Holy Right : A Multiverse Occultist

Ch-75: Ark of Love and Romance

Roy needs a signature magic that belongs to him alone, just like in the Toaru world, every strong magician will have a unique magic style of their own. 

For example, Aleister's modified Spiritual Tripping– VI VERI VENIVERSUM VIVUS VICI, which is very capable of facing the Magic Gods, in theory, can explode with ten times the power of the 'Big Bang'.

Similarly, Roy also wants to make his own signature magic, the cumulation of his thoughts, ideas and knowledge; this signature magic spell is the main research subject for every occultist as it is the ladder to climb the Silver Star System. 

So what Roy has to do is to create a certain magic that can overcome the Evils of Man, assemblage of the evil aspects of humanity; on the basis of the semblance of his magic name– [Beast777], the one who shall cross the evil of mankind. 

A magic that will let Roy complete the correspondence between "Revelation" and "Genesis". The End After The Creation and the Creation After The End. 

However, it is very difficult to create a technique that can gather all the Beasts of Calamity at one point and cross them, even Aiwass will most probably not be able to create one.

And this technique must be fully his own. He must not borrow the hands of others, he can only improve it by his own knowledge, thoughts and ideas. 

What Roy asked Solomon to accomplish was only the most basic content of this technique, a vague light to illuminate his path of building his own road. 

The overall construction of the technique still needs Roy to perfect it by himself after attaining sufficient knowledge. But even so... a little lumination is enough for a Crowley to find the road he will run to the end. 

In the hotel room in Jerusalem's King Grand Hotel, Roy and Solomon together violently explored the path of magic. 

Solomon's title as the King of Magecraft is not just for show, his magic skills and knowledge are beyond imagination.

Roy benefited a lot from even just having a single conversation with him, when the Wise King is not completing the basics, he explains to Roy his path of magic, which Roy absorbed eagerly.

This wise king is very good at teaching people. Of course, this is only limited to Solomon's "God's Wisdom", not "Human Wisdom". 

He is not like Aiwass, just giving Roy a problem and let him find the solution all by himself. Solomon's teaching is explanatory, he explains every minute step of the solution in extreme detail, so that Roy can easily understand it.

"Huhhhh~ It's nine o'clock, then today's discussion is over... You are off the work, King Solomon."

Roy had recovered from his musing due to the noise of the alarm clock. He sighed lightly, and reluctantly dropped the discussion with Solomon.

No matter how much he complains, Solomon won't even be lazy for a single minute during the working hours, but after the working hours, you can't make him stay for a single second more. 

The magic knowledge mastered by King Solomon is the knowledge of Nasuverse. There is a big difference between the magical knowledge of Nasuverse and Campione verse. 

Nasuverse's magic is mostly research oriented, while the magic of the Campione verse is more practical, mainly for fighting. 

There are many mages in the Campione verse who can even compare with heroes, a tough or even irresistible existence for almost all the magicians of Nasuverse. 

Whereas, knowledge of magic that Aiwass mastered is the knowledge of the Toaru verse, which is more theoretical, mystical and bizarre than the other two. 

It can be said that Roy is now integrating the knowledge of the three different worlds— Toaru, Campione and Nasuverse. So, his signature magic is sure to be one of a kind that the world would have never seen before. 

'The ocean of knowledge is really vast. Every world has its own outstanding parts. Even in a 'weak' world, I am afraid it will have an unique essence of its own....'

'Tsk! This makes me really look forward towards my future travels. In different worlds, find the knowledge and then use it as the materials to forge my signature technique. Phew... this ultra learning session is killing me...'

Roy shook his head to make his groggy mind sober. The previous dozens of hours of non stop studying made him mentally tired. 

"If I had studied this hard back then, I would have been a renowned scientist..."

Roy laughed at himself at his thoughts, the past is past, he should look into the future. Sure enough, the fastest ladder for human progress is 'learning'. Learning can change lives.

Subsequently, Roy peeked at King Solomon with complicated eyes. He sighed, "If it was King of Knights or Tyrant Nero, this learning session would have been easier."

(Note: he means to say that he would just have simply used witch's $€# magic.) 

Roy cast his eyes behind Solomon's back as he said so. 

King Solomon calmly rubbed his neck and responded with a hippy smile:

"Please remember the happening of Sodom and Gomorrah, King Roy, Lord forbids~ Or is King Roy turning away from his faith~?"

Sodom and Gomorrah were judged to be destroyed because the people in their were homosexual, thus were judged for homosexual sin which overflowed with pride. 

Facing Solomon's counterattack for his previous teasing, Roy responded with his own:

"I'm a straight of steel, a dragon, I only look for caves of earth. Now that I think, I wish I had summoned Queen of Sheba, she learned a lot from Solomon, right? Tch, I missed a fox ear girl, it's a pity~"

King Solomon smirked: "I have no emotions for the Queen of Sheba, she just a stranger to me, no use of teasing me with that. If she can find someone who truly loves her, I would be happier than no body else. You know, I'm not good at dealing with women."

"Ha, the libidinous King Solomon who tricked waves of womens into his bed is now once again displaying his irresponsible behavior. King Solomon, who had queens of various countries as lovers, says he is not good at dealing with women. What kind of universal jokes are you making?"

"...Actually, I really want to learn from your experience, how did you make such a huge harem live in harmony. Is it really through some kind of magic like Erica mentioned?"

Roy sneered with his arms crossed. 

Solomon flushed like a beet root and shouted back: "T-Those things are all done by 'Solomon'! What does it has to do with me, Romani Archaman!"

"Romani Archaman? You?"

Roy queried with a perplexed look and thrn nodded while grazing his chin:

"...In the Bible, Noah's Ark is mentioned as Arch and the Romani is related with Gospel of Luke, you said you wanted to start anew but isn't it returning from where you started, so the work done is equal to zero?"

"Then Mr. Romani—"

"Call me Roman."

King Solomon, no, Romani Archaman interrupted Roy with a smile and said: "...call me Roman, it's reserved for my close ones."

"Roman. So you really converted to the Religion of Cross under my influence. It seems that I am really suitable to be in the missionary field. Let King Solomon of the "Old Testament" abandon Judaism and convert to the Cross Religion, such a miracle, is really the highest in all ages. A saint's status is guaranteed, hmm."

Roy said jokingly, and finally unable to contain himself, burst out loud, "Puhuhuhu Pfft~ Hahahaha!"

Roman smiled wryly. "...This word means 'romance'. I used the Japanese I just learned, not English. My name means the Ark of Love and Romance."

But the response to the clarification was another louder guffawing, "Pfft~ Hahahaha! Kakaka! Omg! Oh, my, God! Tsk, tsk, you are really going back on your previous path. Ark~ Of~ Romance~"

—Knock! Knock! 

Just then, there was a brisk knock on the door followed by Erica's crisp voice: 

"Is the study session over? I brought the supper, oh yes, I have also brought the cake requested by King Solomon."

Not waiting for Roy to respond, Solomon who has changed his name to Romani gushed at the door with extraordinary speed to the mention of the word 'cake'.


Greed is one of the Seven Deadly Sins, but it is also the motivating force for mankind, which includes me. 

So, if you want and desire, support me at Patreon with advance chapters~


Special thanks to *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi*


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