Holy Right : A Multiverse Occultist

Ch-37: Memories of the Void

Roy leaned back comfortably on the cosy chair, he rubbed the quaint ring in his hand with his fingers, sinking into his own world.

"Tuck Tuck Tuck————"

A rhythmic knock came from the door behind him, and Roy said without looking back: 

"...Come in, Erica!"

Even if he didn't look at with his own eyes, Roy knew that it was Erica, because only Erica would come to his bedroom, and the other people on the yacht did not dare to come and disturb him.

Accompanied by the sound of opening of door knob, a sweet fragrance permeated this luxurious and huge bedroom. 

Roy's nose as a Campione is more sensitive to smell. It was the smell of Erica and the scent of her usual bath lotion.

Roy turned around and looked at his personal knight, and saw Erica, who was young but had proudful voluptuous figure, standing upright at the door of the room.

Her dress that had been damaged was already changed, she rarely changes her opulent red battle dress and puts on regular clothes. 

The golden hair was too long to be completely dried so it was sticking to her slender neck, her skin was still moist, the clothes sticking to her skin, clearly she came in a hurry.

"King, you can go wash, or if you need my service..."

The muddle-headed girl had completely restored her sense, her tone once again crisp and agile, she had a sense of frivolous charm on her face, and her beautiful eyes had a fascination that does not matched her young age.

"Don't worry, Erica. Although the stench of sea water is uncomfortable, it is not to the extent that I can't accept it."

Roy boldly stared at the plump, athletic legs under the girl's long skirt, Erica finally took off the white fleece stockings, revealing her fair legs, and even fair to the point that a faint blue vein could be seen on her fair legs. 

With the high difference in status, people with low self-esteem will become more confident, let alone Roy who has never been one with inferior mentality. 

Parenthetically, Erica's drawed on the tainty bronze ring in Roy's hand, she gazed on the bronze make and embroidered her eyebrows; and said after some moments of completion:

"....King, the thing in your hand has subtle magical fluctuations. From it's mana fluctuations, it looks like a powerful magical tool?"

"Well, it is the artifact that I found in the remains of the Temple of Solomon, if it was really the Temple of Solomon."

Roy nodded in response.

"The Temple of Solomon? Is it the ruins of the First Temple on Mount Alma Torran discovered by the archaeologists in the hidden heart of ancient Jerusalem, that was broadcast in the news not long ago?"

"This incident caused a really great sensation in the whole magic world. Although King Solomon was called a symbol of 'wisdom', but there were too few records to prove his existence."

"The world-famous third king of the ancient kingdom of Israel did many miraculous feats, but it was because of close to zero unearthed cultural relics to proved his existance that made people doubt whether he really existed."

As a person with high status in the magic world, Erica is very interested in these ancient legends and history and; even more in the magical relics and antiques. 

"I was also at the archaeological excavation site at that time, because I found it interesting, I used my power to destroy the site and found this ring."

Hearing Roy's indifferent words made Erica smile bitterly. The Campiones really were used to do things arbitrarily, just like this casually destroying the historically important relics of King Solomon's era.

"The records of your first sightings also appeared in ancient Jerusalem. At that time, a mage from the 'Greenwich Assembly' was also following the archaeology team and discovered the existance of the King."

"King, your past experience is indeed a puzzling mystery. Many mage associations have investigated you, but they didn't grasp any useful information."

Erica said frankly, not afraid to tell Roy about this kind of thing, since the 'king' has given her, his trust, then she must do what a loyal subordinate should do. 

Not to mention, during her contact with the 'king' in this range of time, she came to know her 'king' more closely. 

This also made Erica believe in Roy's wisdom, maybe he already knew about these mage associations investigating him.

"The mage associations that investigated me also included the Copper Black Cross?"

"Yes, it includes Copper Black Cross, but the most rigorous investigation of 'king' was being done by the 'Witenagemot', the so called 'Council of Sages'."

"In fact, these 'sages' will conduct the most detailed investigation on every living 'devil king on earth'."

Erica said honestly.

"Then let them investigate. Even if they look for a Hime-Miko who knows to conduct 'Spirit Vision', it is impossible to find out any information related to me."

