Horror Yandere Superhero World (Reversed Sexual Morality)

Chapter 1.6

I tried to save her, I really did, but I had to get out of here before something really bad happened to me. I wasn't ready to die.

Using my hands I tried to shakily get up, legs trembling with fear and pain.

I began heading towards the window while my mother was distracted beating up Vick. The first step was unsteady. So was the second. But eventually I managed to get a shambling run.

I bumped against the room's threshold, grabbing it so as to not fall down. Then I pushed myself away from it and kept running.

The room was my sister's, the closest one. It did not look like the room I remembered: it was painted white and green rather than pink.

When I reached the window, I opened it, and then, taking a moment to steel myself, jumped through.

A fall from this high, despite not seeming that dangerous, is still quite painful.

My ankle twisted when I hit the ground, and I felt something tear.

I cursed and began limping away from the house. With every step, I could feel my healing power making things better.

Soon enough I was at it again, running for my life.

By the time I reached the neighbor's garden, I heard it: a horrible, angry, batlike screech combined with a human roar originating from my family's house.

A moment later I heard something fast running around the area, some kind of beast, sniffing at the air. It made me shiver with fright, the hairs in my body standing on end.

"Come out, Avery!" came the sinister voice of my mother, "If you know what's good for you come out now and submit to me!"

I put a hand over my mouth, trying not to let it hear my hard, panicked breathing.

My mind raced, trying to find a way out. My mother's house was close to the Gothic River that cut across half the city. But it was also close to The Bloodside Slums, an area that no one in their right mind would enter. I could also just call the cops and hide where I was.

While the thing outside was slowly sniffing out my position, I began to sneak my way towards the river.

My heart was racing a mile a minute, and I was extremely careful not to step on anything that would make noise. A few times I almost shat myself when I came close to stepping on small brunches hidden by grass.

It took a while and I had to climb a couple fences to get there, but I made it to the riverside.

There, I jumped into the somewhat polluted river.

Quickly I found that I was struggling to swim with all my clothes on. Felt like trying to move with an iron suit on.

Left with no choice, I struggled to float as I took my layers off.

I left only my boxers on (Alfreda had offered me something that looked like panties, but I chose the elastic boxers of Vick that fit me under, albeit very tightly) so that I could have some modicum of decency once I came out.

The river was cold, but after a few seconds I got used to it, more so once my body started warming up from all the excercise.

I wasn't a great swimmer, but my body's recovery from fatigue helped me out and I was able to swim to a great degree.

I did my best not to let the rotten water enter my mouth, but a few droplets here and there came in, making me spit in disgust.

Just in case, I wanted to clear a good-

Out of the blue, something in the water, something BIG, bit me hard in the leg. I felt a set of giant, beast-like teeth dig deep into my muscle, almost to the bone, sending flashes of intense pain to my brain.

My vision went white from the pain. I tried to scream, but I was dragged underwater and my lungs filled with the polluted water.

I struggled with the thing, some kind of massive human crocodile beast, but it was futile, like a toddler fighting with a dinosaur.

I passed out into blissful oblivion not soon after.


I had a rude awakening. I was slammed into a sewer wall.

"Where is the Bat Woman?!" roared the giant crocodile woman as I fell to the ground, hacking water out of my lungs.

My leg felt a little better than before, the teeth holes slowly mending.

"WHERE IS SHE?!" the woman I now recognized as Kill-Rex roared in my face, showering my face with spit and giving me a good luck at the row of shark like teeth that filled her mouth.

"What?" I asked, confused out of my mind.

She slammed her ginormous fist into the sewer wall next to my face, cracking it and making me flinch.

"Don't play games with me, you stupid dick!" she snarled. "I can fucking smell her scent on you! Tell me where the Bat is or I will eat you piece by piece!"

Kill-Rex was one of the infamous lunatics of Gothic City. She was a dangerous mutant human crocodile hybrid that towered over even the tallest humans. She was packed with muscle and looked menacing as hell. Her having killed (and eaten) several people already did nothing to dispel my worries.

I gulped and managed to say, "I have no idea what the hell you are talking about."

She grabbed my wet shirt and raised me up into the air with one strong hand. "Last." she got up in my face, her hot breath hitting my face, "Chance."

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