Hot Springs Brigade!

Chapter 6.1 – What Comes…

The cover art is up! The readers have voted, and it is Vic and Piper who graces us!

It's been a whole day since their journey into the Oaken Wealds, leaving behind the warm embrace of the Royal Cassun. They were fortunate the biting cold only proved to be an inconvenience. Thanks to Eve's fire magic and Sarrul's tonics, their party was able to persevere through the frigid landscape with relative ease and minor discomfort.

Itsuki and Maya took point. Despite the Guildmaster's warnings of dangerous monsters, they scarcely came across anything larger than a boar. And since they were in no short supply of rations, there was little incentive to hunt.

Their greatest challenge was not the harsh environment or threat of monsters as they initially believed, it was... 


STONES… Stones… stones...

Itsuki's echo drowned into the vast sea of oaks that surrounded them.

"We've been walking… and walking… and haven't seen a damn thing. How are we even supposed to know we're near one?"

"I've been focusing on detecting magic, but my senses are coming up empty." Eve raised her staff and incanted a spell. A wave of green energy rippled out from her, but she shook her head in defeat. "Again, nothing."

"I wonder if the other groups… are having trouble as well."

Sarrul fared better than the rest of them. Be it a strong mind or a lack of urgency, he did not mind their lack of progress and was simply content to follow. Despite his scrawny constitution, he stood taller than all three of them.

Perhaps it wasn't so strange he had assimilated into the group so quickly. It might have been his reclusive personality, but Maya wouldn't stop insisting that they were just too dumb for him to take interest. Regardless of his reasons, he was more than eager to join them. To Itsuki, their new half-dragon companion fit the bill perfectly in their group of eccentric misfits.

Itsuki managed to convince the alchemist to join their group before anyone else poached him. Although his expertise in alchemy proved valuable, his combat experience was even more impressive. In addition to being an alchemist, he had also trained under the Court of Magisters in the Republic of Darcie for a number of years. 

As such, he was able to conjure magic without the use of a focusing element. A feat even their native-born Eve could not claim. Itsuki wasn't all too sure what weight that carried in this world, but Eve assured him that Sarrul may be the single greatest asset to the Adventurer's Guild.

Yet as capable and prepared as each of them were, their lives were still at the mercy of nature. It was nothing short of a stroke of luck that they were not buried in snow. The evening prior to their departure, the Oaken Wealds were slammed by a flash blizzard. The entire forest became blanketed in a layer of slush that made their trek slow and arduous.

Maya plunged a knife into a tree and tied a piece of cloth to it. She had been doing this since they left the Royal Cassun. "Guildmaster said we'd know when we see it, but that's so vague."

Itsuki just wanted to go back and see Deena. Maybe he could quit the guild and become a staff at the Royal Cassun again. It was so much easier just servicing people, and he wouldn't have to worry about mortal danger working under Vic.

He shook his head. A great shame washed over him. That would just make him a coward. How could he expect to stand beside Deena if he quit at the first sign of trouble. There was also Butch. Itsuki had to continue this path for his sake, otherwise his sacrifice would have been for nothing.

They were still very early into the second day, but that meant today was the last day to find a stone. Their optimism at the start of the journey quickly began to dwindle with the sun cresting overhead. If they hadn't seen anything yet, how were they to find one today?

Maya put a hand up to stop the group. "Do you guys hear that?"

"S-sorry! It was probably my stomach…" Eve was about to pull something out of her sack but Sarrul motioned for her to stop.

Some ways ahead of Itsuki, a mound of snow slipped off a branch and plummeted to the ground. He couldn't see or hear what his elven companion had caught onto. Her ears twitched, and her eyes slowly scanned the trees.

"Eve, I need you to detect magic and tell me if you sense anything."

Their mage raised her staff into the air and let loose a pulse of energy again. "I have something! It's… above?"


"Above us! MOVE!"

The four of them dove away as something slammed into the snow where they were just standing. Snow and dirt were kicked into the air from the impact. As the debris settled, they saw a large humanoid creature glaring back at them.