Seeing Roy declaring so confidently, Erica was also curious about Roy's past, but she knew that as a subordinates she shouldn't ask what 'King' doesn't want to elaborate. 

So, even if she was curious, she didn't mean to explore more deeply. 

Roy comes from another world. Of course, no matter how much anyone investigates, it is impossible to find his past.

"The 'Spirit Vision' of the Hime-Miko is also a very wonderful ability. They can receive 'revelation' and see the scenes of the past and the future. Do you know where this 'revelation' comes from?"

Roy asked like a teacher who was testing his student's knowledge. 

Erica shook her head and said: 

"...My ancestor was also a Campione. Though the blood of the Hime-Miko flows in our bloodline, it is very thin, so no one in our family ever awakened as a Hime-Miko, so I don't know much about the abilities and power of a Hime-Miko."

"It doesn't matter if you don't know, so listen, this world is roughly divided into three levels, the material world we are now in, and then there is the 'Boundary of Life and Immortality' which is called as the 'Astral Plane' by mages."

"And beyond the 'Astral Plane' lies the 'Realm of Immortality', where the gods who have not rebelled against their myths dwell."

Roy learned a lot of knowledge from Aiwass's teaching and from studying the books of the Holy See's library. He also saw through the true face of the 'Campione' world. 

This world is like a derivative of the 'Kabbalah Quadruple World Theory'. It is full of errors and omissions, but these errors and ommisions combine to strangely make this world also logical.

The so-called 'Realm of Immortality' in which the Gods dwell is the top layer of this world in Roy's eyes.

Where various information about the Gods in mythology is recorded, and these information will change according to the change in the myth known to human beings in the material world.

If someone really breaks through the 'Boundary of Life and Immortality' to reach the 'Realm of Immortality', he/she will not get to see the 'living' Gods, but only a bunch of incomprehensible information, which is the same as the concept of heroic spirits in Fateverse. 

"...And within the Realm of Life and Immortality lies the Memories of the Void, which is like the 'Akashic Record' where memories and events are recorded. Quite simply, Memories of the Void are the collective knowledge of the entire material world."

"The Spirit Vision is the ability to access these Memories. The information is recorded in form of pictures and short videos that have happened in the past."

"As for the information of the future, the Hime-Miko who possess the 'Spirit Vision' may use this knowledge of past to subconsciously make predictions of the future."

"After sorting and compiling the known information of the past, they can infer the highest probability event that may occur in the future."

"...Actually, this is a simple 'Laplace Demon', which can predict the future through the acquisition and inference of all the information in the past that has already happened."

"It is like using the past as 'numbers' with the 'Spirit Vision' as the 'formula' to solve a maths problem to get the 'answer'– future. This is the principle behind the so-called 'clairvoyance of past and future'."

Roy played with the ring in his hand in a leisurely tone. Sometimes, the more things you learn, the more ignorant you will feel, but sometimes when you know the root of the things, and when you look back at the past, you will find that everything was so simple.

"It turns out that this is the secret behind the principle of the 'Spirit Vison' possessed by Hime-Miko. Your knowledge is so rich and profound, my King!"

Erica compliment Roy with admiration and joy in her tone on gaining new knowledge. 

For mages, mastering power is not their ultimate goal, knowledge is what they seek. Even the knights of this world are like semi-mages, because those who do not possesses the talent to harness mana and cast spells are not qualified to step on the path of extraordinary. 

"There is nothing worthy of my possession in the Holy See, but there are countless isolated ancient books accumulated over the past two thousand years. The library there is a true treasure."

Roy smiled, and then he suddenly asked: 

"...Tell me, Erica! Where can I find the best Hime-Miko-es?"

Erica froze for a moment then she didn't even think for another second and instantly replied: 

"...If it is the Hime-Miko with the strongest spiritual power in the whole Europe, then it should be the former Chairman and Chief Speaker of the 'Witengamot'. Who is known as the 'Highest rank Witch in the heavens'."

"The daughter of Duke Goddodin. Lady of the British Empire. Her Royal Highness Princess Alice Louise Ove Nafal, who is honoured as the 'Sage Princess'!"

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