Horror Camgirl

Chapter 5 - The Ghost Came to Take Revenge

Chapter 5: The Ghost Came to Take Revenge

Translator: Guy Gone Bad

I took a deep breath. “Don’t drag me into this, OK?”

But on thinking of the 100,000 he paid me, I immediately calmed down and ate the soup quietly.

On seeing that I ate the soup, he also became happy and told me he would go to look for clues before he left.

After getting out the hospital, he received a call. Someone said on the phone, “Mr. Tang, I found the two villains’ background.”

Tang Mingli said in a low voice, “Send their address to me.”

In a small inn in the street, two villains were drinking, smoking and playing joker. The whole room was filled with thick smell of cigarettes.

“We hit the skids this time. We went to kidnap a nurse but bumped into a ghost instead. Now even brother Hu is dead and we have to hide in such a deserted place.”

The other villain mumbled some dirty words, and then said, “Brother Chun said if someone died and the police would investigate into it. So he asked us to hide in the countryside for a few days.”

“Hum, he only paid us 10,000 each. What can we do with it? We may lose it for one round of joker.”

Suddenly the door was kicked open. In an instant one of them got knocked down. The other tried to run away but got captured.

“Let go of me! Do you know who I am?” The villain was struggling. The guy hit his shoulders. He felt like getting hammered and then fell onto the ground.

He raised his head and found it was that handsome man who saved him in the ghost-haunting apartment. He immediately quaked like an aspen leaf, but still tried to stay calm and shouted, “Do you know who my boss is? My boss is Mr. Li!”

He thought brother Chun’s name was not big enough, so he said Boss Li’s name.

“Boss Li?” Tang Mingli sneered, “Li Qi? What do you think he is? Even his boss Chen Er has to show me some respect.”

The villain then shook more terribly. He heard that they all called him Boss Chen, the most powerful person in Shancheng City. Even Boss Li was one of his dogs.

And even such a big shot had to show some respect to this Adonis?

The villain was totally confused.

Tang Mingli asked, “Tell me every detail before and after you went to that apartment. If I find you miss anything, today will be your last day.”

The villain was nearly frightened to death, and told him the whole process with every single detail.

Their boss Chun specially looked for plaything for those rich people. He might use money, or use force, or even kidnap them directly. No one knew how many girls were raped under their hands.

This time Chun asked them to find a nurse. While they had no idea where to find one, they saw a girl in a nurse’s uniform on a bus. That girl was pretty, who came into their notice. They followed her all the way to that apartment.

Chun got turned on by that girl. So he changed his mind and wanted to rape the girl on spot, and then took some nude photos to threaten her.

But it turned out that nurse was a ghost.

After Tang Mingli left, the villain wiped the sweat on his head and took out a cigarette. His hand shook too hard that he even couldn’t light the lighter.

He felt both painful and numb in his shoulders. Tang Mingli just patted his shoulder and it was so painful. Was is possible he was the legendary ancient warrior?

The more he thought of it, the more scared he felt. He had no time to care about his partner now. He got packed up and tried to run away. But when he opened the door, the patrol wagon arrived and stopped in his way.

With legs of jelly, he sat on the ground.

“It’s over. Everything is over.”

I lied in bed and leafed through the record of the reward. I found someone called Lord Zhengyang who rewarded me a crown.

A thousand for a crown! What a sugar daddy!

Lord Zhengyang sent me a friend request. Of course I’d befriend with him. I immediately accept it and left him a message to thank his reward. But he never replied.

I was almost recovered. I went home and took some rest for a few more days. I heard from auntie hang that those bullies were all arrested, including their boss called Chun or what. I heard they’d  receive severe judgment.

All residents of City Village were happy on hearing this. Some even set off fireworks to celebrate.

I took a few more days’ rest. The editor of Heiyan TV called me a few times to ask when I’d restart the live stream.

I asked Tang Mingli to pick me up tonight. I dipped some black dog’s blood on my Life-killing Knife and then sharpened it on the balcony, the sound of which scared my neighbors. Some even poked their heads out to watch. I heard the young couple upstairs whispered, “Is that freak totally insane?”

I didn’t know why. My hearing and eyesight became much better recently.

When the street lamps were just switched on, Tang Mingli arrived on his Land Rover. After I got on the car, he handed over a file to me, and said, “These are the files of all the old men that apartment has received. Check out whether there is the file of that thin ghost.”

I nodded and looked it through carefully.

Tang Mingli peeped at me and asked, “What brand of perfume did you wear?”

I felt totally confused, “I never wear any perfume.”

Because I couldn’t afford it.

Tang Mingli hesitated and then said, “But you smell sweet.”

I was totally confused and smelled my arm, but I didn’t smell anything. So I curled my lips and said, “Maybe it’s the smell of my melissa medical soap.

Three yuan for a big one, which I could only afford.

Tang Mingli said no more. And I kept scrolling. Suddenly I saw a photo and said to him, “It’s him.”

This thin old man was called An Shibing. When he was in his middle years, he was rich. He indulged in dissipation. His wife couldn’t bear it, so she got divorced with him and took away the kid. Then he married a twenty-year-old girl who gave birth to a boy. He then lived a comfortable life.

When he was in his sixties, he had a stroke and paralyzed. His young wife whirled all his money away. And she told him their son was not his before she left.

Then he thought of his first wife and daughter. But she just ignored him. He then sued his daughter and asked his daughter to support him. So his daughter sent him to that apartment for the elderly.

Before long, his condition worsened and then died.

Seven days after he died, the tragedy happened in that nursing home.

Wait! First seventh day?

Was it because of his first seventh-day?

His ghost came to take revenge?

“Here we are.” Tang Mingli pulled out a peach sword under his seat, and then said, “It’s said this sword is inscribed by Immortal Jiuyang in Republican period. It should be better that a peach branch.”

I smiled and then opened my live stream room. This time Henyan TV immediately put me on the home page. In less than a minute, I got over 6,000 viewers.

I said, “Ladies and gentlemen, we come to No. 144 apartment at Pinhu Street again. Will we see that ghost we met last time? Please stay tuned.”

[Camgirl, we missed you. Where have you been?]

[Camgirl my sweetheart, after I watched your live stream, I’m not interested in any horror movies.]

[My admiration for you is like the ever-flowing river…10,000 words omitted here.]

I only said a few words and received quite a few pendants. I had never expected I would become a web celebrity someday.

I hung the phone on my neck and asked Tang Mingli to move. With the three-inch long peach sword on his shoulder, he looked really manly. I could imagine how those girls flooded the screen.

I said in my heart, “Don’t only brush the screen. I want gifts. Gifts!”

When we opened the iron gate, a bleak breeze blew on my face, making me shiver.

This time Tang Mingli walked before me, trying to protect me maybe.

We took a turn on the first floor but found no ghost. Then we came to room number 4 on the third floor where An Shibing had ever lived in.

On  the moment we went in, we smelt a strong putrefactive odor.

“What is so smelly?” Tang Mingli covered his mouth and nose. The furniture in those years was still there, but already rotten.

He looked around and then pulled the closet open. Bang! The closet door fell down. A strong putrefactive odor sprayed into my nose. I nearly threw up even if I was wearing a mask.

I endured the stink and walked forward. I found it was full of bodies of animals like snakes, bugs, rats and ants. Some died a long time ago, with only skins left, while some died not long, still fresh.

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