It had fur all over its body, and blue-tinted skin where there wasn't. The creature pounded its chest and roared. Packs of snow fell all around them, loosened from the trees they clung to.


Sarrul took cover behind a large stone and manifested three golden spears. "Please leave the eyes intact… they are valuable alchemical ingredients."

"Now's not the time for that, you stupid half-dragon!" Maya launched a flurry of knives at the yeti but did little in penetrating its thick coat.

Eve hadn't gotten up yet. Itsuki pulled her to her feet but she winced in pain. "I think… I twisted my ankle."

The yeti saw the incapacitated duo. It roared again, and lunged to attack.

"Itsuki, leave me!"

"No chance." He reached for his sword, and then— 


⚔ ⚔ ⚔


Two days ago, in front of the Royal Cassun…

It took no more than two strikes to knock Itsuki to the ground. He fell onto his butt for the thirteenth time today, but impressively got back to his feet after every defeat.

"Your footwork is sloppy. The way you hold your sword is sloppy. You have too many openings when you go in for a hit. Are you even trying?"

"There's just no way… you're just playing with me at this point."

"If I went easy, you would never learn."

Vic watched as he picked up his training sword and readied for the next fight. He was caked in dirt and sweat from head to toe, panting like he'd just run a marathon and yet he still had the will to get up.

"Yah!" Itsuki charged forward.

He had the tip of the blade pointed straight. It was a lunging strike. He must have known getting too close would instantly put him to the ground. Making use of the weapon's length, was the smartest thing to do against an opponent with shorter weapons. Unfortunately…

She sidestepped him, grabbed the blade with her bare hands, and swept his leg out from under him. Itsuki fell face first into the mud with a filthy splat.

"Pppuuuh— bleh."

"That time was fine, but you've got to be ready to forfeit an attack if your opponent's already read you."

"But you grabbed the sword! You wouldn't do that if this was a real blade."

"One day you may be fighting things stronger than me. They won't be afraid of a little papercut."

"I feel like I've learned nothing but how the dirt tastes."

"That's not true." Vic pulled him to his feet. "We improve little by little, not in strides."

"Have I improved?"

"Well… somewhat."


"Which is better than not at all. Pick up your sword."

He picked up the wooden sword and brushed the dirt from it.

"Not that one."

"You want me to get my longsword?"

"Do you wield anything else?"

Itsuki retrieved his weapon from the nearby bench and tried to pull it out.

"Wait… it's not budging."

"Moisture in cold climates will do that. If you can't keep it warm, keep it oiled."

He eventually pulled it out of the sheath with great effort. "I'll keep that in mind…"

The key to his strength lies in the sword's innate magic. She wasn't exactly sure what it was enchanted with, but if it has divine magic from a god as he claimed then he needed to master it.

"You're not getting your swords?"

"No. Remember when you unleashed the power in your sword last time?"

"Sort of… I don't exactly know how to invoke it."

"What I want you to do is stand there and slash in my direction."

"As in… just keep swinging?"


"I… okay…"

He started taking swings. Of course, nothing happened but he did so nonetheless. Vic suspected this would happen.

"So, you and Deena are getting pretty close"

"Eh?? What makes you say that?"

"Don't stop swinging." Maybe he needed a trigger. "You two snuck off to one of the VIP hot springs."

"I… don't know what you're talking about!"

"Please, you really think that was going to escape my notice?"

"Sorry. We just wanted to find a private place to talk."

"I'll let it slide, but there won't be a next time."


"You think you have what it takes to be with Deena?"

His breathing was getting ragged, his swings weaker. "Maybe not right now, but I'll get stronger."

"You can't even be strong for yourself. What makes you think you deserve her?"

"I can get better…"

"What if you can't?"

"I will!"

Vic thought her eyes were deceiving her.  Falling snow was coalescing around his sword. 


lightning burst from the swing. She nearly dodged too late. The crackling energy cut through the field and destroyed a tree behind her, showering them with charcoal.

"S-sorry! I didn't mean to!"

"Don't apologize. That's what we were trying to achieve." Vic chuckled. The kid managed to knock her off her feet after all. "We'll call it."

