Horror Yandere Superhero World (Reversed Sexual Morality)

Chapter 3.0

For the first days after the incident, I was weary. I couldn't help but get this feeling like the other shoe was yet to drop. I'd wake up in the middle of the night from a nightmare about my mother and sister escaping from Bloodgate Asylum or some other equally frightening fantasy only to realize I was safe and in my bed. Or hear a suspicious sound and freeze like a dear caught in the headlights. But, as time went by and I slowly recovered my peaceful every day life, my nightmarish debut in this world slowly faded away from my thoughts, like some bad dream.

The Baines adopted me in all but name as one of their own as thanks for rescuing Vick. They all had warmed up to me considerably, even Davian and Jasin who while still being assholish, were much kinder to me. While I didn't like being a hero so much, it did have its benefits from time to time, I thought, smiling despite myself as I remembered some of the good moments of the last few days: Vick asking to sleep with me the night after the incident, holding me tight, us waking up and smiling at each other; Jasin accompanying me to buy some clothes and defending me from a group of girls that were getting too pushy with me, then dragging me to the gym for some sparring lessons so I could defend myself; or how Davian and I bickered as we played videogames, her getting progressively more desperate as I kept winning until she threw the controller in a tantrum.

They were truly making it easier for me to fill the void in my heart that'd formed from losing all my buddies and my real family. Even just thinking about the tasty lunch Alfreda had packed-

The hard knock of a long, metal ruler striking my school desk startled me away from my thoughts. "Mr. Parker! Daydreaming in class again?" Ms. Zola, my biology professor at Gothic Academy, said in her thick French accent that dripped with sexiness, despite her pretty face being twisted in an ugly sneer.

Caught off guard I stumbled for a second, but recovered fast, "Ah, no no, I was paying attention, Professor!"

Her face twisted even more. I just couldn't understand why she disliked me so much. "Doctor, Mr. Parker, not Professor. I have worked hard to earn that title and the least you could do is respect that." she pushed up her black glasses with one finger, a habitual action. "Well, if you were paying attention, then you wouldn't mind answering the question."

"Could you please repeat the question one more time, just so that I can make sure to answer accurately." I said smoothly.

"Of course," she smiled nastily, thinking I wouldn't know the answer anyways, "The question was what is the role of mRNA in regards to DNA production? Describe the process to me."

I grinned. Even though I hadn't paid attention in class, I still knew the answer. You see, the original Avery died 2 years ago, meaning he had stopped his education 2 years earlier than me, since he couldn't go to school while dead. Of course since I'd still been alive in my original world and had continued going to school, that meant I was 2 years ahead of everyone in my grade now (well, Gothic Academy was one of the best schools in the country, so the gap wasn't that pronounced since I went to a regular public school before, but it was enough that I could keep up.)

I answered her question with the partially rusty knowledge I had on the subject to her surprise.

"Hmmm, yes that is mostly correct, Mr. Parker." she conceded, her anger receding somewhat, "But you still got the RNA polymerase and Ribosome wrong, an elementary mistake that could have been corrected by paying more attention to me and being grateful for my instruction instead of fooling around. Come see me after school for detention."

"Oh, come on!" I protested, "That's not fair!"

"What's not fair is me having to babysit ignorant brats just so I can do my research." she said, already walking back to the chalkboard to continue her lesson.

 I watched her butt sashay in that tight pencil skirt of hers as she did so. I didn't like her, but you couldn't deny she was hot in that strict teacher sense.


As I was putting my books in my locker and getting ready for lunch, a strong hand clapped me in the back and then the riotous laughter I was used to followed, "Zola's face when you got that question right was priceless!" Aisha told me, grinning, "I've never seen anyone get under her skin like that before." Aisha was black and was a punk/rocker girl. Her uniform and hair were messy and She always got shit about having part of it dyed purple too since it was against regulation, but she didn't care and since she was well liked by everyone and the captain of the football team, they didn't expel her.

I sighed, "Yeah, I don't know what's her problem, man." I told her. "It's not like I'm the worst student in that class or the most problematic."

Aisha pretended to think about the subject deeply and then, as if having an epiphany spoke up, "Oh, I've got it!"

I looked at her dubiously, "Uhuh. Enlighten me, oh wise one."

She flashed me that cheshire grin of hers, "She is trying to extort you for sexual favors. Classic. When you go to detention she-"

I gave her a playful push, making her stumble a bit as she laughed at my annoyance, "Shut up, you horndog." I said, amused, "Should've known better than to expect something from you. Anyways, tell the girls not to wait for me. With this shitty detention, I won't make it in time for the soccer game. Hopefully you guys will be able to find another player to replace me."

"You know I can tell them to wait for you, right?" she told me in a serious manner, "I always like it more when you are there…it just wouldn't feel right without your cheap tricks." she began laughing again at the end.

I pushed her again, huffing, "You are the cheater! Not me! The other day, you tripped me, you cunt!" Then I continued more seriously, "Thanks, I mean it, but I don't want to annoy the rest of them, you know, hold everyone back."

"Pffff, half the reason those dogs come is because you are there. Believe me, they'll be happy to wait."

It was a little disturbing but I wasn't THAT dense. She was right. A lot of them stared at my dick bouncing as I ran or at my sweaty, glistening body. Three of them had already asked me out, two of them even telling me they loved me.

"Well, then if they are okay with it I'll go later after I get off."

Aisha was going to reply when we ran into a situation in one of the hallways. A group of girls, led by Adison Pengueni was bullying a mousy, nerdy girl.

One of Adison's lackies had emptied a trash can on the poor girl and they were all laughing cruelly.

Adison had a lot of sway. Many followed her out of fear or greed. She was, after all, the daughter of one of Bat Womans infamous enemies, the penguin. After her mother had suffered an unfortunate heart attack due to stress after Bat Woman burned the giant pile of cash she'd horded, Adison'd taken on her mother's mantel. She suffered from the same disease as her mother, making her short, weak, and speak funny. She also had a long beak like nose and black, oily hair, but unlike the penguin, she was more attractive (penguin had her pick from the most attractive man whores while she lived, so this wasn't unexpected) "That'll teach you to look at me like that, you arrogant bugger." she croaked at the nerdy girl, laughing… her laugh sounded like an exceedingly evil penguin that'd gotten throat cancer, "Next time you think of flashing me that self righteous look, you better think twice, or I'll do much worse. Do you understand, you piece of shit?"

The nerdy girl trembled and muttered something, nodding her head pathetically.

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