Hot Springs Brigade!

Chapter 9 – Loyalists of Septus

Two days later at the Loyalists' headquarters of Marquis Felsquire's estate…

Lucien walked down the long carpeted halls of the Felsquire estate. Everywhere he turned there was a bust or statue of someone from the Felsquire lineage. He'd lost track of how many there were the moment he entered the manor.

Two guards awaited at the end of the hall. If they hadn't opened the door, they would have fit right along with the rest of the statues. Lucien entered to the chilly reception of five pairs of eyes glaring back at him. He adjusted his cloak as the doors shut behind.

Each of the guests in this room was no stranger to Lucien. 

Marquis Amadeus Felsquire, head of the Felsquire dynasty, ruled the marquisate of northwestern Orcus that sat just below the Gilded Peaks. A crude half-demon man with crude ambitions to rule more than the tundra behind him.

Fenris, an old confidante of Septus and Lucien's mentor. Ever by his side was Zeda Cross, a half-demon battlemage who was an enigma. She spoke only in the verses of the Cardinian Cant; a devout worshipper of the Triumvirate Gods of Wisdom, Might, and Spirit.

Talo del Gui, the fat human gold magnate from the Republic of Darcie and Chairman of the Inland Empire Trading Company.

Lucien smelled another scent in the room, but couldn't place where or who it was. Amadeus shut his notebook and slipped it into an unseen compartment behind the desk. He stood from his seat and came to the other side.

"Well?" Lucien asked impatiently, "Why have I been called—"

"Draxis is dead." Amadeus declared, his eyes never leaving Lucien's. The room seemed much quieter following the announcement. Lucien thought he heard snickering from behind the desk, but his eyes found none but the head of the Felsquire family.

Lucien opened his mouth to object to the ludicrous notion, but as if on cue Amadeus spoke over him. "We know of only two individuals who can compel Draxis to fly south— the Usurper and yourself."

"You're telling me a kingdom of slaves slew the Harbinger of Calamities?"

"Led by Princess Aurora whom I needn't remind you possesses the same power that Septus wielded." Fenris finally spoke. The old half-demon leaned against the headrest of his seat and thumbed the gem on his black staff.

"And how foolish was He to forsake His siblings; Wretchedly, cast away the inward eye for the mirror of vanity." Zeda sung quietly, unmoving. "So weepeth Wisdom."

"The fuck is that supposed to mean?"

"It means you're an idiot." From the other end of the room, Talo chortled. His cumbersome belly jiggled as he wagged a finger at Lucien. "I'm told he was felled by her merry band of adventurers, aided by… spring resort employees? Ha!"

"Yes, I admit it. I traveled to the Gilded Peaks and demanded the dragon to fly south."

"Why?" Amadeus asked.

"Because we're sitting here twiddling our thumbs while my father still sits on the throne of Raisvayel! At least I've done something. The three of you and whatever councillors you listen to meander away while we are losing."

"Fenris, maybe you can talk sense into your pupil." Amadeus pleaded, rubbing his horns.

"Draxis' defeat is a catastrophic blow to our cause. He was a card meant to be played when the time was right. You dealt the cards, and lost us the gamble. Now we are disadvantaged for a plan that did not come to fruition."

Lucien bit down on his lip. "The Usurper was supposed to take the bait…"

"But he didn't. Instead, he sent a servant which was evidently enough. Now we are left with nothing." Even the human swine began ridiculing him. "You sent Draxis on a rampage and what did that achieve? He burnt a pin-sized hole in the maps. I imagine the cartographers will be fuming!"

"You think you're so funny, Talo?"

"Evidently, not as funny as your blunder." Talo's guffaw filled the room. Lucien's nails dug into his palm. If he were alone with Talo, there would be a bloody mess on the ground.

"The Draconids will come. It wasn't for nothing." Lucien countered, turning his attention back to the ones who mattered.

Fenris and Amadeus gave each other a look, then the latter spoke after letting a long-drawn sigh. "We don't know when they will arrive, and if they arrive early we may not have the forces to join them."