"That's it?"

"There's supposed to be a passing squall tonight."

"A what?"

"A blizzard. It's a strong one so stay indoors if you don't want to be blown into the canyon."

"Will we be safe inside?"

"The Royal Cassun is protected by a powerful barrier courtesy of Taisha and Piper. It's a normal thing during the winter season."

He hadn't noticed his knuckles turned white clutching the sword. As the blood drained from his hands the cold began to set in. "I wish I knew how to make that happen again."

She brushed the grime from her clothes and picked a piece of bark from her hair. "Just think about someone you like."

"I can't tell if you're serious?"

"Can't promise it'll work 100% of the time."

"How much do you think?"

"I give it a hard 20%."

"Those aren't good odds." He sheathed his longsword and sighed deeply.

Vic and Itsuki entered the Royal Cassun. A few people lingered about the lobby. Some of the guests greeted her as she returned. She took off her shoes and placed it beside the great hearth. Itsuki joined her, and put his hands by the crackling bonfire.

"This hearth wasn't in the original construction plans for the Royal Cassun." Vic took a seat and put her hands out, too. "It's chilly in Arabor all year round. Even during the summers. What better way to welcome travelers than a gigantic hearth to warm you right up?"

"I could fall asleep just sitting here."

"You worried about the excursion?"

"I'd be lying if I said I wasn't. I've never hiked in my life, let alone explore the wilderness in search of magic stones."

"You look like you have reliable teammates. Trust in them."

"Hey, uh… weird question. Are your swords made from demon hearts and tempered in dragonfire?"

"Where did you pull that out of?"

"Just rumors I heard."

"Sorry to disappoint you. Rend and Flay are forged from steel. They were, however, tempered in magical fire."

"And have you ever killed a manticore?"

"Plenty. Deena and I go hunting for them every autumn. Where are you getting these questions from?"

"My roommates were gushing over you after you visited the other day. It's like you're some sort of hero."

Vic scratched her horns. Not because they were aching or itchy this time around, but she felt embarrassed to be called a hero. 

"I work in a resort that borders uncharted territories filled with large and terrifying beasts. Rumors about me are inevitable." She couldn't exactly tell him that she was an agent of the Kingdom.

"Fair enough. Some did turn out to be true."

"Don't believe everything you hear."

Itsuki got to his feet. Specks of dried mud fell from his person. He turned to Vic with an apologetic whimper.

"I'll take care of it."

"I'm going to go meet up with Eve and Maya to get dinner. Thanks for the training sesh, Vic."

"No problem. Try the smoked dire bear flank. It's one of my signatures."

"Will do!" Itsuki hesitated to leave. "Any advice dealing with dangerous creatures?"

"Hmmm. Be aggressive. If you're unrelenting, you'll wear down her defenses eventually. That's when you tell her she's cute." Vic smirked.

Itsuki nearly tripped over himself. "I'm not talking about Deena!"

"Monsters don't think in battle. Your greatest weapon is up here." She tapped the side of her skull.

Vic watched something click in Itsuki's head. He threw a thumb's up and ran off into the west wing. Maybe the fire was getting to her, but she thought he had grown just a bit more today.

⚔ ⚔ ⚔

"Vic! Vic, wake up!"


Vic rubbed the crust from her eyes and saw that she had fallen asleep by the hearth. She looked up to find Aura shaking her.

"Goodness. You will catch a cold from sleeping out here."

"By the fire?"

"Even so, it is unbecoming of the proprietress to be seen sleeping on the job. Come now! We must speak."

Aura gathered the staff downstairs. The others were just as perplexed as Vic but humored the Princess anyway.

"It has come to my attention that… well, ahem." Aura fell to her knees and clung to Vic and Deena. "I simply cannot leave my fledglings out there all by themselves!"

"Wha— whaddya want us to do about it?"

"I know both of you venture into the Oaken Wealds on occasion. Will you please help me keep them safe?"

It was a pitiable sight for the Princess of Cassun to be groveling. Vic had always known Aura to be stoic if not mildly haughty.

"Even if you're pleading us to, we have the Royal Cassun to look after."

