otherwise he would have solved Metatron without invoking the <Sin of Sodom>.

When this 'Face of God' is actively used, it will make the person who sees his face appear to have seen 'Yahweh', which will confuse the cognition of the enemy, the target will be under a strong curse.

If it is a Champione with exceptional magic resistance, they will feel weakened at most. 

But if his 'Face of God' is seen by common mages or knights who have moderately low magic resistance, they will surely go crazy and die. 

He has now become someone who can kill people just with just relying on his 'face'. 

"Even if you kill the same Heretic God, different Campiones usurp different Authorities. This is related to the nature of the Campiones themselves. Why did I get this power?"

Roy caressed his face with his hand, and then reminisced to himself: 

"...I always use to complained that my face was not handsome enough to find a girlfriend, so under this desire, I got a power that makes me so 'handsome' that makes people to want to die."

Although it was a complaint, Roy felt that maybe this was the truth.

In the battle with Metatron; Metatron used three powers, <Visage of The Alpha & Omega>, that elemental flame body and the last is the authority which usurped his control over Heavenly Host. 

The usurping authority seems to be powerful, but there should be many restrictions for it's activation, otherwise Metatron would not have waited until he summoned the Heavenly Host. 

Maybe it's a authority to control Angels? 

Anyway he already has the <Advent of Heavenly Host> that let's him control summoned Angels. 

So, Roy was not interested in Metatron's usurpation authority. 

Roy's <Holy Right> has enough restrictions that he is trying to reduce, and the power of the <Holy Right> is extremely comprehensive in terms of combat.

<Visage of The Alpha & Omega> seems to suit Roy more than a combative Authority. This auxiliary, unrestricted Divine Authority can improve his combat effectiveness.

'Eye the Beyond' will let him better research on magic and gain knowledge. And, 'Face of God' can curse his opponents. 

Fortunately, 'Face of God' can be controlled freely, divided into 'active' and 'passive', otherwise Roy may need to find a mask to wear, and when needed, he will have to take it off to kill enemies with his 'handsomeness'. 

When in a passive state, this power will spontaneously bring Roy the 'Majesty and Holiness of God', making him look more sacred, like an angel on earth. 

'Face of God' makes him more charming, more attractive and more holy. Simply put, it is a semi-activated 'curse', that allows Roy to easily allow others to believe in his words. 

The active state of 'Face of God' will directly make the curse stronger. In Roy's view, he is in a fierce battle, the two sides of the battle have to keep an eye on each other. 

If this unpredictable power is suddenly activated, the enemy will definitely unable to react, he will be cursed, then weakened and distracted, creating a chance for himself to kill with one blow.

Very useful support ability, whether in daily life or in combat— this is Roy's evaluation of <Visage of The Alpha & Omega>.

"It's just that instead of gaining a new power, what I hope more is to evolve the <Holy Right>, to make it undergo a qualitative change."

Roy frowned and squeezed his fist. After killing Metatron, his mana didn't add up as he had already expected.

Except for gaining a new Authority, he has no overall change, not even a little change in mana capacity, strength, agility, resistance, durability or lifeforce.

As a Campione, even if Roy kills dozens of Heretic Gods, there will be no change except for the diversification in his powers, struck in the same level. 

He will naturally gain different kinds of Authorities, and will naturally have more choices when facing against the enemies of the same strength, a sudden unexpected move can bring him victory. 

However, the Campione will not become stronger in term of 'quality', only in terms of 'quantity'. 

This becomes the biggest weakness of a Campione, no matter how senior you are, a new rising star can pop up and defeat you out of nowhere. This is like a limiter on the Campione that Roy wants to break. 

In Roy's view, Metatron and Michael's legends overlap very much in all respects, but even after he killed two Heretic God's who have so much similarity in their myths, he didn't get any 'miracle'. So thinking about it, even if he kills more Heretic Gods of Biblical Mythos, there will be no change.

"Don't worry, I found a way to fuse the 'spiritual information base' from Metatron's 'supernatural core'."

At this time, a brilliance emerged from Roy's back. The 'Holy Guardian Angel' Aiwass, with long golden hair flowing to her waist, wearing a white linen robe and a halo on his head, appeared in an illusory posture.

"Metatron's 'spiritual information base' is very much similar to Michael's 'spiritual information base', and there are great chances of success for fusion."

"After seeing Pandora's Ritual- Circle of Usurpation once again, my understanding has deepened. After I thoroughly analyzed and tampered with Pandora's ritual, I can finally apply the new ritual on you."

"Allowing you to break through the limits of the Campione."

"....But even if this new ritual is completed, not all the Heritic God's 'spiritual information base' will be suitable for fusion."

"Your original, first god-killing target was Michael, so you already possesses the nature of Michael, so 'spiritual information base' of Metatron who is similar to Michael can be fused more easily."

"Moreover, the more similar the Heretic God is to Michael, the greater the benefit of killing them and fusing with their 'spiritual information base'."

Hearing Aiwass's words, Roy's eyes brightened, he smiled and said: 

"...As expected of the Angel summoned to help by that man. Wait... Aiwass, Did you store Metatron's 'spiritual information base'? Otherwise it would have already dissipated by now!"

"As a spirit body, I cannot interfere with the material world. But as spiritual body I can easily intercept spiritual thoughts."

"When you killed Metatron and left the material world, his 'spiritual information base' was about to dissipate but i stored it."

Aiwass calmly said these words, her voice had very strong human emotions, but there was no sense of complacency on her face. 

"But Roy, you have to pay attention. All I can do is tamper with this ritual, but if i tell you the process it will be like this- °#%#*.... Your brain will not understand. So, you need to learn more."

A part of Aiwass's words turned into unknown signals. It was the knowledge that Roy could not understand. After frowning, he roughly understood Aiwass's meaning. 

"...you mean to say, you can only reform the ritual, but you cannot hold the ritual as you cannot affect the material world."

"So you can only impart the knowledge of the new ritual to me, and I will have to initiate the ritual by myself. But before that, I must have enough knowledge to understand and interpet the knowledge you grant to me?"

"That's right, human words can convey too little meaning. There are some things that I can't explain in human language. You need to understand them in a magical way."

Aiwass nodded in acknowledgement.

"I understand, that means I will have to continue to study hard in the future. If I had the such motivation to study back then, I would have been surely admitted either to the Harvard University or the Peking University."

Roy laughed at himself, and then he took out a bronze ring from his pocket, the ring he found in the ruins of the Solomon's Temple— 

<Seal of Solomon>! 


Greed is one of the Seven Deadly Sins. However, it is also the motivating force for mankind. 

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