Horror Camgirl

Chapter 4 - Life-killing Knife

Chapter 4: Life-killing Knife

Translator: Guy Gone Bad

I was outraged and wanted to save the girl with the life-killing knife in my hand. But Tang Mingli stopped me. He said in a low voice, “What are you going to do?”

“Save the girl, of course. They are going to rape her.” I sputtered.

Tang Mingli looked at me like I was a monster.

It made me kind of uncomfortable, so I asked, “Am I wrong?”

“You…do you really see a girl?” He asked.

“Sure.”  I nodded.

Tang Mingli gasped, then said, “But I didn’t see any girl. I only see them messing with the air.”

I got terrified, and looked at the bullet screen on the phone.

[What is wrong with those guys? Are they the camgirl’s shills?]

[Hahaha, the camgirl is so funny. Are they trying to rape a ghost?]

[Good idea. Though it’s fake, I’ll still send you a gift.]

[Only this part is worth it tonight. A jade pendant as a gift!]

My scalp tingled. And when I turned to look at them again, the nurse also turned her head slowly towards me, and glanced at me with her gloomy eyes.

Her skin was green, her eyes were totally white, with no pupils. The scariest thing was that she got  a deep scar on her face.

That glance made me feel like I fell into an icehouse. It nearly scared the shit out of me.

I immediately turned back and put my head against the wall. She was wearing a nurse uniform. Was it possible that she was one of the nurses who got killed that year?

“Those villains are the ones who tried to kidnap me during daytime. What are they doing here? Why are they enchanted by the ghost?”

At this very moment, we heard a clear rattle sound. It was like an old man’s walking stick pestling the ground.

I winked at Tang Mingli, then we found a place to hide away.

I saw a thin old man come downstairs, with a dragon-head walking stick in his hand. He stopped before that room.

I asked Tang Mingli with an extremely low voice. “Can you see an old man?”

Tang Mingli shook his head, looking ghastly.

That old man’s eyes were gloomy. He sneered and then the guy trying to rape the nurse suddenly got thrown away and hit the wall heavily, with his head broken and bleeding. That guy died on spot.                                                                                                                                          [Is that for real? That guy really got blown away?]

[Awesome stunts!]

[Are you the first time here? This camgirl never uses special effects. Everything is real.]

[Only a son of bitch like you would buy it.]

[You are son of a bitch! Get out of here if you don’t believe it.]

“Brother Hu.”The other three villains ran towards him. One of them tried his breath, and then shouted, “He…he is dead.”

Then another villain screeched and got blown away and then hit the wasted cot very hard. And the steel wire directly pierced through his head.

The blood was bleeding like blooming red flowers.

Now the other two villains realized what was happening. They screamed and then ran like hell. They ran through the thin old man’s body when they went out of the door. That thin old man turned around, with a sneer on his face.


The metal gate down the apartment closed! The two villains kept screaming while beating the gate. The thin old man walked towards them slowly on his crutches.

I held tight the life-killing knife in my hand, with goose bumps all over my body.

Suddenly the old man stopped and turned around slowly. He was looking towards us.

My heart was beating fast.

He found us.

That thin old man grinned and then kept walking towards the villains. When I was about to heave a sigh, I suddenly saw that ghost nurse in front, with her staring at me.

My scalp tingled. That ghost nurse raised her pale hands and tried to stick them into my face. I screamed and threw my knife at her.

The ghost nurse screamed and then turned into a wisp of green smoke. I gritted my teeth and said to Tang Mingli: “They found us. We should do something while that thin old man’s attention was still on the villains, otherwise we’ll be the next to die.”

Tang Mingli’s face looked kind of pale, “But I can’t see them at all.”

I threw the peach branch on my back to him, “Peach wood could exorcise evil spirits. You whip wherever I chop.”

[The camgirl is killing the night!]

[Camgirl, you have my knees!]

[Camgirl, I wanna have a baby with you.]

My live streaming room was quite lively, and I received more and more gifts. But that wasn’t my concern now. I was at stake now.

The moment that thin old man hung a villain in the air, I rushed forward and chopped down on his head.

You could never imagine the potential you had when it was about life and death. The thin old man suddenly turned around, then I got blown away and fell into a heap of rubbles with a scream. My ribs hurt like hell!

But then came Tang Mingli. He whipped the thin old man with his peach branch. The moment it fell on his arm, his arm was like being burnt, with wisps of black smoke.

He glared at Tang Mingli with hatred in his eyes, then disappeared.

Meanwhile, the gate opened.

The two villains ran out of the building like crazy. Tang Mingli came to help me up. He touched my breast by accident, and I groaned. It was really painful.

“You hurt your ribs. I’ll take you to the hospital.” Tang Mingli held me up while speaking.

This was the first time someone took me in the arm. It made me a little uncomfortable, so I struggled. Tang Mingli said in a low voice, “Don’t move.”

My lips twitched. Then I realized that I hadn’t turned off the live stream. I took out the phone in a hurry. The bullet screen really embarrassed me.

[Mr. President with a cute face.]

[Camgirl, be with Mr. President.]

[Screw you! She is ours.]

I immediately closed it. If Tang Mingli saw the bullet screen, he might throw up.

Now I was in hospital, lying in bed. The doctor said, “Rib fractures. You haven’t recovered from the old wound and now got green wounds. Do you wanna die?”

Tang Mingli frowned, “Old wound?”

The doctor said seriously: “She didn’t take the old wound seriously at all. If it doesn’t grow well, it won’t be only a fracture. You must get the treatment in time, otherwise it’ll become serious.”

Tang Mingli nodded and said, “I know. Thank you, doctor.”

After the doctor left, Yang Mingli immediately pulled a long face and asked, “Why didn’t you get the treatment?”

After a moment’s silence, I said, “I have no money.”

Tang Mingli was bewildered. Maybe he had no idea what that kind of situation it was.

“Just tell me when you get injured again. I’ll pay for it.” He said.

I frowned. “Why would you help me?”

“I paid you to catch ghosts. So it should be occupational injuries. Of course I should pay.” He said, “Including the future.”

“Wait.” I was surprised, “What do you mean?”

He glanced at me, “Do you really think I paid you 100,000 for only once?”

I was totally speechless. After a long while, I said, “Do you still want to go with me? We nearly died in that apartment.”

Tang Mingli said, “Since you are not afraid, why should I? You take some rest. I will take care of the stuff at the police station.”

Two people died. Of course the police should be informed. I thought I’d be involved. But that Tang Ming was really something. The case was closed by claiming that the villains died because of gang fight.

Anyway, they couldn’t say they were killed by a ghost.

I took out my phone and checked out the income last night. It made me both surprised and happy. The reward I received last night was over 4,000.

4,000! I had ever done three jobs at the same time, but I had never earned this much even for a whole month!

I exchanged those gifts for money and then paid An Yi’s medical fees. He had been transferred to a VIP room, and the charge was multiplied. So I had to earn much more than before.

I had been in hospital for a whole week. And that Tang Mingli came to see me every day and even brought me chicken soup. Looking at the sweet chicken soup, I was a little perplexed.

No one had ever been so good to me. Besides, it was such a cute and rich man.

Why was he so good to me? I was penniless and had a burdensome younger brother. What did he want from me?

Tang Ming Li said in a serious tone. “You better recover soon. So we can go get rid of the ghost.”

I was surprised. When did I say we’d go catch the ghost?

“Last time we nearly died in there. Are you still going?” I asked him.

“I, Tang Mingli, never give up halfway.”

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