"In the first place, is this really a test if you're just going to baby them?"

"It is the guildmaster's duty to see to her members' safety."

"What are you? Their overprotective mother?"

"Might as well have them call you Guildmaster Mama…"

"Oh, I rather like the sound of that."

Deena pried Aura away from her waistcoat. "No matter how you look at it, it's unreasonable to ask us to abandon our post."

"If I must stoop low to petty bribery… how does one gold bar sound?"

"Deal." She mentally smacked herself. "Wait, no! You can't bribe me with that. I've got an alchemist to make gold for me now!"

Taisha groaned. "You did not ask Sarrul to transmute gold for you."

"I so did!"

"It's a terribly inefficient process."

"Ladies, we are discussing the safety of my adorable flock of children?"

Vic knew the biggest problem was Piper. There was, or so they believe, a necromancer skulking about. Their absence would also mean Taisha had to take care of the Royal Cassun alone for two days.

"This would've been a non-issue with Legion…"

"Quite! You stand to benefit from this more than any of us. Keeping Sarrul safe ensures that he can continue working to find a cure."

"Don't spin this around like you're doing us a favor. It's completely to your benefit."

"I will do anything! Please! I just want them to be safe. I'll even go with you."

"That's where I draw the line. If the King hears I let you leave the kingdom, he'll have my head."

"I would never jeopardize my sweet Vic!"

"I don't see why not."

Everyone turned their attention to Taisha who was the first to support Aura's selfish request.

"You and Deena have your fun, keep the Princess and her Guild safe. Piper and I will be fine here."

"That's a lot of work we're leaving you two."

"We'll manage. Right, Piper?"

"Yes! I'll look after Valor while you're gone. I'll even sing to him in your place."

Now everyone looked at Vic. "You sing?"

"Piper… our secret?"

"Oop! Sorry!"

Vic fell onto the couch and tried to rub away an inevitable headache. With the exception of Aura, the girls seemed perfectly fine whichever way this went. And yet, they wanted her final say. Times like this she wished she was just another grunt. It was easier to turn off her brain and take orders.

She was reminded of her mentor— a commander and instructor back at the Cassun Academy, he always asked for her opinion on matters as serious or as mundane like how short he should trim his beard. Where he lacked in formalities, he made up for in tactical clarity and undying loyalty of his subordinates.

Vic decided to take a lesson from her mentor's book. She asked her Vice Captain first, "What do you say?"

Taisha shrugged her wings and put an arm around Piper. "With the Guild gone, that's work we don't need to focus on. The VIPs are few, and I can manage both floors while Piper takes care of the cooking and laundry."

"Piper, you won't make the soups too salty this time?"

"No, ma'am. Light on the salt, roger!"


"I'm kinda down to see what the Guild's capable of." She cracked her fists together. "Besides, I've been itching to kill something."

She echoed Deena's sentiments. Her heart burned with anticipation at the thought of getting into a real fight. There was no shortage of that in the Wealds. Having her father come to her rescue put into perspective how much she still needed to train. It's been some time since she had thought of herself as weak.

Is this how Itsuki was feeling?

"Haha… pffahahaha!"

"Captain's lost it."

"Vic, what's wrong?"

"Ahaha… It's nothing. I just realized I gave Deena's boyfriend a pep talk when it was me who needed it the most."

"My boyfriend…? HEY, WAIT A MINUTE!"

"We'll take you up on that offer. If anything happens at the Royal Cassun, don't hesitate to send a signal."

"Of course."

"And, Piper. Taisha is second in command, so she is captain in my absence."

"Yes, Captain! Er… Captains!"

Taisha wiped a tear from Aura's cheek. "Aren't you glad? The Guild is in safe hands now."

"Thank you. Thank you all so much!"

"This conversation ain't over, Captain. I got a bone to pick with you!!"


⚔ ⚔ ⚔


Itsuki took his hand away from the hilt of his sword and instead reached for a vial Sarrul had given him earlier. 

Like an avalanche, the Yeti threw its entire weight into the strike. It impacted the ground so hard it shook the ground. It lifted its fist expecting a bloody mess, but Itsuk and Eve had slid under its legs.

