Horror Yandere Superhero World (Reversed Sexual Morality)

Chapter 2.4

After that she put the same kind of bindings that Luci had on her and called the "Bat Car" whatever that was. Some gags had also been put on the two villains since they wouldn't stop saying disturbing things to me.

As we waited for the car, Davian joined us with Vick. "Seems like you gals had fun." H. Robin said, sighing, "Why do I always get the boring assignments. Had to chase Vick across half the forest to find her."

The moment Vick saw me, she trotted up to me, limping, and enveloped me in a fierce hug. "Oh, thank the Goddess you are okay! I was so worried. I thought you-you…"

I could almost physically feel the baleful glares of my mother and Luci through my back and I did my best to suppress the shiver that crawled down my back.

"It's okay, Vick. Everything's okay now." I said, brushing her hair with one hand, "But hold still for a moment and let me heal you. We'll have plenty of time to talk later."

My caresses really seemed to calm her down, her body softening up against me as the tension left her frame.

Using the healing power on others was somewhat hard. I didn't have much practice beyond the test we did at Baine manor. I tuned everything out and began concentrating on pouring out the power that was normally contained inside my body out through my hands and into Vick.

Little by little I could see her tissue knitting back together, her eye jelly filling b- and I had to look away because it was too disgusting to see.

After a minute or so, I looked back and I saw she was good as new. Not even a scrape or gash left on her skin.

When I tried to withdraw my hands from Vick's body, she stirred from her peaceful state, startled, and grabbed them tight, not wanting to part with me.

"Vick?" I said, surprised by her reaction and a little worried.

"S-sorry," she answered, her cheeks flushing scarlet, "Can we, ah, can we stay together? Is that okay? It's just that after everything that happened…"

I smiled at her and ruffled her hair, "Yeah, sure, why not."

She grabbed one of arms and clung to it, wrapping her body around it. I tried not to think about how I could feel her heat through the thin fabric of her shirt, how I could feel her curves brushing against my bicep. I did my best to not look like a fool, hiding my inner struggles from her.

As it turns out the "Bat Car" was more tank than car. The thing parked itself next to us and its spacious trunk opened. Inside two empty heavily reinforced seats awaited. Bat Woman and Red Skull got to work loading up the two villains into them, securing the restraints and then pressing a button.

The seats withdrew back inside and the trunk sealed shut once more. After that all of us got inside the car through the entrance at the top. Since we were five, it was quite cramped. I was squished between Vick and H.Robin in the back, while the Bat and Red were at the front.

No sooner had I fastened my seat belt that the thing exploded forwards, at a mind bogglingly fast rate for a thing so heavy. I squeezed Vick's hand and Robin's leg, trying to calm myself, making them chuckle.

Before anything we stopped at the Gothic City Police Department HQ to give our statements and drop off the two villains.

By now I was dead tired, not physically mind you, since the healing power I now possessed kept me in tip top shape, but mentally.

To no ones surprise, the cops at the GCPD were mostly women. And, thinking I was some kind of damsel in distress, they treated me very softly, like I'd break at any moment. It was annoying, but I was too exhausted to lash out. The cops even broke protocol and offered to let me say a few words before they locked the two criminals, letting me get the last word, for my peace of mind. I took them up on the offer.

They were both still gagged and I didn't much care what they had to say to me at this point. Luci was crying, looking like a wild, desperate animal, her eyes screaming "don't leave me". On the other hand, mom was glaring at me balefully, her eyes promising violence to come for getting one up on her.

"Look, I'll make this short, since I just want to be over this." I sighed, combing a hand through my hair, "It's clear to me now that you both are not who I thought you were. You aren't my family. You aren't even close to who you are supposed to be. I have to stop projecting, looking for things that just aren't there anymore." I could see that they didn't really understand what I was saying, so I changed tracks, "I don't love you and I don't want you to be a part of my life anymore. You are both…sick. All twisted. Luci, you need help. I think deep down you are a good girl, but you need to stop following what your mother says and think independently. If you hurt someone, even if you were threatened by someone else to do so, you are guilty, an accomplice. Please listen to what the doctors say and get therapy, get better and learn to live a normal life like I did."

Luci refused to accept my words, only becoming more desperate, thrashing against her bindings and screaming through the gag. Four cops grabbed her and held her back, straining with all their strength. A fifth one shot her with a stun gun, "Stay down damn you, stay down!" one of them yelled. Luci breathed ruggedly through the gag, eyes wild, refusing to kneel back down.

Two more cops shot her with their stun guns, finally bringing her down, convulsing on the ground.

I released a tense breath, my hands shaking from the disturbing sight. But I had to continue, to say my piece. I turned towards my mother. "And as for you," I said, my voice brimming with anger and disgust, "You are a vile, evil, bitch! I can tell from previous experience, that you are too far gone. You are a villain through and through. Your life serves no purpose. You bring nothing but problems to people. So, just go ahead and do everyone a favor and die. You think you are better than me? Well, think again! You are nothing but a rabid bitch that needs to be put down! I'll be there on the trial, when you get your due for what you did to me, Vick, and all those people in the basement! And if you escape, I'll just stomp you over and over again until you learn your lesson!"

My words broke her. Her calm and arrogant demeanor being replaced with pure, base hatred. I smiled at this, but my smile was soon wiped away when she used her mind control powers on one of the cops next to her, ordering her to shoot me with a gun.

Thankfully, Bat Woman had already predicted this and swiftly disarmed the cop and gave my mother a karate chop on the neck, knocking her out.

My heart hammered on my chest from all that'd happened, but I'd finally gotten my peace. Finally things would go back to normal or at least as good as normal as it could get.

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