Horror Yandere Superhero World (Reversed Sexual Morality)

Chapter 1.5

"Luci, stop it!" I yelled. "Stop it, you are killing her!"


My words only caused her anger to increase, and she bit her lips till blood ran down and bunched her fists tighter, causing Vick to choke herself even harder.


Vick began making those horrible noises those suffering from asphyxiation do.


I had very little time to act, and so I rushed towards Luci. When I reached her I began shaking her. "Let her go! Luci, let her go now!"


Seeing as Luci wasn't reacting, I became desperate. I didn't have any of my tech on with me, so I felt like I couldn't fight her.


Out of options, and at my wits end, I decided to kiss her to try and distract her.


"Ah, anh, mmhh, brother!~" like a storm clearing to show a sunny sky, her anger evaporated, replaced by joy.


I tried to disengage the kiss, but she twisted her hand and held me tight with her power.


I couldn't move, helpless as she assaulted my mouth, her hot, sticky, wet tongue invading me, making me want to puke.


From the corner of my eye, I saw Vick rise from the ground coughing. I gave her a look with my eyes that said: run, go and get help!


But she didn't run. I saw her reach for something in her back, under her shirt. Then, the next moment, a black and blue escrima stick sailed through the air and hit Luci in the head, the impact hard.


Luci thankfully went down and released me from her power's grasp.


My mind was still reeling from everything that'd happened, when Vick grabbed my hand and said, "We have to go! We can exit by one of the windows. Come on, we don't have much-"


She was interrupted by my mother's voice. We didn't hear her footsteps, didn't even realize she was there, "*Sigh* that fool girl ruined everything. I was planning on handling this with subtlety finesse, but now that the charade has come to a close, I am afraid you will not be leaving the premises." Gone was her motherly act, replaced by a cold, aristocratic aura and antiquated language.


"Go go go! RUN!" yelled Vick, pulling me after her.


But no sooner had we taken a few steps, a wave of terrible headaches assaulted us.


Vick fell on the ground screaming and clutching her head, but I remained standing. Part of the testing I'd undergone with the Baines had revealed my body wasn't just different in terms of looks, but it also had a healing factor. The effects of this power weren't limited to healing, but they also made me tire less easily and, now, it seems, even more resilient to mind attacks.


I tried to help Vick up, but she pushed me away. "Leave…me…save…yourself!"


Perhaps it was because of the regret and guilt eating me from abandoning everyone when they needed me, or because Vick was fun and nice, but I found myself saying, "No, Vick! I'm not leaving you here!"


Her face fell, despair and helplessness filling her eyes, "No…you…idiot!"


Despite my crushing headache, I bent down and picked her up, placing her arm around my neck and shoulders.


I half expected my mother to come and try to physically stop us.


But all she did was look at me with a predator like gaze, like a comodo dragon waiting for its prey to tire out.


I opened the door of Luci's room and kept on going towards the window.


"Hang there Vick." I told her, "We are almost there. Almost there, just hang in there."


She didn't give me a response, which worried me, and when I was turning my head to look at her, I felt someone kick my legs harshly.


I fell down to the floor hard, face first.


Then that same person grabbed my hair and began dragging me backwards, away from the window.


The pain was horrible, felt like my hair would tear away. And when I looked up, I saw that it was Vick dragging me.


"What the fuck, Vick! What are you doing?" I said as I struggled, trying to pry her fingers away from my hair.


She didn't respond, continuing to drag me back towards my mother. I couldn't open her vice grip either, her strength was much higher than mine.


My mother leaned down and grabbed my jaw, and tilted my face to look at her while Vick held me down.


"Oh, Avey, Avey, Avey," she said, smiling like the cat that caught the canary, "Did you really think you could run away? That if you pretended to be a person long enough you would become one? Ridiculous. You are our bloodbag, our toy--nothing more, nothing less."


Throughout her whole monologue, she concentrated her mind control powers on me to the point that blood began coming out of my eyes and nose, the pain unimaginable.


"But words are cheap. I'll make your body remember, you'll see it'll be like you never left at all. I'll use you in front of your little friend here. Then once I've had my fill, I'll bleed this cattle you brought here like the pig she is. I'll hang her with the rest of the bodies in the basement."


At that moment, Vick's phone began ringing, an old school rock song playing.


My mother stop holding my jaw and said, "Pick it up and convince whoever it is that everything is fine."


Vick, diligently picked up the phone.


She was silent as she heard whoever it was on the other line.


Vick responded in her usual joking way, "Nothing I couldn't handle. By the way don't forget to get the three documents for the board meeting tomorrow."


Silence again as she listened to their response. "No, no, there's no need for Jasin to bring me the documents.


"Yes, love you too."


Once the conversation finished and Vick hanged up the phone, my mother said, "Why don't I have your friend do the honors." She turned to her and ordered, "Undress him, then hold him down."


But surprisingly, Vick resisted, gritting her teeth and fisting her hands.


This made my mother fly into a murderous rage. "You damned human cattle, you dare defy me?!" with superhuman speed, she dashed towards Vick and using her claw-nails, she plucked one of her eyes out.


I expected Vick to scream, but she was silent, glaring at my mother with her one good eye, the other dripping blood and clear fluid.


"I AM YOUR BETTER! I AM THE NEXT STEP IN HUMAN EVOLUTION, AND YOU WILL OBEY ME!" she pushed her onto the floor and began kicking her with a brutal amount of strength over and over.


Now that her focus was diverted from me, the debilitating pain in my mind was dissipating and I felt I could move again.


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