"Eve, now!"


Itsuki shattered the vial at the yeti's feet. Black crystals swelled and expanded, sullying its pristine white fur. Eve slammed the red-gemmed side of her staff onto the ground. Streaks of fire wrapped around the yeti's legs and ignited the crystals.

"You may want to stand back…" Sarrul flicked his hand as though swatting a fly.

Itsuki grabbed Eve and dove away as three golden spears impaled the yeti, soiling the snow around it with blood. It reached out to grab him, but ethereal chains attached to the spears held it in place.

"And for the climax!"

From the cluster of trees, Maya unleashed another barrage of knives at the yeti. These were different. This time, the knives stuck. A black haze clung to the air around it. They buried deep into its exposed flesh. She twirled one last knife and loosed it at the yeti. It ignited mid-flight, and as it hit…

An explosion rocked the field, showering them with mud and snow. Itsuki barely made it out of range. He had to pat away the embers on his back.

"Did we do it?"

It was hard to see. Dust and steam shrouded the area, but the smell of burnt flesh was apparent.

"We did it!" Eve tackled Itsuki with a hug. "Yay!"

But Itsuki saw what she didn't. The towering silhouette was still standing. No. It was charging towards them.

"Eve, move!"


An arrow plunged into the yeti's eye, stopping it in its tracks.

Then another explosion knocked them off their feet a second time. Itsuki looked up to see smoke billowing from its head. It took another step before collapsing to the ground just a mere feet from him. 


Itsuki helped Eve to her feet just as Rust revealed himself from the hill. He had his bow out. It was clear he had just saved them.

Three other half-demons emerged from the same direction. One in particular floated in air. A crimson-haired woman with a mask over her face pointed at the defeated yeti, lifting it from the ground.

"Shade, find the stone." Rust ordered without taking his eyes off Itsuki.

Maya and Sarrul joined them in time to see the yeti's corpse being torn limb from limb by an unseen force.

"That's our kill, you bitch!" Maya slung a knife at the airborne half-demon. She intended it to be a warning shot, but the knife froze momentarily before being fired back at the elf's feet.

"You're mistaken. We dealt the killing blow."

Shade looked like she was conducting a symphony. As her hands moved, so too did parts of the yeti's body until finally a glowing blue stone emerged from its chest. It floated into her palm.

"Please, give that back. We almost died for it!" Eve took an aggressive stance, pointing her staff at the group of half-demons.

"You would have died if it weren't for us." Rust nocked an arrow. "We're taking this, but if you want to fight—"

"No, just take it." Itsuki stepped between the two.

"Are you crazy? We fought for that and you're going to let them run off with it?"

"There's probably others out there, and we still have half a day left. It's fine."

Maya threw her hands in the air and walked off in the other direction. Sarrul followed after her once he finished collecting the yeti's remaining intact eye.

"That might be the first smart thing you've ever done in your life, human."

Rust and his party disappeared over the hill. Shade glanced back and nodded. She tossed him a small leather pouch, in it was a few gold coins. Whether in apology or pity, Itsuki didn't know. 

"Was that really okay??"

"Yeah. There's no point getting into a fight. Besides, there are probably still other stones out there."

"Maya didn't look happy at all…"

"She's probably going to take it out on me." He shoved the pouch into his pocket. "Sorry. The stone was ours, I shouldn't have made an executive decision like that. I just didn't want anyone to get hurt."

Eve shook her head. "You made the right call. Maya will come to understand."

"I hope so."

They caught back up to the other two. Maya had stormed off quite some ways away. It didn't take long for him to realize that she was following her knives back to the Royal Cassun.

"We're going back already?"

"What's the point? You're just going to forfeit the next stone we find."

He ran ahead and put his arms out to block her way. "I'm sorry. I really am. But duking it out with another party isn't going to get us anywhere."

"I stopped caring. Guildmaster said it herself, it doesn't matter if we go back empty handed. I'd rather spend the rest of my day warm than trudging through snow."

"It won't matter to her, but it does to us."