The old sage picked up where Amadeus left off, "No doubt Cassun will begin mobilizing their new army, and if Felucia and Grennadier—"

"Neither of them will be participating." Talo assured.

Fenris continued, "Even so, we still have half of Orcus and the entirety of Cassun to worry about— the latter of which whose strength we know little about."

"Then we attack them first." Lucien was growing tired of being left out of the conversation. "Cassun's border is guarded by what? A hot spring resort?"

"Lucien, sit down." Amadeus ordered. Lucien turned around to see a chair that wasn't there when he walked in. He would have bumped into it otherwise. When did— 

His body obeyed, but his mind did not. Everyone around the room was suddenly much taller than him. Lucien sank into the seat, unable to break away from whatever was forcing him down. "What have you done to me? I am to be your emperor!"

"Be silent." Amadeus snapped. "We may yet win the war without your incompetent attempts at leadership. Make no mistake, Lucien. The crown is yours; we've no interest in it. But you will answer to us."


There it is again. The same laughter. Where was it coming from?

"Like you, we have taken the liberty of asking for outside help. Unlike you, there was thought put into this." Amadeus picked up a small bell from his desk and rang it. "Let our honored guest in."

Lucien couldn't turn his head to see, but he could hear the doors open and the footfalls of someone entering the room. What he did see was everyone rising to their feet, including Fenris and Talo, who bowed their heads in reverence to the newcomer.

"You honor us by your presence, Headmaster."

The steps walk right up behind Lucien's seat. Because he could only look forward, he saw a looming shadow tower past him. He made out two distinctly elven ears. The Headmaster of the Court of Magisters was an elf?

Lucien only knew of the Headmaster as a secretive person who rarely showed themselves in person. The public understood that the current king of the Republic of Darcie was a mere figurehead. The true ruler was the Court of Magisters, a powerful group of magi led by an even more powerful leader— that was the Headmaster.

Their neutrality in the Demon Wars cost his grandfather the war. Now they decide to barge into Orcus' affairs?

"A pleasure to meet you all. Especially you, Lucien Luciferon." It sounded like a feminine voice. It spoke softly and regarded his name with apparent curiosity.

Talo apologized with a chuckle, "You must excuse him. Lucien is a bit indisposed."

"The Kingdom of Cassun has demonstrated their strength; we have been underestimating them. Aside from the elven princess, there are capable entities strong enough to slay Draxis. My spy has informed me that a human among them possesses an enchanted sword capable of cutting through dragon scale." Amadeus spoke with courteousness that was in stark contrast to when he spoke to Lucien. 

Talo added, "This human boy does not appear to be of Darcien descent. No records of an 'Itsookee' in any township of the Republic."

"Could he have hailed from Felucia or Grennadier? Perhaps even further away?" Fenris asked.

"I'm afraid I don't know. His sword is of no make I've ever seen anywhere. Perhaps he's from another world." Talo joked, but his smile quickly wrinkled into a frown when he looked up at the figure behind Lucien.

Two dark hands with long black nails planted themselves on Lucien's shoulders. Their fingers tapped in rhythm one after another, from pinky to index without missing a beat.

"Another world may not be so outrageous," The silky voice said. It was closer this time, as though the mouth spoke right above Lucien's head. "My magisters and I are looking into it. Perhaps we may draw a hero ourselves?"

"And as payment for your services?" Amadeus was almost hesitant to ask.

"We have no need for wealth, but our experiments require… assistance. Of which we have a difficult time finding willing participants for."

The others around the room grimaced, but Amadeus complied in the end. "Rathira will act as my proxy and see to the arrangements."

A purple-haired succubus appeared behind the desk and bowed, giving Lucien a wink as she returned upright. Unlike the other succubi slaves, she wore no chain. Instead, she was dressed in revealing gold and silver robes that clung close to flawless skin. That her wings weren't clipped and no scars blemished her skin meant this was no ordinary succubus.

"Thank you." The Headmaster's hands squeezed Lucien's shoulders. It was then he noticed a speck of mana burn on their wrist. "May our accord be fruitful and everlasting. Until next time, Lucien."

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