Horror Yandere Superhero World (Reversed Sexual Morality)

Chapter 1.7

"Wait wait wait!" I said in a rush after seeing she meant business, "I really want to help you, I do! Y-you see, there's this, ah, this rich person I know-"


"WHERE IS THE BAT WOMAN!" she roared interrupting me again, inpatient.


"I-I was getting t-there, please let me finish. Well, while I don't know why I smell like Bat Woman, I know someone that is very well connected and might now. If you, uh, allow me to call them, I'm sure they might be of help."


Kill-Rex calmed down a little and grunted, "Okay, call them."


It was then that I remembered I was only in my boxers. Despite the situation, I blushed, somewhat embarrassed, and said, "Well, I just remembered I didn't bring my phone. Had to get undressed to swim, you know, didn't wanna drown."


She regarded me silently, her gaze burning with fiery emotion. Perhaps it was my imagination, but her gaze drifted down to my dick every so often. Eventually after she leered at me for long enough, she spoke, "I have a phone. Follow."


So, just like that I began following the crocodile woman across the sewers.


After untold twists and bends, we finally reached a messy large room that looked like what a homeless man would live in. Junk and personal items laid strewn about.


She began searching about until she found one of those old big phones they used to use back in the day. She passed the thing to me.


It was then that I encountered the second problem. I didn't know the Baines' phone number. Fuck!


"Uh, this is gonna sound pretty bad, I know, but I just realized that I don't know their phone number either."


Her anger spiked again and she grabbed me by the throat, threateningly, but did not choke me. "If you lie. I kill you. Understand? Now show me where they live: we go."


I nodded, trying to look as honest as possible.


Kill-Rex released me then and in her first show of compassion since I met her, she noticed I was cold and shivering from being wet and semi-naked, so she rummaged around for a pair of clothes and handed them to me.


She gave me a ratty thick winter coat. It was stained and smelled like her, an animal, reptile smell.


Kill-Rex had been wearing a tattered pair of pants that looked like she hand stitched to fit her massive build, her top was uncovered…exposing me to the uncomfortable view of her reptilian tits (at first I was too concerned with my own survival to care, but now I looked away).


Before we left Rex put on a huge, heavy black trench coat that covered most of her body. The coat had a hood, and she used it to hide her face.


"Come." she ordered once she was fully dressed. She began walking, her heavy footsteps thumping against the ground.


With my shorter legs, I had to struggle a bit to keep up with her, "Hey, uh, thanks for the coat." I told her trying to break the ice and keep myself in her good graces.


Predictably she just grunted. Strong silent type.


After a few more seconds of silent walking on the sewers, I ventured another question. "So, who is this "Bat Woman" and why are you trying to find her so hard?" I was a hero, so I knew all the big names, and I'd never heard of her. Perhaps the reality bomb I'd been hit with had changed more than just my body. My family had been nothing like this: they'd been regular, well adjusted civilians. Just from the time I spent cruising around the city in Vick's car, I'd come face to face with the fact that overnight most of Gothic City's gangs had changed from male to female, that all the female prostitutes had become males. How far did the changes go?


Kill-Rex interrupted my thoughts with her reply. "You don't know who The Bat is? What, have you been living under a fucking rock or something?" she said, glaring at me.


"Yeah, so who are they."


"She is dead meat! I'll kill her, and eat her, and turn her into shit! Everyone thinks she is the hero of Gothic, but all she does is protect the people that need killing!" her angry voice hurt my ears something fierce. "She stopped me from killing the Doctors that experimented on me! All my life I've been treated like shit, like a monster because of my skin condition. And guess what Bat Woman did to the murderers that killed the only people that treated me right? To the only real family I had, the circus folk I worked with? She fucking saved them! She stopped me and saved them! Do you fucking understand now why I want her dead?! Why she has to die?!


Maybe this topic of conversation wasn't my brightest idea. I waited for her to let out some of the steam and then, when I judged it safe enough, ventured, "I'm sorry to hear that. Sounds like you've had it rough."


Sometimes when dealing with angry dangerous people, the best policy was to agree with whatever they said. "But honestly," I said after pretending to think for a while, "I think that you are right. In your situation, I would do the same. Bat Woman sounds like an asshole."


"She is an asshole! She is a fraud! A piece of shit!"


"Yeah, that's what I meant."


"And now you'll lead me to her, and I'll finally be able to get my revenge!"


"Yeah, I'm confident the Baines will know how to help you."


"I'll do it for my family! For all the people like me!"


"Yeah, I really do hope you get justice for them. These murderers need to go down."


This back and forth continued on for some time. Eventually we left the sewers and entered the city again. We exited right on New Gothic.


In order to reach the Baine Manor, now all we had to do was cross Caine's bridge.


There were few people on the street at this time of night, most of them women, and whenever I tried to make eye contact with them and mouth "help" without saying it, they averted their eyes and upped their pace, walking past us.


Caine's bridge was long and went high up into the air, giving you a good view of Gothic City, Nighthaven, and even the infamous Bloodgate asylum. Despite the good view, it was cold as hell, windy.


I almost shat myself when a harsh voice shouted from the darkness above the bridge, up in the rafters, "Let him go, Waylan. He has nothing to do with this."


Kill-Rex flew into a murderous rage after hearing the voice. "No! Come out and face me or I kill the boy!"


Three shadowy figures were standing above us. All three of them were wearing armored clothes. The first and tallest was clad in a grey and black costume with a black bat symbol in her chest, wearing a cowl that covered her whole face and had pointy, bat-like ears. The second was all black, except a red bird symbol on her chest and a red high-tech helmet that covered her face; digital lines resembling a skull were displayed on it. The third was the smallest, a young girl by the looks of it, her outfit having more color than the other two: red, yellow, green and black; a yellow H was emblazoned on the right side of her chest.


Hearing her words, the second brandished a long handgun and shot Kill-Rex.


The bullet hit her square in the face, but it didn't blow her brains out, only made her stumble back and shake her head as if she was given a strong punch.


Bat Woman followed up on that and dropped down from high above. She landed on top of the crocodile woman's head, giving her a savage kick.

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