"Oh, ha-ha! Coming from the guy who just gave away the stone."

Maya tried to step around him, but he moved to block her way each time.

"I will stab you." She put her hand on a blade that was more of a long needle than a dagger.

"Do it. I probably deserve it. But I made a promise to myself to be stronger. For those better than me, for someone I like, and for someone who isn't here anymore. I wasted away my past life, I won't waste away this one. Even if it means making the hard decisions."

He felt like digging a hole to hide in. That was the most embarrassing thing he's ever said, but he meant it. He'd already lived a worthless life. Not this time.

"Tch. Some fucking hero." She spun around and started walking the opposite way. "What are you waiting for? Stones aren't finding themselves."

Itsuki breathed a sigh of relief. "I thought you were actually going to stab me…"

"Don't count yourself out yet."

⚔ ⚔ ⚔

The trio came to a clearing in the forest. The sun was still high, midday clouds had cleared and the open canopy revealed a blue sky. There were only two more groups to check in with— Rust's and Itsuki's. 

"P-p-perhaps I should have stayed back, and let the two of you do the checking…" Aura had both hands under her armpits. Despite several layers of wool and a firestone to ward off the cold, it seems the harsh environment has cut through her defenses nonetheless.

"It ain't even chilly. I could live out here and be fine."

"I am… not used to such freezing climates! When I get back… I am g-going to sit in the hot spring for the rest of the evening."

Vic took notice of something glinting on a tree. Upon closer inspection it was a familiar throwing knife, and tied to it was a piece of cloth.

"Watcha looking at?"

"I think this belongs to Maya. One of Itsuki's teammates."

"Oh! Do you suppose we will track them down following these?"

"We wouldn't know if we're going in the return or forward direction. Maybe the tracks—"

A pack of dire wolves darted into the clearing at full sprint. Eleven hounds were headed right at them.


"Princess, behind me!"

Vic summoned her swords preparing to fight, but the beasts made a wide berth around them.


More animals came running south. The ground trembled at their stampede. Not just the wolves, but deer, rabbits, bears, a duo of manticore as well.

Deena's muscles tightened even more. "You think it's a demon?"

"If it is, the guild members are in trouble. We'll have to go back for them."

"No, it is not a demon." They turned around to see Aura crouched, clutching her head in agony. "Nnnh… something else… the surge of mana is extraordinary. It is like…"

The forests around them suddenly went dark.

"Oh, come on. Who turned off the lights—"

"Up there!" Aura pointed beyond the canopy.

It wasn't that night had fallen. Something had blocked the sun. A large shadow was cast over the Oaken Wealds. But just as quickly as it had come, light returned to them. The sun blinding their eyes as the shadow departed.

"Were those… it had wings…? Here of all places?" Aura squeaked out in disbelief.

Vic swallowed hard. There was only one thing that could soar so high and cast an enormous shadow across the forest. If her eyes didn't deceive her, the dragon had pitch black scales. She looked at her half-dragon companion.

"Hehe…" Deena's tail swung back and forth like a dog finding a new toy. "It's him…"

"Deena, we need to get back to the Royal Cassun. Send word to the King and prepare for an invasion."

"You go." She grinned, baring her teeth and claws. Reason had left her eyes, replaced with fury and bloodlust. "I'm going to tear a lizard's throat open."

"As your commanding officer, I order you to stop!" Her words fell on deaf ears. Deena took off on all fours, racing in the direction of the dragon.

"A dragon… but Orcus is… could this be an invasion…?"

"Aura! Stop her!" Vic shook Aura out of her daze.

"My apologies! I just… I could not believe my eyes…"

"Taisha and Piper are still back at the Royal Cassun. We're ill-equipped to take on a dragon unless the four of us are together."

"But it looked like it took an angled approach? Perhaps it is not heading directly for the Royal Cassun?"

"I have to go help Deena otherwise she'll get herself killed. I don't want to leave you alone, but can I trust you to make it back yourself?"

Aura nodded. "Before you go…"

"Not yet. Return with the other two and then give us the Command."

"Very well. Be safe, Captain."

"And you, Princess."

