Hot Springs Brigade!

Chapter 10 – Epilogue (End of Volume 1)

Imma be honest, I'm running out of titles. Will probably just number them as #.#.# (Vol. Ch. Subch.) in volume 2.

It has been two days since Draxis was defeated. A part of the Oaken Wealds has been forever changed by his fire, and may cause other problems down the line. In time, Draxis' body will decay from his own burning core as the magma consumes him from the inside out. Carving his corpse for the scale wasn't an option, and Itsuki burnt his hands doing so despite Vic's many warnings.

Vic loaded the last of the crates onto the wagon. She saw the other Adventurer's Guild members coming out of the Royal Cassun, climbing onto caravan wagons that were about to leave. Another convoy would arrive later tonight to ferry the rest back. 

Many of the members seemed defeated, and who could blame them. Vic was quick to agree to Aura's suggestion of extending the Guild's stay for a little while longer. They had to cremate some of their fellow member's bodies, people they had dined and slept alongside.

She was sure they would have a lot to think about when they returned to Greenwick— whether the adventuring life was for them or not. Just like how she made up her mind to be a soldier many years ago.

Vic saw Sarrul and Taisha come out of the Royal Cassun, likely discussing topics of alchemy far too complicated for her to understand. Sarrul bowed as he approached her.

"Proprietress. It cannot be said enough… but you have my thanks for saving our lives."

"All in a day's work."

"For the owner and employees of a spring resort? Certainly… you have your work cut out for you."

Vic shrugged it off. "As you can imagine."

"Sarrul has good news." Taisha bounced with eagerness.

"Have you found a cure?"

"Not quite… " The alchemist produced a box from his person and handed it to Vic. She opened it to a dozen finger-sized vials of a cloudy red liquid. "This concoction should stop the headaches."

"What… is it?"

"A depressant that will cause you… to bleed mana in small amounts. You may lose your ability to summon... your swords during its effect."

"Guess I'll be needing scabbards." Vic plucked a vial from the box and drank from it. The liquid was tasteless and odorless, going down her throat like water. She was glad it wasn't bitter like other medicines.

"I will continue to work on a cure… and in the meantime provide you a steady supply of this from Greenwick."

She looked behind Sarrul and Taisha and noticed a lack of alchemical equipment. "Is it just me, or are you leaving with less stuff than you came with?"

An uncharacteristic smile flashed across his scarred face. "By Guild Master Aura's good graces... I have a laboratory waiting for me in the Guild Hall."

"You're just going to leave your stuff there?"

"Consider it… investing in a promising young alchemist. Proprietress, Taisha." He bowed to both of them, then climbed onto the departing wagon behind her.

"You have… strange acquaintances." Vic remarked. A sudden force almost knocked her off her feet. Soft lips pressed against her own. Vic didn't struggle this time, nor did she feel embarrassed. She returned Taisha's embrace and leaned in to the kiss. 

When Taisha pulled away, the two of them looked up to see a flock of hippogryphs flying south. Their vibrant plumes trailed behind them like a paintbrush being drawn across the sky. Vic didn't want to let Taisha go yet, she wanted this moment and feeling to last as long as it could. Vic held her tight and went in for another kiss.

⚔ ⚔ ⚔

Piper and Aura rode atop Valor, surveying the destruction Draxis left behind. Much of this will not recover, and may cause travelers coming through and leaving Cassun trouble. Aura will have to bring this to her father's attention.

Aura sighed. She didn't want to return to the capital. She didn't want to leave for Greenwick either. She only wanted to be here at the Royal Cassun with her lovely ladies. 

Unfortunately, she can't always have it her way. War will soon wash across the land in the form of hundreds of dragons, and she will need to prepare for it. New alliances must be drawn, enemies to assassinate, wealthy enemies to bribe...

Valor came to a stop by a thinning river, a soon to be victim of the infernal wasteland. Aura hopped down and helped Piper to the ground. "This place was beautiful, I suppose."

"Maybe one day I'll grow strong enough to rewind this place back." Piper offered. Aura gave her an astonished look. She wanted to reach out and pinch her cheeks, but decided against it. It amazed Aura how much Piper had grown. How much all of her girls had grown.

"Perhaps you will." Aura stared out to the northern reaches of the Wealds. North. That's where their enemies will be coming from. It won't be now or soon, but an eventuality. "Have you ever given thought to your future, my dear?"

The dark elf found a log to sit down on, Aura joined her soon after. Piper gazed into the sky, looked down at her hands, and started twiddling her thumbs. "Don't tell Vic… but I think I want to be a captain of my own squad one day."


"I know I still have a lot to learn. Everyone is always spoiling me. One day, I want to do the spoiling!" Piper was beaming so bright she could light up the world.

"Oh, you!" Aura couldn't help herself. She wanted to tease the girl while she still could, so she pinched Piper's cheeks. "Then make sure to take leadership lessons from Vic."


Valor leaned his head down between them. Aura wasn't familiar with dreadsteeds. The only ones she'd seen were Victor's two adult ones and now Vic's foal, Valor.

"Is it just me, or is he rather large for an infant dreadsteed?" Aura patted the nubs on his head.

"Actually, Valor isn't a foal."

"Pardon? Is he not?"

"I guess if you consider him hatching as the start of his age he would be a foal. But all dreadsteeds mature in the egg."

"Then this means Valor is already an adult steed?"

"He's in his adolescence."

"Hmmm, is that so?" Aura brushed his mane, patting away the embers that occasionally molted from his fur. "I wonder… would you like to become beholden to me? Imagine, Valor. The strongest dreadsteed in the world. Stronger even than your parents. Even Vic! Unlimited power!!!"