⚔ ⚔ ⚔

It has been a few hours since Itsuki and his party resumed their excursion. There was little luck in finding more creatures to hunt. Strangely, the forest has been quiet ever since they encountered the yeti. Eve had trouble detecting magic in the area as well. She described it as some sort of interference

"Is it possible that the stones of power… have all been found?"

"Maybe we should head back after all?"

The group came down to a ravine where its narrow stream had frozen over. From where they stood, the slope was too steep to climb. They would need to turn around to get to the top.

Maya grabbed onto a branch and lowered herself onto the frozen stream. "Is that… I think I see someone."

"I see it, too!" Itsuki rushed ahead of the group.

It was the half-demon girl from Rust's party. The same one that used her telekinetic ability to take the stone of power from them. The others had caught up and came to the same conclusion. 

"The girl from earlier. Shade, right?" Itsuki scanned their surroundings but couldn't find any signs of her teammates.

She had burn wounds over the entire right side of her body. It was as though she were hit by a fireball.

Eve bent down to administer healing magic. "This is horrible… what could've done this?"

"Argh—!" The girl returned to consciousness clutching Eve's wrist.

"Calm down! I'll have you healed right away!"

"No… time… you've got to help the Rust. The others… they're still up there fighting."

"What are they fighting? What did this to you?"

"A… dr… " Her grasp fell away from Eve's hand.

"Is she…?

Eve shook her head. "She's lost consciousness. What do we do?"

"We help them." Itsuki grabbed the hilt of his sword.

"I say we leave her." Maya started walking away. "They want the stones of power so bad, let them fight it. We'll come in after they've dealt with it like they did to us."

"Maya, please. They're fellow guild members. We should be helping each other."

"Like they 'helped' us?"

"Couldn't you see how terrified she was? What if this thing they're fighting isn't part of Aura's test? They could be in real danger."

"Good. Maybe they can learn a lesson in treating others with respect."

"They might not learn that lesson if we leave them to die."

"I don't get you." She turned around and pointed at Shade. "Those guys wouldn't bat an eye if you were in the same boat."

"That's fine! I'm not like them. It's up to us to be better than that."


"Eve, Sarrul? Are you two with me?"

"The Oaken Wealds is a treasure trove of alchemical ingredients… I shall follow."

"You'll need a mage's help to fight what's up there!"

Itsuki took one last pleading look at Maya, but she wouldn't even glance his way.

⚔ ⚔ ⚔

They settled on applying a healing poultice directly to Shade's wounds and preserve Eve's mana for a battle. The three of them circled back around the ravine, pulling themselves up by overgrown branches. Each step upon loose soil risked a dangerous fall. More importantly, delay their rescue.

Sarrul was the first to reach the top. He helped Itsuki up, and they each gave Eve a hand to pull her the rest of the way. 

The top of the ravine was shrouded in a thick haze of mist and smoke. They couldn't see more than each other's backs. It was also disturbingly silent. There was no sound of battle. No clash of steel or sound of a monster's growl.

Eve leveled her staff in front of her. "I can clear the way—"

"Allow me."

A powerful gust battered them. Itsuki caught Eve as she fell backwards. When the gale subsided and visibility returned to them, Eve and Sarrul took a step back. Their eyes wide with fear and recognition under the shadow of this behemoth. 

"No way… it can't be… why is he here?" Eve choked on her own spit.

"There is only one dragon with scales… as black as the abyss." Sarrul gulped, the vials on his belt clattered against his trembling waist.

"Draxis," Eve uttered in both reverence and dread. "Harbinger of Calamities."

The dragon turned its head towards them. Magnificent wings stretched out to engulf them like night itself. Yellow eyes bore down on them like two suns. Rows upon rows of teeth the size of shortswords lined the length of its jaws. It lurched forward with a massive trunk of a leg. Each step shaking the ground beneath them.

Itsuki thought he felt terror when he was face to face with the cockatrice. Now he was standing underneath a living monstrosity that could crush him like an insect. He felt only despair.

"Vermin. Scream if you like. Your adrenaline sweetens the meat."

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