Piper giggled, "Are you trying to put Valor under your Command?"

"It never occurred to me to try it on beasts. Dreadsteeds may be demons, but they are as intelligent and loyal as they come."

Valor nickered and nuzzled his head closer to Aura.

"What do you say, Valor? Shall you fight in Princess Aurora's name beside your master Vic? Beside your nanny Piper?" Aura exhaled, "Just kidding! Ohohohoho!"

Piper sighed, "I don't think Vic will be too happy if it worked…"

"It is probably not possible anyway— ah?!" Aura sucked in a deep breath as a torrent of mana bubbled up from her body and into her hands, and then drained into Valor.

"What happened?!" Piper asked, shooting up from her seat.

Aura's and Valor's eyes flashed blue. She held her breath, turned to Piper, and said, "Oopsie."

⚔ ⚔ ⚔

Deena was sitting with Itsuki in the laundry room again. Over the last two days this became their go to place to hang out. This time around, Vic was willing to overlook bringing a guest down to the servants' quarters. Maybe as thanks for being the one to kill Draxis.

Taisha wouldn't stop giving her an earful to hang out in the private spring instead. Every inch of her body ached, like hot needles that wouldn't go out were hammered into her arms and legs. Being in here with Itsuki just had a special meaning that she didn't want to go away. After all, it was here they first started opening up to each other.

Deena had been listening to Itsuki ramble on for the past hour. Sometimes he would make references to things from his world that didn't make sense. She didn't mind. She liked when he talked.

"And when you clobbered Draxis with his own tail, our jaws just dropped. It was like something out of a movie! Then, when we were under Eve's shield—" Itsuki stopped.

It occurred to her where he was recounting the story. It was the moment of their first kiss. Her face suddenly heated up. She looked over at him, and he had also turned red.

Without looking at her, he started to apologize. "I'm sorry I did that without asking... If you're going to punish— as long as you hit the face— I'll take it!"

She got to her feet and slammed her fists together. It sent a shock of pain up her spine, but she held it in hoping he didn't notice. "You're right. I got something waiting, so you better get up."

Itsuki also got to his feet and closed his eyes. She could probably do anything to him right now and he'd have no choice but to take it. But… there was really only one thing on her mind.

Deena pulled Itsuki in by the collar and kissed him. It was wet and clumsy, and Itsuki jumped in surprise. She felt him kiss back, but he was more passive this time around. For him to be standing on his toes to reach her was kind of cute. She wrapped her arms around him and lifted him up. 

A tinge of guilt tugged at her as she recalled when he tried to use his tongue during their first time. She wouldn't mind if he used it now… but if he wouldn't, then maybe she will. A little service won't hurt.

"Mmph—?!" Itsuki's head jolted back, but Deena wasn't going to let him back out of it.

Deena slid her long tongue into his mouth, and then down his throat. His teeth probably clamped down from the gag reflex, but it didn't hurt her one bit. He likely didn't expect it, since she never mentioned that her kind had tongues as long as an arm. It amused her that he struggled a bit before easing into it. This was kind of fun teasing him like that. Was this how Taisha felt teasing Vic?

When they finally parted, Itsuki's eyes were spinning and his tongue dangled out of his steaming mouth. She blew hot air in his face to snap him back to his senses.

"Th… that was… something else…"

"I won't do this with anyone else, so you better feel special about it."

"When I got dropped head first onto you guys in the springs, I didn't expect I'd eventually be swallowing half-dragon tongue."

Deena pinched his lips between her fingers. "Don't say it like that… it's embarrassing…"

"Dib dis bem web mub gubfeb?"

"What?" She let go so he could speak.

Itsuki face flushed red, more so than when they were kissing. "Does… this mean you're my girlfriend now?"

Her heart skipped a beat. Girlfriend??? Hearing that word made her stomach more tingly than when she bit off a chunk of Draxis' tail. Even so, looking at his goofy face made her happy. It used to be she wanted to slug him every time she saw him, now she… well she still wanted to punch him, but the urge isn't as strong anymore.

"I… I guess that's the next logical step." She scratched an itch on her nose, finding it hard to meet his expectant gaze. "Like I said before, all this is new to me so I wanna take it slow."

"Slow? You slid your slimy tongue down my throat, I think we skipped ten steps too far to go slow."

She pushed his face away. "If you say it like that, maybe I'll keep my tongue to myself. Hmph!"

"Wait, I'm sorry!" He tried to push back with puckered lips. "I like your tongue! It's sizzling hot and filling!"

"Oh, gods. You are so embarrassing! Why do I like someone like you??"

Itsuki got onto his toes again, grabbed her head, and kissed her on the cheek. "I still think about home sometimes. My previous life. I miss being able to eat cup ramen in the middle of the night and play games until I pass out. But being with you, here, makes me want to be a better person. I really am glad I met everyone at the Royal Cassun, especially you."

Deena turned her head away as the embarrassment was getting too much for her to bear. An intense urge to kiss him again was beginning to cloud her better judgement. At this rate, she'll ignore the whole taking it slow thing and assault him herself.

"B-being your… g-g-girl...friend might not be so bad…" 

Upon hearing that Itsuki buried his face into her chest. She felt the heat of his embarrassment on the scales around her chest. At least she can't see her blush. On the other hand…

"So, uhm… when's your ride leaving?"

"Sarrul wanted me to leave with him earlier, but Maya and Eve wanted to stay at the springs a while longer. I guess I'm here until the evening." He mumbled, face still hidden.

"Then we still have time, you know?"

"Time for what?" He finally lifted his head.

"I wanna taste more of you." Deena opened her mouth and let her tongue dripping with saliva roll down to her clavicle.

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